do.(1) - phpMan

Command: man perldoc info search(apropos)  

CPAN (3pm)           - query, download and build perl modules from CPAN sites
Pod::Perldoc (3pm)   - Look up Perl documentation in Pod format.
Pod::perldoc (3pm)   - Look up Perl documentation in Pod format.
add_wch (3x)         - add a complex character and rendition to a curses wind...
add_wchnstr (3x)     - add an array of complex characters (and attributes) to...
add_wchstr (3x)      - add an array of complex characters (and attributes) to...
addch (3x)           - add a character (with attributes) to a curses window, ...
addchnstr (3x)       - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curse...
addchstr (3x)        - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curse...
addnstr (3x)         - add a string of characters to a curses window and adva...
addnwstr (3x)        - add a string of wide characters to a curses window and...
addstr (3x)          - add a string of characters to a curses window and adva...
addwstr (3x)         - add a string of wide characters to a curses window and...
ALTER_DOMAIN (7)     - change the definition of a domain
attr_get (3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
attr_off (3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
attr_on (3x)         - curses character and window attribute control routines
attr_set (3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
attroff (3x)         - curses character and window attribute control routines
attron (3x)          - curses character and window attribute control routines
attrset (3x)         - curses character and window attribute control routines
audit2allow (1)      - generate SELinux policy allow/dontaudit rules from log...
audit2why (1)        - generate SELinux policy allow/dontaudit rules from log...
avc_cleanup (3)      - userspace SELinux AVC setup and teardown
avc_destroy (3)      - userspace SELinux AVC setup and teardown
avc_open (3)         - userspace SELinux AVC setup and teardown
avc_reset (3)        - userspace SELinux AVC setup and teardown
bind_textdomain_codeset (3) - set encoding of message translations
bindtags (n)         - Determine which bindings apply to a window, and order ...
bindtextdomain (3)   - set directory containing message catalogs
BIO_do_accept (3ssl) - accept BIO
BIO_do_connect (3ssl) - connect BIO
BIO_shutdown_wr (3ssl) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_ssl_shutdown (3ssl) - SSL BIO
bkgd (3x)            - curses window background manipulation routines
bkgdset (3x)         - curses window background manipulation routines
bkgrnd (3x)          - curses window complex background manipulation routines
bkgrndset (3x)       - curses window complex background manipulation routines
bmp2tiff (1)         - create a TIFF file from a Microsoft Windows Device Ind...
BN_pseudo_rand (3ssl) - generate pseudo-random number
BN_pseudo_rand_range (3ssl) - generate pseudo-random number
BN_rand (3ssl)       - generate pseudo-random number
BN_rand_range (3ssl) - generate pseudo-random number
brushtopbm (1)       - convert a doodle brush file into a PBM image
bzcat (1)            - decompresses files to stdout
Capture::Tiny (3pm)  - Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external pr...
chgat (3x)           - curses character and window attribute control routines
clear (3x)           - clear all or part of a curses window
clrtobot (3x)        - clear all or part of a curses window
clrtoeol (3x)        - clear all or part of a curses window
cmuwmtopbm (1)       - convert a CMU window manager bitmap into a PBM image
collectd-exec (5)    - Documentation of collectd's "exec plugin"
collectd-python (5)  - Documentation of collectd's "python plugin"
collectd-threshold (5) - Documentation of collectd's Threshold plugin
collectd-unixsock (5) - Documentation of collectd's "unixsock plugin"
color_set (3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
copywin (3x)         - overlay and manipulate overlapped curses windows
CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::HOWTO (3pm) - - documentation on how to wr...
CREATE_DOMAIN (7)    - define a new domain
curl_multi_cleanup (3) - close down a multi session
curs_add_wch (3x)    - add a complex character and rendition to a curses wind...
curs_add_wchstr (3x) - add an array of complex characters (and attributes) to...
curs_addch (3x)      - add a character (with attributes) to a curses window, ...
curs_addchstr (3x)   - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curse...
curs_addstr (3x)     - add a string of characters to a curses window and adva...
curs_addwstr (3x)    - add a string of wide characters to a curses window and...
curs_attr (3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
curs_bkgd (3x)       - curses window background manipulation routines
curs_bkgrnd (3x)     - curses window complex background manipulation routines
curs_clear (3x)      - clear all or part of a curses window
curs_delch (3x)      - delete character under the cursor in a curses window
curs_deleteln (3x)   - delete and insert lines in a curses window
curs_getyx (3x)      - get curses cursor and window coordinates
curs_in_wch (3x)     - extract a complex character and rendition from a window
curs_in_wchstr (3x)  - get an array of complex characters and renditions from...
curs_inch (3x)       - get a character and attributes from a curses window
curs_inchstr (3x)    - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a cur...
