SH(1P) - phpMan

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cPanel::PublicAPI::Utils (3pm) - Provides some internally used utility functi...
. (1)                - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
: (1)                - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
Error (3pm)          - Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
LOAD (7)             - load a shared library file
MD2 (3ssl)           - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD4 (3ssl)           - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD5 (3ssl)           - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MDC2 (3ssl)          - MDC2 hash function
RIPEMD160 (3ssl)     - RIPEMD-160 hash function
SHA1 (3ssl)          - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA224 (3ssl)        - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA256 (3ssl)        - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA384 (3ssl)        - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA512 (3ssl)        - Secure Hash Algorithm
[ (1)                - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
alias (1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
ALTER_GROUP (7)      - change role name or membership
auvirt (8)           - a program that shows data related to virtual machines
B::Showlex (3pm)     - Show lexical variables used in functions or files
base (3pm)           - Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at com...
bash (1)             - GNU Bourne-Again SHell
bashbug (1)          - report a bug in bash
bashbug-64 (1)       - report a bug in bash
beep (3x)            - curses bell and screen flash routines
BF_cbc_encrypt (3ssl) - Blowfish encryption
BF_cfb64_encrypt (3ssl) - Blowfish encryption
BF_decrypt (3ssl)    - Blowfish encryption
BF_ecb_encrypt (3ssl) - Blowfish encryption
BF_encrypt (3ssl)    - Blowfish encryption
BF_ofb64_encrypt (3ssl) - Blowfish encryption
BF_options (3ssl)    - Blowfish encryption
BF_set_key (3ssl)    - Blowfish encryption
bg (1)               - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
bind (1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
BIO_flush (3ssl)     - BIO control operations
BIO_push (3ssl)      - add and remove BIOs from a chain.
BIO_should_io_special (3ssl) - BIO retry functions
BIO_should_read (3ssl) - BIO retry functions
BIO_should_retry (3ssl) - BIO retry functions
BIO_should_write (3ssl) - BIO retry functions
BIO_shutdown_wr (3ssl) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_ssl_shutdown (3ssl) - SSL BIO
blowfish (3ssl)      - Blowfish encryption
BN_lshift (3ssl)     - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_lshift1 (3ssl)    - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_rshift (3ssl)     - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_rshift1 (3ssl)    - bit operations on BIGNUMs
break (1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
bridge (8)           - show / manipulate bridge addresses and devices
brushtopbm (1)       - convert a doodle brush file into a PBM image
btrfs-show-super (8) - query various internal information
builtin (1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
builtins (1)         - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
cacertdir_rehash (8) - simple script to create or update hash links to certif...
caller (1)           - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
capsh (1)            - capability shell wrapper
cd (1)               - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
CGI::Push (3pm)      - Simple Interface to Server Push
chgrp (1)            - change group ownership
chroot (1)           - run command or interactive shell with special root dir...
chsh (1)             - change your login shell
collectd-threshold (5) - Documentation of collectd's Threshold plugin
command (1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
compgen (1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
complete (1)         - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
compopt (1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
CONF_modules_finish (3ssl) - OpenSSL configuration cleanup functions
Config::Extensions (3pm) - hash lookup of which core extensions were built.
continue (1)         - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle (3pm) - distribution class for installation snapshots
CPANPLUS::Shell (3pm) - base class for CPANPLUS shells
CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic (3pm) - emulation for CPANPLUS
CPANPLUS::Shell::Default (3pm) - the default CPANPLUS shell
CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Cu... (3pm) - add custom sources to CPANPLUS
CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::HOWTO (3pm) - - documentation on how to wr...
CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::Re... (3pm) - connect to a remote CPANPLUS
CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::So... (3pm) - read in CPANPLUS commands
cpupower (1)         - Shows and sets processor power related values
cpupower-info (1)    - Shows processor power related kernel or hardware confi...
CRYPTO_THREADID_hash (3ssl) - OpenSSL thread support
curl_share_cleanup (3) - Clean up a shared object
curl_share_init (3)  - Create a shared object
curl_share_setopt (3) - Set options for a shared object
curl_share_strerror (3) - return string describing error code
curs_beep (3x)       - curses bell and screen flash routines
curs_get_wch (3x)    - get (or push back) a wide character from curses termin...
curs_getch (3x)      - get (or push back) characters from curses terminal key...
curs_print (3x)      - ship binary data to printer
curs_refresh (3x)    - refresh curses windows and lines
curs_touch (3x)      - curses refresh control routines
cvs.csh (5)          - C shell log-in script for CVS users (5)           - Bourne shell log-in script for CVS users
Date::Manip::Lang::danish (3pm) - Danish language support.