curs_ins_wch (3x)    - insert a complex character and rendition into a window
curs_ins_wstr (3x)   - insert a wide-character string into a curses window
curs_insch (3x)      - insert a character before cursor in a curses window
curs_insstr (3x)     - insert string before cursor in a curses window
curs_instr (3x)      - get a string of characters from a curses window
curs_inwstr (3x)     - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window
curs_legacy (3x)     - get curses cursor and window coordinates, attributes
curs_move (3x)       - move curses window cursor
curs_opaque (3x)     - curses window properties
curs_overlay (3x)    - overlay and manipulate overlapped curses windows
curs_printw (3x)     - print formatted output in curses windows
curs_refresh (3x)    - refresh curses windows and lines
curs_scanw (3x)      - convert formatted input from a curses window
curs_scroll (3x)     - scroll a curses window
curs_window (3x)     - create curses windows
Curses::UI::Window (3pm) - Create and manipulate Window widgets
cvtsudoers (1)       - convert between sudoers file formats
DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Win32 (3pm) - Determine the local system's time zo...
DBD::File::Developers (3pm) - Developers documentation for DBD::File
DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::Developers (3pm) - Developers documentation for DBI::DBD...
DefaultRootWindow (3) - Display macros and functions
delch (3x)           - delete character under the cursor in a curses window
deleteln (3x)        - delete and insert lines in a curses window
deliver (1)          - Dovecot's local mail delivery agent
delwin (3x)          - create curses windows
derwin (3x)          - create curses windows
DES_random_key (3ssl) - DES encryption
destroy (n)          - Destroy one or more windows
dnsdomainname (1)    - show the system's DNS domain name
DoesBackingStore (3) - screen information functions and macros
DoesSaveUnders (3)   - screen information functions and macros
domainname (1)       - show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
dos2unix (1)         - DOS/Mac to Unix and vice versa text file format converter
dotlockfile (1)      - Utility to manage lockfiles
doupdate (3x)        - refresh curses windows and lines
doupdate_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
doveadm (1)          - Dovecot's administration utility
doveadm-acl (1)      - Manage Access Control List (ACL)
doveadm-altmove (1)  - Move matching mails to the alternative storage (dbox-o...
doveadm-auth (1)     - Flush/lookup/test authentication data
doveadm-backup (1)   - Dovecot's one-way mailbox synchronization utility
doveadm-batch (1)    - Execute multiple commands for multiple users
doveadm-config (1)   - Dovecot's configuration dumping utility
doveadm-copy (1)     - Copy messages matching the given search query into ano...
doveadm-deduplicate (1) - expunge duplicate messages
doveadm-director (1) - Manage Dovecot directors
doveadm-dump (1)     - Dump the content of Dovecot's binary mailbox index/log
doveadm-exec (1)     - easily execute commands from Dovecot's libexec_dir
doveadm-expunge (1)  - Expunge messages matching given search query
doveadm-fetch (1)    - Fetch partial/full messages or message information
doveadm-flags (1)    - add, remove or replace messages' flags
doveadm-force-resync (1) - Repair broken mailboxes
doveadm-fs (1)       - Interact with the abstract mail storage filesystem
doveadm-fts (1)      - Manipulate the Full Text Search (FTS) index
doveadm-help (1)     - Show information about doveadm commands
doveadm-import (1)   - Import messages matching given search query
doveadm-index (1)    - Index mailboxes
doveadm-instance (1) - Manage the list of running Dovecot instances
doveadm-kick (1)     - Disconnect users by user name and/or IP address
doveadm-log (1)      - Locate, test or reopen Dovecot's log files
doveadm-mailbox (1)  - Commands related to handling mailboxes
doveadm-mailbox-cryptokey (1) - Mail crypt plugin management
doveadm-move (1)     - Move messages matching the given search query into ano...
doveadm-penalty (1)  - Show current penalties
doveadm-proxy (1)    - Handle Dovecot proxy connections
doveadm-purge (1)    - Remove messages with refcount=0 from mdbox files
doveadm-pw (1)       - Dovecot's password hash generator
doveadm-quota (1)    - Initialize/recalculate or show current quota usage
doveadm-rebuild (1)  - Commands related to rebuilding various aspects of mail...
doveadm-reload (1)   - Dovecot's administration utility
doveadm-replicator (1) - Manage users' mail replication
doveadm-save (1)     - Save email to a user's mailbox
doveadm-search (1)   - Show a list of mailbox GUIDs and message UIDs matching...
doveadm-search-query (7) - Overview of search queries for doveadm mailbox com...
doveadm-stats (1)    - Inspect or reset stats
doveadm-stop (1)     - Dovecot's administration utility
doveadm-sync (1)     - Dovecot's two-way mailbox synchronization utility
doveadm-user (1)     - Perform a user lookup in Dovecot's userdbs
doveadm-who (1)      - Show who is logged in to the Dovecot server
doveconf (1)         - Dovecot's configuration dumping utility
dovecot (1)          - a secure and highly configurable IMAP and POP3 server
dovecot-lda (1)      - Dovecot's local mail delivery agent
dovecot-sysreport (1) - Dovecot's system report utility
dovecot.conf (5)     - The configuration file for dovecot imap and pop3 server
dracut-shutdown.service (8) - unpack the initramfs to /run/initramfs
DROP_DOMAIN (7)      - remove a domain
DSA_do_sign (3ssl)   - raw DSA signature operations
DSA_do_verify (3ssl) - raw DSA signature operations
dsync (1)            - Dovecot's two-way mailbox synchronization utility
dupwin (3x)          - create curses windows
e2undo (8)           - Replay an undo log for an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
ECDSA_do_sign (3ssl) - Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
ECDSA_do_sign_ex (3ssl) - Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
ECDSA_do_verify (3ssl) - Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
echo_wchar (3x)      - add a complex character and rendition to a curses wind...
echochar (3x)        - add a character (with attributes) to a curses window, ...
Encode::PerlIO (3pm) - - a detailed document on Encode and PerlIO
erase (3x)           - clear all or part of a curses window
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows (3pm) - Builder class for Windows platf...
ExtUtils::MM_DOS (3pm) - DOS specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
false (1)            - do nothing, unsuccessfully
FcFontSetPrint (3)   - Print a set of patterns to stdout
FcPatternAdd-Type (3) - Add a typed value to a pattern
FcPatternGet-Type (3) - Return a typed value from a pattern
FcRangeCreateDouble (3) - create a range object for double
FcRangeGetDouble (3) - Get the range in double
FcStrDowncase (3)    - create a lower case translation of a string
FcStrListDone (3)    - destroy a string iterator
FcValuePrint (3)     - Print a value to stdout
FcWeightFromOpenTypeDouble (3) - Convert from OpenType weight values to fontc...
FcWeightToOpenTypeDouble (3) - Convert from fontconfig weight values to OpenT...
File::DosGlob (3pm)  - DOS like globbing and then some
File::HomeDir::Windows (3pm) - Find your home and other directories on Windows
File::LckPwdF (3pm)  - Lock and unlock the passwd and shadow files with lckpw...
form_cursor (3x)     - position a form window cursor
form_post (3x)       - write or erase forms from associated subwindows
form_sub (3x)        - make and break form window and subwindow associations
form_win (3x)        - make and break form window and subwindow associations
fsck.btrfs (8)       - do nothing, successfully
fsck.xfs (8)         - do nothing, successfully
fxload (8)           - Firmware download to EZ-USB devices
genrandom (8)        - generate a file containing random data
getattrs (3x)        - get curses cursor and window coordinates, attributes
getbegx (3x)         - get curses cursor and window coordinates, attributes
getbegy (3x)         - get curses cursor and window coordinates, attributes
getbegyx (3x)        - get curses cursor and window coordinates
getbkgd (3x)         - curses window background manipulation routines
getbkgrnd (3x)       - curses window complex background manipulation routines
getcurx (3x)         - get curses cursor and window coordinates, attributes
getcury (3x)         - get curses cursor and window coordinates, attributes
getmaxx (3x)         - get curses cursor and window coordinates, attributes
getmaxy (3x)         - get curses cursor and window coordinates, attributes
getmaxyx (3x)        - get curses cursor and window coordinates
getparx (3x)         - get curses cursor and window coordinates, attributes
getpary (3x)         - get curses cursor and window coordinates, attributes
getparyx (3x)        - get curses cursor and window coordinates
getyx (3x)           - get curses cursor and window coordinates
gfdl-libstdc++-plesk-10.3.0 (7) - GNU Free Documentation License
git-fetch (1)        - Download objects and refs from another repository
git-http-fetch (1)   - Download from a remote Git repository via HTTP
gpasswd (1)          - administer /etc/group and /etc/gshadow
grab (n)             - Confine pointer and keyboard events to a window sub-tree
groff (1)            - front-end for the groff document formatting system
grpconv (8)          - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
grpunconv (8)        - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
gshadow (5)          - shadowed group file
HTML::HeadParser (3pm) - Parse <HEAD> section of a HTML document
HTML::LinkExtor (3pm) - Extract links from an HTML document
idn (1)              - Internationalized Domain Names command line tool
ifdown (8)           - bring a network interface up
Image::Info::BMP (3pm) - Windows Device Indepdent Bitmap support for Image::Info
immedok (3x)         - curses output options
import (1)           - saves any visible window on an X server and outputs it...
in_wch (3x)          - extract a complex character and rendition from a window
in_wchnstr (3x)      - get an array of complex characters and renditions from...
in_wchstr (3x)       - get an array of complex characters and renditions from...
inch (3x)            - get a character and attributes from a curses window
inchnstr (3x)        - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a cur...
inchstr (3x)         - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a cur...
info (1)             - read Info documents
info (5)             - readable online documentation
innstr (3x)          - get a string of characters from a curses window
innwstr (3x)         - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window
ins_nwstr (3x)       - insert a wide-character string into a curses window
ins_wch (3x)         - insert a complex character and rendition into a window
ins_wstr (3x)        - insert a wide-character string into a curses window
insch (3x)           - insert a character before cursor in a curses window
insdelln (3x)        - delete and insert lines in a curses window
insertln (3x)        - delete and insert lines in a curses window
insnstr (3x)         - insert string before cursor in a curses window
insstr (3x)          - insert string before cursor in a curses window
instr (3x)           - get a string of characters from a curses window
inwstr (3x)          - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window
IO::Pty (3pm)        - Pseudo TTY object class
IO::Socket::INET (3pm) - Object interface for AF_INET domain sockets
IO::Socket::UNIX (3pm) - Object interface for AF_UNIX domain sockets
IO::Tty (3pm)        - Low-level allocate a pseudo-Tty, import constants.
ip6tables-save (8)   - dump iptables rules to stdout
IP::Country::Medium (3pm) - cached lookup of country codes by IP address and ...