Date::Manip::Lang::english (3pm) - English language support.
Date::Manip::Lang::finnish (3pm) - Finnish language support.
Date::Manip::Lang::polish (3pm) - Polish language support.
Date::Manip::Lang::spanish (3pm) - Spanish language support.
Date::Manip::Lang::swedish (3pm) - Swedish language support.
Date::Manip::Lang::turkish (3pm) - Turkish language support.
DateTime::Locale::en_Shaw (3pm) - (unknown subject)
DateTime::Locale::sh (3pm) - (unknown subject)
DateTime::Locale::sh_BA (3pm) - (unknown subject)
DateTime::Locale::sh_CS (3pm) - (unknown subject)
DateTime::Locale::sh_YU (3pm) - (unknown subject)
db_hotbackup (1)     - Create "hot backup" or "hot failover" snapshots
DBD::Gofer::Policy::rush (3pm) - The 'rush' policy for DBD::Gofer
declare (1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
def_shell_mode (3x)  - low-level curses routines
def_shell_mode_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
devlink-sb (8)       - devlink shared buffer configuration
Digest::HMAC (3pm)   - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
Digest::HMAC_MD5 (3pm) - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
Digest::HMAC_SHA1 (3pm) - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
Digest::SHA (3pm)    - Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512
dirs (1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
disown (1)           - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
dnsdomainname (1)    - show the system's DNS domain name
domainname (1)       - show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
doupdate (3x)        - refresh curses windows and lines
doveadm-auth (1)     - Flush/lookup/test authentication data
doveadm-help (1)     - Show information about doveadm commands
doveadm-penalty (1)  - Show current penalties
doveadm-pw (1)       - Dovecot's password hash generator
doveadm-quota (1)    - Initialize/recalculate or show current quota usage
doveadm-search (1)   - Show a list of mailbox GUIDs and message UIDs matching...
doveadm-who (1)      - Show who is logged in to the Dovecot server
dpkg-statoverride (1) - override ownership and mode of files
dracut-shutdown.service (8) - unpack the initramfs to /run/initramfs
enable (1)           - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
English (3pm)        - use nice English (or awk) names for ugly punctuation v...
envsubst (1)         - substitutes environment variables in shell format strings
eval (1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
EVP_PKEY_derive (3ssl) - derive public key algorithm shared secret.
EVP_PKEY_derive_init (3ssl) - derive public key algorithm shared secret.
EVP_PKEY_derive_set_peer (3ssl) - derive public key algorithm shared secret.
EVP_sha (3ssl)       - EVP digest routines
EVP_sha1 (3ssl)      - EVP digest routines
EVP_sha224 (3ssl)    - EVP digest routines
EVP_sha256 (3ssl)    - EVP digest routines
EVP_sha384 (3ssl)    - EVP digest routines
EVP_sha512 (3ssl)    - EVP digest routines
exec (1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
exit (1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
EXPLAIN (7)          - show the execution plan of a statement
export (1)           - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
fc (1)               - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
fc-conflist (1)      - Show the ruleset files information on the system
fc-pattern (1)       - parse and show pattern
FcBlanksIsMember (3) - Query membership in an FcBlanks
FcLangSetHash (3)    - return a hash value for a langset
FcMatrixShear (3)    - Shear a matrix
FcPatternHash (3)    - Compute a pattern hash value
FcStrSetMember (3)   - check set for membership
fg (1)               - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
File::LckPwdF (3pm)  - Lock and unlock the passwd and shadow files with lckpw...
Filter::sh (3pm)     - sh source filter
fipshmac (8)         - create FIPS-140-2 validation checksum files
flash (3x)           - curses bell and screen flash routines
flash_sp (3x)        - curses screen-pointer extension
flock (1)            - manage locks from shell scripts
flush (n)            - Flush buffered output for a channel
flushinp (3x)        - miscellaneous curses utility routines
flushinp_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
freshclam (1)        - update virus databases
freshclam.conf (5)   - Configuration file for Clam AntiVirus database update ...
get_wch (3x)         - get (or push back) a wide character from curses termin...
getch (3x)           - get (or push back) characters from curses terminal key...
getopts (1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
git-blame (1)        - Show what revision and author last modified each line ...
git-describe (1)     - Show the most recent tag that is reachable from a commit
git-diff (1)         - Show changes between commits, commit and working tree,...
git-difftool (1)     - Show changes using common diff tools
git-hash-object (1)  - Compute object ID and optionally creates a blob from a...
git-http-push (1)    - Push objects over HTTP/DAV to another repository
git-log (1)          - Show commit logs
git-ls-files (1)     - Show information about files in the index and the work...
git-mailinfo (1)     - Extracts patch and authorship from a single e-mail mes...
git-merge-tree (1)   - Show three-way merge without touching index
git-mergetool--lib (1) - Common Git merge tool shell scriptlets
git-push (1)         - Update remote refs along with associated objects
git-receive-pack (1) - Receive what is pushed into the repository
git-send-pack (1)    - Push objects over Git protocol to another repository
git-sh-i18n (1)      - Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts
git-sh-i18n--envsubst (1) - Git's own envsubst(1) for i18n fallbacks
git-sh-setup (1)     - Common Git shell script setup code
git-shell (1)        - Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access
git-shortlog (1)     - Summarize 'git log' output
git-show (1)         - Show various types of objects
git-show-branch (1)  - Show branches and their commits
git-show-index (1)   - Show packed archive index
git-show-ref (1)     - List references in a local repository
git-stash (1)        - Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away
git-status (1)       - Show the working tree status
git-var (1)          - Show a Git logical variable
git-whatchanged (1)  - Show logs with difference each commit introduces
gpasswd (1)          - administer /etc/group and /etc/gshadow
grpconv (8)          - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
grpunconv (8)        - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
grub2-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 (1) - Generate a PBKDF2 password hash.
grub2-setpassword (8) - Generate the user.cfg file containing the hashed grub...
gshadow (5)          - shadowed group file
gvimdiff (1)         - edit two, three or four versions of a file with Vim an...
has_key (3x)         - get (or push back) characters from curses terminal key...
hash (1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
Hash::Util (3pm)     - A selection of general-utility hash subroutines
Hash::Util::FieldHash (3pm) - Support for Inside-Out Classes
help (1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
history (1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
hostname (1)         - show or set the system's host name
instmodsh (1)        - A shell to examine installed modules
intrflush (3x)       - curses input options
intrflush_sp (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
ip (8)               - show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and...
IPC::SharedMem (3pm) - SysV Shared Memory IPC object class
ipcrm (1)            - remove a message queue, semaphore set or shared memory id
ipmish (1)           - Shell interface to an IPMI system
irb (1)              - Interactive Ruby Shell
is_linetouched (3x)  - curses refresh control routines
is_wintouched (3x)   - curses refresh control routines (1)    - Get information about the installed version of ISC BIND
jobs (1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
keyctl_chown (3)     - Change the ownership of a key
kibitz (1)           - allow two people to interact with one shell
ksh (1)              - shell, the standard/restricted command and programming...
ksh93 (1)            - shell, the standard/restricted command and programming...
last (1)             - show listing of last logged in users
lastb (1)            - show listing of last logged in users
lchsh (1)            - Change login shell
let (1)              - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
lh_delete (3ssl)     - dynamic hash table
lh_doall (3ssl)      - dynamic hash table
lh_doall_arg (3ssl)  - dynamic hash table
lh_error (3ssl)      - dynamic hash table
lh_free (3ssl)       - dynamic hash table
lh_insert (3ssl)     - dynamic hash table
lh_new (3ssl)        - dynamic hash table
lh_node_stats (3ssl) - LHASH statistics
lh_node_stats_bio (3ssl) - LHASH statistics
lh_node_usage_stats (3ssl) - LHASH statistics
lh_node_usage_stats_bio (3ssl) - LHASH statistics
lh_retrieve (3ssl)   - dynamic hash table
lh_stats (3ssl)      - LHASH statistics
lh_stats_bio (3ssl)  - LHASH statistics
lhash (3ssl)         - dynamic hash table
libcurl-share (3)    - how to use the share interface
local (1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
Log::Dispatch::Base (3pm) - Code shared by dispatch and output objects.
logger (1)           - a shell command interface to the syslog(3) system log ...
login.defs (5)       - shadow password suite configuration
logout (1)           - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
lshw (1)             - list hardware
lsinitrd (1)         - tool to show the contents of an initramfs image
lsipc (1)            - show information on IPC facilities currently employed ...