IP::Country::Slow (3pm) - cached lookup of country codes by domain name and I...
iptables-save (8)    - dump iptables rules to stdout
is_cleared (3x)      - curses window properties
is_idcok (3x)        - curses window properties
is_idlok (3x)        - curses window properties
is_immedok (3x)      - curses window properties
is_keypad (3x)       - curses window properties
is_leaveok (3x)      - curses window properties
is_nodelay (3x)      - curses window properties
is_notimeout (3x)    - curses window properties
is_pad (3x)          - curses window properties
is_scrollok (3x)     - curses window properties
is_subwin (3x)       - curses window properties
is_syncok (3x)       - curses window properties
JSON::XS (3pm)       - JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast
lh_doall (3ssl)      - dynamic hash table
lh_doall_arg (3ssl)  - dynamic hash table
lib::core::only (3pm) - Remove all non-core paths from @INC to avoid site/ven...
libxslt (3)          - library used to do XSL transformations on XML documents
Log::Dispatch::Null (3pm) - Object that accepts messages and does nothing
Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen (3pm) - Log to STDOUT/STDERR
Log::Log4perl::Config::DOMConfigurator (3pm) - reads xml config files
login.defs (5)       - shadow password suite configuration
lower (n)            - Change a window's position in the stacking order
lwp-download (1)     - Fetch large files from the web
mac2unix (1)         - DOS/Mac to Unix and vice versa text file format converter
manweb (1)           - browse netpbm (and other) documentation
menu_post (3x)       - write or erase menus from associated subwindows
menu_sub (3x)        - make and break menu window and subwindow associations
menu_win (3x)        - make and break menu window and subwindow associations
Module::Build::Platform::Windows (3pm) - Builder class for Windows platforms
montage (1)          - create a composite image by combining several separate...
move (3x)            - move curses window cursor
mvadd_wch (3x)       - add a complex character and rendition to a curses wind...
mvadd_wchnstr (3x)   - add an array of complex characters (and attributes) to...
mvadd_wchstr (3x)    - add an array of complex characters (and attributes) to...
mvaddch (3x)         - add a character (with attributes) to a curses window, ...
mvaddchnstr (3x)     - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curse...
mvaddchstr (3x)      - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curse...
mvaddnstr (3x)       - add a string of characters to a curses window and adva...
mvaddnwstr (3x)      - add a string of wide characters to a curses window and...
mvaddstr (3x)        - add a string of characters to a curses window and adva...
mvaddwstr (3x)       - add a string of wide characters to a curses window and...
mvchgat (3x)         - curses character and window attribute control routines
mvdelch (3x)         - delete character under the cursor in a curses window
mvderwin (3x)        - create curses windows
mvin_wch (3x)        - extract a complex character and rendition from a window
mvin_wchnstr (3x)    - get an array of complex characters and renditions from...
mvin_wchstr (3x)     - get an array of complex characters and renditions from...
mvinch (3x)          - get a character and attributes from a curses window
mvinchnstr (3x)      - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a cur...
mvinchstr (3x)       - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a cur...
mvinnstr (3x)        - get a string of characters from a curses window
mvinnwstr (3x)       - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window
mvins_nwstr (3x)     - insert a wide-character string into a curses window
mvins_wch (3x)       - insert a complex character and rendition into a window
mvins_wstr (3x)      - insert a wide-character string into a curses window
mvinsch (3x)         - insert a character before cursor in a curses window
mvinsnstr (3x)       - insert string before cursor in a curses window
mvinsstr (3x)        - insert string before cursor in a curses window
mvinstr (3x)         - get a string of characters from a curses window
mvinwstr (3x)        - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window
mvprintw (3x)        - print formatted output in curses windows
mvscanw (3x)         - convert formatted input from a curses window
mvwadd_wch (3x)      - add a complex character and rendition to a curses wind...
mvwadd_wchnstr (3x)  - add an array of complex characters (and attributes) to...
mvwadd_wchstr (3x)   - add an array of complex characters (and attributes) to...
mvwaddch (3x)        - add a character (with attributes) to a curses window, ...
mvwaddchnstr (3x)    - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curse...
mvwaddchstr (3x)     - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curse...
mvwaddnstr (3x)      - add a string of characters to a curses window and adva...
mvwaddnwstr (3x)     - add a string of wide characters to a curses window and...
mvwaddstr (3x)       - add a string of characters to a curses window and adva...
mvwaddwstr (3x)      - add a string of wide characters to a curses window and...
mvwchgat (3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
mvwdelch (3x)        - delete character under the cursor in a curses window
mvwin (3x)           - create curses windows
mvwin_wch (3x)       - extract a complex character and rendition from a window
mvwin_wchnstr (3x)   - get an array of complex characters and renditions from...
mvwin_wchstr (3x)    - get an array of complex characters and renditions from...
mvwinch (3x)         - get a character and attributes from a curses window
mvwinchnstr (3x)     - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a cur...
mvwinchstr (3x)      - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a cur...
mvwinnstr (3x)       - get a string of characters from a curses window
mvwinnwstr (3x)      - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window
mvwins_nwstr (3x)    - insert a wide-character string into a curses window
mvwins_wch (3x)      - insert a complex character and rendition into a window
mvwins_wstr (3x)     - insert a wide-character string into a curses window
mvwinsch (3x)        - insert a character before cursor in a curses window
mvwinsnstr (3x)      - insert string before cursor in a curses window
mvwinsstr (3x)       - insert string before cursor in a curses window
mvwinstr (3x)        - get a string of characters from a curses window
mvwinwstr (3x)       - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window
mvwprintw (3x)       - print formatted output in curses windows
mvwscanw (3x)        - convert formatted input from a curses window
named (8)            - Internet domain name server
Net::Domain (3pm)    - Attempt to evaluate the current host's internet name a...
newwin (3x)          - create curses windows
NEXT (3pm)           - Provide a pseudo-class NEXT (et al) that allows method...
nfs4_uid_to_name (3) - ID mapping routines used for NFSv4
nisdomainname (1)    - show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
option (n)           - Add/retrieve window options to/from the option database
overlay (3x)         - overlay and manipulate overlapped curses windows
overwrite (3x)       - overlay and manipulate overlapped curses windows
Package::Reaper (3pm) - pseudo-garbage-collection for packages
PAIR_NUMBER (3x)     - curses character and window attribute control routines
pamtowinicon (1)     - convert Netpbm PAM images to a Microsoft Windows icon ...
pamx (1)             - display Netpbm image in X Window System window
panedwindow (n)      - Create and manipulate panedwindow widgets
panel_window (3x)    - panel stack extension for curses
pbmtocmuwm (1)       - convert a PBM image into a CMU window manager bitmap
pcdindex (1)         - renamed to pcdovtoppm
pcdovtoppm (1)       - create index image for a photo CD
pdf2dsc (1)          - generate a PostScript page list of a PDF document
perlapi (1)          - autogenerated documentation for the perl public API
perlboot (1)         - This document has been deleted
perlbot (1)          - This document has been deleted
perldoc (1)          - Look up Perl documentation in Pod format.
perldos (1)          - Perl under DOS, W31, W95.
perlintern (1)       - autogenerated documentation of purely internal Perl fu...
perlos2 (1)          - Perl under OS/2, DOS, Win0.3*, Win0.95 and WinNT.
perlplan9 (1)        - Plan 9-specific documentation for Perl
perlpod (1)          - the Plain Old Documentation format
perlpodspec (1)      - Plain Old Documentation: format specification and notes
perltoc (1)          - perl documentation table of contents
perltodo (1)         - Perl TO-DO List
perltooc (1)         - This document has been deleted
perltoot (1)         - This document has been deleted
perlvms (1)          - VMS-specific documentation for Perl
perlwin32 (1)        - Perl under Windows
pgmdeshadow (1)      - Deshadow a PGM image
pidof (8)            - find the process ID of a running program.
pnmtoxwd (1)         - convert a PNM into an X11 window dump
pod2latex (1)        - convert pod documentation to latex format
pod2usage (1)        - print usage messages from embedded pod docs in files
Pod::Checker (3pm)   - check pod documents for syntax errors
Pod::Find (3pm)      - find POD documents in directory trees
Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo (3pm) - Base for Pod::Perldoc formatters
Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO (3pm) - Customized option parser for Pod::Perldoc
Pod::Perldoc::ToANSI (3pm) - render Pod with ANSI color escapes
Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker (3pm) - let Perldoc check Pod for errors
Pod::Perldoc::ToMan (3pm) - let Perldoc render Pod as man pages
Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff (3pm) - let Perldoc convert Pod to nroff
Pod::Perldoc::ToPod (3pm) - let Perldoc render Pod as ... Pod!
Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf (3pm) - let Perldoc render Pod as RTF
Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm (3pm) - render Pod with terminal escapes
Pod::Perldoc::ToText (3pm) - let Perldoc render Pod as plaintext
Pod::Perldoc::ToTk (3pm) - let Perldoc use Tk::Pod to render Pod
Pod::Perldoc::ToXml (3pm) - let Perldoc render Pod as XML
Pod::Simple::Checker (3pm) - - check the Pod syntax of a document
Pod::Simple::Search (3pm) - find POD documents in directory trees
Pod::Usage (3pm)     - print a usage message from embedded pod documentation
podchecker (1)       - check the syntax of POD format documentation files
podselect (1)        - print selected sections of pod documentation on standa...
pomdump (1)          - dump the POM parse tree for a POD document
pos_form_cursor (3x) - position a form window cursor
post_form (3x)       - write or erase forms from associated subwindows
post_menu (3x)       - write or erase menus from associated subwindows
ppmquant (1)         - quantize the colors in a PPM image down to a specified...
ppmshadow (1)        - add simulated shadows to a PPM image
ppmshift (1)         - shift lines of a PPM image left or right by a random a...
ppmspread (1)        - displace a PPM image's pixels by a random amount
ppmtowinicon (1)     - convert PPM image into a Windows .ico file
printw (3x)          - print formatted output in curses windows
puppet-doc (8)       - Generate Puppet documentation and references
pwconv (8)           - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
pwhistory_helper (8) - Helper binary that transfers password hashes from pass...
pwmake (1)           - simple tool for generating random relatively easily pr...
pwunconv (8)         - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
raise (n)            - Change a window's position in the stacking order
RAND_bytes (3ssl)    - generate random data
RAND_pseudo_bytes (3ssl) - generate random data
readonly (1)         - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
redrawwin (3x)       - refresh curses windows and lines
refresh (3x)         - refresh curses windows and lines
registry (n)         - Manipulate the Windows registry
repo-graph (1)       - output a full package dependency graph in dot format
repotrack (1)        - track a package and its dependencies and download them
RootWindow (3)       - Display macros and functions
RootWindowOfScreen (3) - screen information functions and macros
sbigtopgm (1)        - convert an SBIG CCDOPS file to PGM
scale_form (3x)      - make and break form window and subwindow associations
scale_menu (3x)      - make and break menu window and subwindow associations
scanw (3x)           - convert formatted input from a curses window
scrl (3x)            - scroll a curses window
scroll (3x)          - scroll a curses window
scsi_readcap (8)     - do SCSI READ CAPACITY command on disks
scsi_ready (8)       - do SCSI TEST UNIT READY on devices
scsi_stop (8)        - stop (spin down) one or more SCSI disks
selabel_x (5)        - userspace SELinux labeling interface and configuration...
semanage-dontaudit (8) - SELinux Policy Management dontaudit tool
ServerVendor (3)     - Display macros and functions
set_form_sub (3x)    - make and break form window and subwindow associations
set_form_win (3x)    - make and break form window and subwindow associations
set_menu_sub (3x)    - make and break menu window and subwindow associations
set_menu_win (3x)    - make and break menu window and subwindow associations
shadow (3)           - encrypted password file routines
shadow (5)           - shadowed password file
shuf (1)             - generate random permutations
shutdown (8)         - Halt, power-off or reboot the machine
SSL_CTX_get_quiet_shutdown (3ssl) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown (3ssl) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_do_handshake (3ssl) - perform a TLS/SSL handshake
SSL_get_quiet_shutdown (3ssl) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_get_shutdown (3ssl) - manipulate shutdown state of an SSL connection
SSL_set_quiet_shutdown (3ssl) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_set_shutdown (3ssl) - manipulate shutdown state of an SSL connection
SSL_shutdown (3ssl)  - shut down a TLS/SSL connection
sslrand (1ssl)       - generate pseudo-random bytes
sslrand (3ssl)       - pseudo-random number generator
standend (3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
standout (3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
subwin (3x)          - create curses windows
sudo-ldap.conf (5)   - sudo LDAP configuration
sudo.conf (5)        - configuration for sudo front end
sudoedit (8)         - execute a command as another user
sudoers (5)          - default sudo security policy plugin
sudoers.ldap (5)     - sudo LDAP configuration
sudoers_timestamp (5) - Sudoers Time Stamp Format
sudoreplay (8)       - replay sudo session logs
syncok (3x)          - create curses windows
systemd-backlight (8) - Load and save the display backlight brightness at boo...
systemd-backlight@.service (8) - Load and save the display backlight brightne...
systemd-halt.service (8) - System shutdown logic
systemd-kexec.service (8) - System shutdown logic
systemd-poweroff.service (8) - System shutdown logic
systemd-random-seed (8) - Load and save the system random seed at boot and sh...
systemd-random-seed.service (8) - Load and save the system random seed at boo...
systemd-readahead-done.service (8) - Disk read ahead logic
systemd-readahead-done.timer (8) - Disk read ahead logic
systemd-reboot.service (8) - System shutdown logic
systemd-rfkill (8)   - Load and save the RF kill switch state at boot and shu...
systemd-rfkill@.service (8) - Load and save the RF kill switch state at boot ...
systemd-shutdown (8) - System shutdown logic
systemd-shutdownd (8) - Scheduled shutdown service
systemd-shutdownd.service (8) - Scheduled shutdown service
systemd-shutdownd.socket (8) - Scheduled shutdown service
systemd-update-done (8) - Mark /etc and /var fully updated
systemd-update-done.service (8) - Mark /etc and /var fully updated
systemd-update-utmp (8) - Write audit and utmp updates at bootup, runlevel ch...
systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service (8) - Write audit and utmp updates at bo...
systemd-update-utmp.service (8) - Write audit and utmp updates at bootup, run...
systemd-user-sessions (8) - Permit user logins after boot, prohibit user logi...
systemd-user-sessions.service (8) - Permit user logins after boot, prohibit u...
tc-red (8)           - Random Early Detection
Tcl_AddObjErrorInfo (3) - retrieve or record information about errors and oth...