lsmod (8)            - Show the status of modules in the Linux Kernel
mailstat (1)         - shows mail-arrival statistics
mapfile (1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
mcprint (3x)         - ship binary data to printer
MD2_Final (3ssl)     - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD2_Init (3ssl)      - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD2_Update (3ssl)    - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD4_Final (3ssl)     - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD4_Init (3ssl)      - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD4_Update (3ssl)    - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
md5 (3ssl)           - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD5_Final (3ssl)     - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD5_Init (3ssl)      - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD5_Update (3ssl)    - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
mdc2 (3ssl)          - MDC2 hash function
MDC2_Final (3ssl)    - MDC2 hash function
MDC2_Init (3ssl)     - MDC2 hash function
MDC2_Update (3ssl)   - MDC2 hash function
mkdumprd (8)         - creates initial ramdisk images for kdump crash recovery
modinfo (8)          - Show information about a Linux Kernel module
Module::CoreList (3pm) - what modules shipped with versions of perl
msgen (1)            - create English message catalog
mvget_wch (3x)       - get (or push back) a wide character from curses termin...
mvgetch (3x)         - get (or push back) characters from curses terminal key...
mvwget_wch (3x)      - get (or push back) a wide character from curses termin...
mvwgetch (3x)        - get (or push back) characters from curses terminal key...
mysqlshow (1)        - display database, table, and column information
netstat (8)          - Print network connections, routing tables, interface s...
nisdomainname (1)    - show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
noqiflush (3x)       - curses input options
noqiflush_sp (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
nsec3hash (8)        - generate NSEC3 hash
numactl (8)          - Control NUMA policy for processes or shared memory
numastat (8)         - Show per-NUMA-node memory statistics for processes and...
openipmish (1)       - Shell interface to an IPMI system
ownership (8)        - Compaq ownership tag retriever
Package::Stash (3pm) - routines for manipulating stashes
Package::Stash::PP (3pm) - pure perl implementation of the Package::Stash API
Package::Stash::XS (3pm) - faster and more correct implementation of the Pack...
pam_setcred (3)      - establish / delete user credentials
pam_shells (8)       - PAM module to check for valid login shell
pamexec (1)          - Execute a shell command on each image in a Netpbm imag...
pammasksharpen (1)   - Sharpen an image via an unsharp mask
pamrubber (1)        - a rubber-sheeting utility that stretches an image base...
pamshadedrelief (1)  - generate shaded relief image from an elevation map
pamsharpmap (1)      - create map of sharpness in a PNM/PAM image
pamsharpness (1)     - measure the sharpness of a PNM/PAM image
pamthreshold (1)     - threshold grayscale image to black and white
parent (3pm)         - Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at com...
perlcheat (1)        - Perl 5 Cheat Sheet
perlrebackslash (1)  - Perl Regular Expression Backslash Sequences and Escapes
perlreftut (1)       - Mark's very short tutorial about references
pgmdeshadow (1)      - Deshadow a PGM image
place (n)            - Geometry manager for fixed or rubber-sheet placement
platform::shell (n)  - System identification support code and utilities
pnmquantall (1)      - run Pnmquant on a bunch of files all at once, so they ...
pnmshear (1)         - shear a PNM image by a specified angle
pnoutrefresh (3x)    - create and display curses pads
popd (1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
ppmflash (1)         - brighten a picture to approach white
ppmshadow (1)        - add simulated shadows to a PPM image
ppmshift (1)         - shift lines of a PPM image left or right by a random a...
ppmtomitsu (1)       - convert a PPM image to a Mitsubishi S340-10 file
ppmtopict (1)        - convert a PPM image to a Macintosh PICT file
prefresh (3x)        - create and display curses pads
ps (1)               - report a snapshot of the current processes.
puppet-resource (8)  - The resource abstraction layer shell
pure-statsdecode (8) - Show human-readable dates from a "stats" logfile
pushd (1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
pwconv (8)           - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
pwhistory_helper (8) - Helper binary that transfers password hashes from pass...
pwunconv (8)         - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
qiflush (3x)         - curses input options
qiflush_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
quot (8)             - summarize filesystem ownership
read (1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
readonly (1)         - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
REASSIGN_OWNED (7)   - change the ownership of database objects owned by a da...
redrawwin (3x)       - refresh curses windows and lines
refresh (3x)         - refresh curses windows and lines (8) - script for adding and removing SCSI devices without ...
reset_shell_mode (3x) - low-level curses routines
reset_shell_mode_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
return (1)           - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
ripemd (3ssl)        - RIPEMD-160 hash function
RIPEMD160_Final (3ssl) - RIPEMD-160 hash function
RIPEMD160_Init (3ssl) - RIPEMD-160 hash function
RIPEMD160_Update (3ssl) - RIPEMD-160 hash function
route (8)            - show / manipulate the IP routing table
routef (8)           - flush routes
rrdflushcached (1)   - Flush the values for a spcific RRD file from memory.
RRDs (3pm)           - Access RRDtool as a shared module
rtpr (8)             - replace backslashes with newlines.
selinux_set_mapping (3) - establish dynamic object class and permission mapping
selinuxenabled (8)   - tool to be used within shell scripts to determine if s...
set (1)              - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
sg_emc_trespass (8)  - change ownership of SCSI LUN from another Service-Proc...
sh (1)               - GNU Bourne-Again SHell
sha (1ssl)           - message digests
sha (3ssl)           - Secure Hash Algorithm
sha1 (1ssl)          - message digests
SHA1_Final (3ssl)    - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA1_Init (3ssl)     - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA1_Update (3ssl)   - Secure Hash Algorithm
sha1sum (1)          - compute and check SHA1 message digest
sha224 (1ssl)        - message digests
SHA224_Final (3ssl)  - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA224_Init (3ssl)   - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA224_Update (3ssl) - Secure Hash Algorithm
sha224sum (1)        - compute and check SHA224 message digest
sha256 (1ssl)        - message digests
SHA256_Final (3ssl)  - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA256_Init (3ssl)   - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA256_Update (3ssl) - Secure Hash Algorithm
sha256sum (1)        - compute and check SHA256 message digest
sha384 (1ssl)        - message digests
SHA384_Final (3ssl)  - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA384_Init (3ssl)   - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA384_Update (3ssl) - Secure Hash Algorithm
sha384sum (1)        - compute and check SHA384 message digest
sha512 (1ssl)        - message digests
SHA512_Final (3ssl)  - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA512_Init (3ssl)   - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA512_Update (3ssl) - Secure Hash Algorithm
sha512sum (1)        - compute and check SHA512 message digest
shadow (3)           - encrypted password file routines
shadow (5)           - shadowed password file
shasum (1)           - Print or Check SHA Checksums
shift (1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
shopt (1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
SHOW (7)             - show the value of a run-time parameter
show-changed-rco (1) - show changes in an RPM package
show-installed (1)   - show installed RPM packages and descriptions
show_panel (3x)      - panel stack extension for curses
showconsolefont (8)  - Show the current EGA/VGA console screen font
showkey (1)          - examine the codes sent by the keyboard
showmount (8)        - show mount information for an NFS server
showrgb (1)          - display an rgb color-name database
shred (1)            - overwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally ...
shuf (1)             - generate random permutations
shutdown (8)         - Halt, power-off or reboot the machine
slk_noutrefresh (3x) - curses soft label routines
slk_noutrefresh_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
slk_refresh (3x)     - curses soft label routines
slk_refresh_sp (3x)  - curses screen-pointer extension
slogin (1)           - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
source (1)           - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
SPI_finish (3)       - disconnect a procedure from the SPI manager
SPI_push (3)         - push SPI stack to allow recursive SPI usage
ssh (1)              - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
ssh-add (1)          - adds private key identities to the authentication agent
ssh-agent (1)        - authentication agent
ssh-copy-id (1)      - use locally available keys to authorise logins on a re...
ssh-keygen (1)       - authentication key generation, management and conversion
ssh-keyscan (1)      - gather ssh public keys
ssh-keysign (8)      - ssh helper program for host-based authentication
ssh-pkcs11-helper (8) - ssh-agent helper program for PKCS#11 support
ssh_config (5)       - OpenSSH SSH client configuration files
sshd (8)             - OpenSSH SSH daemon
sshd_config (5)      - OpenSSH SSH daemon configuration file
SSL_accept (3ssl)    - wait for a TLS/SSL client to initiate a TLS/SSL handshake
SSL_connect (3ssl)   - initiate the TLS/SSL handshake with an TLS/SSL server
SSL_CTX_flush_sessions (3ssl) - remove expired sessions
SSL_CTX_get_quiet_shutdown (3ssl) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown (3ssl) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_do_handshake (3ssl) - perform a TLS/SSL handshake
SSL_flush_sessions (3ssl) - remove expired sessions
SSL_get_quiet_shutdown (3ssl) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_get_shared_curve (3ssl) - EC supported curve functions
SSL_get_shutdown (3ssl) - manipulate shutdown state of an SSL connection
SSL_session_reused (3ssl) - query whether a reused session was negotiated dur...