Tcl_AppendObjToErrorInfo (3) - retrieve or record information about errors an...
Tcl_AppendObjToObj (3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_DictObjDone (3)  - manipulate Tcl objects as dictionaries
Tcl_DontCallWhenDeleted (3) - Arrange for callback when interpreter is deleted
Tcl_DoOneEvent (3)   - wait for events and invoke event handlers
Tcl_DoWhenIdle (3)   - invoke a procedure when there are no pending events
tcl_endOfWord (n)    - standard library of Tcl procedures
Tcl_ExprDouble (3)   - evaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprDoubleObj (3) - evaluate an expression
Tcl_GetBoolean (3)   - convert from string to integer, double, or boolean
Tcl_GetDouble (3)    - convert from string to integer, double, or boolean
Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj (3) - manipulate Tcl objects as floating-point values
Tcl_GetInt (3)       - convert from string to integer, double, or boolean
Tcl_NewDoubleObj (3) - manipulate Tcl objects as floating-point values
Tcl_PrintDouble (3)  - Convert floating value to string
Tcl_SetDoubleObj (3) - manipulate Tcl objects as floating-point values
Template::Document (3pm) - Compiled template document object
Template::Parser (3pm) - LALR(1) parser for compiling template documents
textdomain (3)       - set domain for future gettext() calls
tiff2pdf (1)         - convert a TIFF image to a PDF document
TIFFOpen (3tiff)     - open a TIFF file for reading or writing
tk_messageBox (n)    - pops up a message window and waits for user response.
tknewsbiff (1)       - pop up a window when news appears
tkwait (n)           - Wait for variable to change or window to be destroyed
true (1)             - do nothing, successfully
ttk::combobox (n)    - text field with popdown selection list
ttk::menubutton (n)  - Widget that pops down a menu when pressed
ttk::panedwindow (n) - Multi-pane container window
ul (1)               - do underlining
unix2dos (1)         - DOS/Mac to Unix and vice versa text file format converter
unix2mac (1)         - DOS/Mac to Unix and vice versa text file format converter
unpost_form (3x)     - write or erase forms from associated subwindows
unpost_menu (3x)     - write or erase menus from associated subwindows
update-pciids (8)    - download new version of the PCI ID list
use_window (3x)      - curses thread support
uuid_generate_random (3) - create a new unique UUID value
VendorRelease (3)    - Display macros and functions
vigr (8)             - edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-gr...
vipw (8)             - edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-gr...
virtual_domain_context (5) - The SELinux virtual machine domain context confi...
visudo (8)           - edit the sudoers file
vw_printw (3x)       - print formatted output in curses windows
vw_scanw (3x)        - convert formatted input from a curses window
vwprintw (3x)        - print formatted output in curses windows
vwscanw (3x)         - convert formatted input from a curses window
w (1)                - Show who is logged on and what they are doing.
wadd_wch (3x)        - add a complex character and rendition to a curses wind...
wadd_wchnstr (3x)    - add an array of complex characters (and attributes) to...
wadd_wchstr (3x)     - add an array of complex characters (and attributes) to...
waddch (3x)          - add a character (with attributes) to a curses window, ...
waddchnstr (3x)      - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curse...
waddchstr (3x)       - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curse...
waddnstr (3x)        - add a string of characters to a curses window and adva...
waddnwstr (3x)       - add a string of wide characters to a curses window and...
waddstr (3x)         - add a string of characters to a curses window and adva...
waddwstr (3x)        - add a string of wide characters to a curses window and...
wattr_get (3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
wattr_off (3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
wattr_on (3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
wattr_set (3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
wattroff (3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
wattron (3x)         - curses character and window attribute control routines
wattrset (3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
wbkgd (3x)           - curses window background manipulation routines
wbkgdset (3x)        - curses window background manipulation routines
wbkgrnd (3x)         - curses window complex background manipulation routines
wbkgrndset (3x)      - curses window complex background manipulation routines
wchgat (3x)          - curses character and window attribute control routines
wclear (3x)          - clear all or part of a curses window
wclrtobot (3x)       - clear all or part of a curses window
wclrtoeol (3x)       - clear all or part of a curses window
wcolor_set (3x)      - curses character and window attribute control routines
wcursyncup (3x)      - create curses windows
wdctl (8)            - show hardware watchdog status
wdelch (3x)          - delete character under the cursor in a curses window
wdeleteln (3x)       - delete and insert lines in a curses window
wecho_wchar (3x)     - add a complex character and rendition to a curses wind...