SSL_set_quiet_shutdown (3ssl) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_set_shutdown (3ssl) - manipulate shutdown state of an SSL connection
SSL_shutdown (3ssl)  - shut down a TLS/SSL connection
sslpasswd (1ssl)     - compute password hashes
subst (n)            - Perform backslash, command, and variable substitutions
sushell (8)          - execute the single-user shell
suspend (1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
sxpm (1)             - Show an XPM (X PixMap) file and/or convert XPM 1 or 2 ...
sys-unconfig (8)     - shell script to reconfigure the system upon next boot
systemd-backlight (8) - Load and save the display backlight brightness at boo...
systemd-backlight@.service (8) - Load and save the display backlight brightne...
systemd-cgls (1)     - Recursively show control group contents
systemd-cgtop (1)    - Show top control groups by their resource usage
systemd-debug-generator (8) - Generator for enabling a runtime debug shell an...
systemd-halt.service (8) - System shutdown logic
systemd-kexec.service (8) - System shutdown logic
systemd-poweroff.service (8) - System shutdown logic
systemd-random-seed (8) - Load and save the system random seed at boot and sh...
systemd-random-seed.service (8) - Load and save the system random seed at boo...
systemd-reboot.service (8) - System shutdown logic
systemd-rfkill (8)   - Load and save the RF kill switch state at boot and shu...
systemd-rfkill@.service (8) - Load and save the RF kill switch state at boot ...
systemd-shutdown (8) - System shutdown logic
systemd-shutdownd (8) - Scheduled shutdown service
systemd-shutdownd.service (8) - Scheduled shutdown service
systemd-shutdownd.socket (8) - Scheduled shutdown service
systemd-update-utmp (8) - Write audit and utmp updates at bootup, runlevel ch...
systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service (8) - Write audit and utmp updates at bo...
systemd-update-utmp.service (8) - Write audit and utmp updates at bootup, run...
systemd-user-sessions (8) - Permit user logins after boot, prohibit user logi...
systemd-user-sessions.service (8) - Permit user logins after boot, prohibit u...
systemd.snapshot (5) - Snapshot unit configuration
TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader (3pm) - Read YAMLish data from iterator
TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer (3pm) - Write YAMLish data
tc (8)               - show / manipulate traffic control settings
Tcl_Backslash (3)    - parse a backslash sequence
Tcl_ChannelFlushProc (3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_CreateHashEntry (3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_DeleteHashEntry (3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_DeleteHashTable (3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_FindHashEntry (3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_FirstHashEntry (3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_Flush (3)        - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_GetHashKey (3)   - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_GetHashValue (3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_HashStats (3)    - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_InitCustomHashTable (3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_InitHashTable (3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_InitObjHashTable (3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_IsChannelShared (3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_IsShared (3)     - manipulate Tcl objects
Tcl_NextHashEntry (3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_SetHashValue (3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_UtfBackslash (3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
tclsh (1)            - Simple shell containing Tcl interpreter
Template::Stash (3pm) - Magical storage for template variables
Template::Stash::Context (3pm) - Experimetal stash allowing list/scalar conte...
Template::Stash::XS (3pm) - High-speed variable stash written in C
texhash (1)          - create ls-R databases
threads::shared (3pm) - Perl extension for sharing data structures between th...
Tie::Hash (3pm)      - base class definitions for tied hashes
Tie::Hash::NamedCapture (3pm) - Named regexp capture buffers
Tie::IxHash (3pm)    - ordered associative arrays for Perl
Tie::Memoize (3pm)   - add data to hash when needed
Tie::RefHash (3pm)   - use references as hash keys
Tie::SubstrHash (3pm) - Fixed-table-size, fixed-key-length hashing
TIFFFlush (3tiff)    - flush pending writes to an open TIFF file
TIFFswab (3tiff)     - byte- and bit-swapping routines
times (1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
touchline (3x)       - curses refresh control routines
touchwin (3x)        - curses refresh control routines
trap (1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
truncate (1)         - shrink or extend the size of a file to the specified size
type (1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
typeset (1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
ulimit (1)           - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
umask (1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
unalias (1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
unget_wch (3x)       - get (or push back) a wide character from curses termin...
ungetch (3x)         - get (or push back) characters from curses terminal key...
unset (1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
unshare (1)          - run program with some namespaces unshared from parent
untouchwin (3x)      - curses refresh control routines
update-mime-database (1) - a program to build the Shared MIME-Info database c...
vigr (8)             - edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-gr...
vimdiff (1)          - edit two, three or four versions of a file with Vim an...
vipw (8)             - edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-gr...
vmsish (3pm)         - Perl pragma to control VMS-specific language features
w (1)                - Show who is logged on and what they are doing.
wait (1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
watch (1)            - execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
wdctl (8)            - show hardware watchdog status
wget_wch (3x)        - get (or push back) a wide character from curses termin...
wgetch (3x)          - get (or push back) characters from curses terminal key...
which (1)            - shows the full path of (shell) commands.
whiptail (1)         - display dialog boxes from shell scripts
who (1)              - show who is logged on
wish (1)             - Simple windowing shell
wnoutrefresh (3x)    - refresh curses windows and lines
wredrawln (3x)       - refresh curses windows and lines
wrefresh (3x)        - refresh curses windows and lines
wtouchln (3x)        - curses refresh control routines
XAllocClassHint (3)  - allocate class hints structure and set or read a windo...
xcb_glx_finish (3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_finish_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_finish_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_flush (3)    - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_flush_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_touch_ownership_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_dashes (3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_dashes_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_combine (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_combine_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_get_rectangles (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_get_rectangles_rectangles (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_get_rectangles_rectangles_i... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_get_rectangles_rectangles_l... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_get_rectangles_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_get_rectangles_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_input_selected (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_input_selected_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_input_selected_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_mask (3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_mask_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_offset (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_offset_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_query_extents (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_query_extents_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_query_extents_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_query_version (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_query_version_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_query_version_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_rectangles (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_rectangles_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_select_input (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_select_input_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_attach (3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_attach_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_attach_fd (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_attach_fd_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_completion_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_create_pixmap (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_create_pixmap_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_create_segment (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_create_segment_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_create_segment_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_detach (3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_detach_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_get_image (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_get_image_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_get_image_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_put_image (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_put_image_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_query_version (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_query_version_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_query_version_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_rehash_printer_list (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_rehash_printer_list... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_window_shape_region (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_window_shape_region_ch... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_show_cursor (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_show_cursor_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_shm_put_image (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_shm_put_image_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
XClassHint (3)       - allocate class hints structure and set or read a windo...
XFlush (3)           - handle output buffer or event queue
XGetClassHint (3)    - allocate class hints structure and set or read a windo...
XkbAddGeomOutline (3) - Add one outline to an existing shape
XkbAddGeomShape (3)  - Add a shape to a keyboard geometry
XkbAllocGeomOutlines (3) - Allocate space for an arbitrary number of outlines...
XkbAllocGeomShapes (3) - Allocate space for an arbitrary number of geometry s...
XkbComputeShapeBounds (3) - Updates the bounding box of a shape
XkbComputeShapeTop (3) - Determines the bounding box of the top surface of a ...
XkbFreeGeomShapes (3) - Free geometry shapes
XkbKeyActionEntry (3) - Returns a pointer to the key action corresponding to ...
XkbKeycodeToKeysym (3) - Finds the keysym bound to a particular key at a spec...
XkbKeySymEntry (3)   - Returns the keysym corresponding to shift level shift ...
XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping (3) - Update the keyboard description that is inter...
XML::DOM::NamedNodeMap (3pm) - A hash table interface for XML::DOM
XML::LibXML::AttributeHash (3pm) - tie an XML::LibXML::Element to a hash to a...
xrefresh (1)         - refresh all or part of an X screen
XRefreshKeyboardMapping (3) - handle keyboard input events in Latin-1
XSetClassHint (3)    - allocate class hints structure and set or read a windo...
XSetDashes (3)       - GC convenience routines
XSetEventQueueOwner (3) - set event queue owner on a shared Xlib/XCB connection
XShrinkRegion (3)    - region arithmetic
YAML::Marshall (3pm) - YAML marshalling class you can mixin to your classes
YAML::Types (3pm)    - Marshall Perl internal data types to/from YAML
ypdomainname (1)     - show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
yum-shell (8)        - Yellowdog Updater Modified shell

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