wechochar (3x)       - add a character (with attributes) to a curses window, ...
werase (3x)          - clear all or part of a curses window
wget (1)             - The non-interactive network downloader.
wgetbkgrnd (3x)      - curses window complex background manipulation routines
wgetparent (3x)      - curses window properties
wgetscrreg (3x)      - curses window properties
win_wch (3x)         - extract a complex character and rendition from a window
win_wchnstr (3x)     - get an array of complex characters and renditions from...
win_wchstr (3x)      - get an array of complex characters and renditions from...
winch (3x)           - get a character and attributes from a curses window
winchnstr (3x)       - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a cur...
winchstr (3x)        - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a cur...
winfo (n)            - Return window-related information
winicontopam (1)     - convert a Microsoft Windows icon file into a Netpbm PA...
winicontoppm (1)     - convert a Windows .ico image into 1 or more PPM images
winnstr (3x)         - get a string of characters from a curses window
winnwstr (3x)        - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window
wins_nwstr (3x)      - insert a wide-character string into a curses window
wins_wch (3x)        - insert a complex character and rendition into a window
wins_wstr (3x)       - insert a wide-character string into a curses window
winsch (3x)          - insert a character before cursor in a curses window
winsdelln (3x)       - delete and insert lines in a curses window
winsertln (3x)       - delete and insert lines in a curses window
winsnstr (3x)        - insert string before cursor in a curses window
winsstr (3x)         - insert string before cursor in a curses window
winstr (3x)          - get a string of characters from a curses window
winwstr (3x)         - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window
wish (1)             - Simple windowing shell
wm (n)               - Communicate with window manager
wmove (3x)           - move curses window cursor
wnoutrefresh (3x)    - refresh curses windows and lines
wprintw (3x)         - print formatted output in curses windows
wredrawln (3x)       - refresh curses windows and lines
wrefresh (3x)        - refresh curses windows and lines
wresize (3x)         - resize a curses window
wscanw (3x)          - convert formatted input from a curses window
wscrl (3x)           - scroll a curses window
wstandend (3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
wstandout (3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
wsyncdown (3x)       - create curses windows
wsyncup (3x)         - create curses windows
x_contexts (5)       - userspace SELinux labeling interface and configuration...
XAllocClassHint (3)  - allocate class hints structure and set or read a windo...
XAllocIconSize (3)   - allocate icon size structure and set or read a window'...
XAllocSizeHints (3)  - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window...
XAllocWMHints (3)    - allocate window manager hints structure and set or rea...
xcb_change_property (3) - Changes a window property
xcb_change_property_checked (3) - Changes a window property
xcb_change_window_attributes (3) - change window attributes
xcb_change_window_attributes_checked (3) - change window attributes
xcb_circulate_notify_event_t (3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
xcb_circulate_window (3) - Change window stacking order
xcb_circulate_window_checked (3) - Change window stacking order
xcb_client_message_event_t (3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
xcb_colormap_notify_event_t (3) - the colormap for some window changed
xcb_composite_get_overlay_window (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_get_overlay_window_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_get_overlay_window_unch... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_name_window_pixmap (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_name_window_pixmap_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_redirect_subwindows (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_redirect_subwindows_che... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_redirect_window (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_redirect_window_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_release_overlay_window (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_release_overlay_window_... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_unredirect_subwindows (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_unredirect_subwindows_c... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_unredirect_window (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_unredirect_window_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_configure_notify_event_t (3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
xcb_configure_window (3) - Configures window attributes
xcb_configure_window_checked (3) - Configures window attributes
xcb_create_window (3) - Creates a window
xcb_create_window_checked (3) - Creates a window
xcb_destroy_notify_event_t (3) - a window is destroyed
xcb_destroy_subwindows (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_destroy_subwindows_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_destroy_window (3) - Destroys a window
xcb_destroy_window_checked (3) - Destroys a window
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_wind... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_wind... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_wind... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_enter_notify_event_t (3) - the pointer is in a different window
xcb_expose_event_t (3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
xcb_focus_in_event_t (3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
xcb_get_geometry (3) - Get current window geometry
xcb_get_geometry_reply (3) - Get current window geometry
xcb_get_geometry_unchecked (3) - Get current window geometry
xcb_get_property (3) - Gets a window property
xcb_get_property_reply (3) - Gets a window property
xcb_get_property_unchecked (3) - Gets a window property
xcb_get_property_value (3) - Gets a window property
xcb_get_property_value_end (3) - Gets a window property
xcb_get_property_value_length (3) - Gets a window property
xcb_get_window_attributes (3) - Gets window attributes
xcb_get_window_attributes_reply (3) - Gets window attributes
xcb_get_window_attributes_unchecked (3) - Gets window attributes
xcb_glx_create_window (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_window_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_delete_window (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_delete_window_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_doublev (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_doublev_data (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_doublev_data_end (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_doublev_data_length (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_doublev_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_doublev_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply_data_2 (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply_dat... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply_dat... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply_unc... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_dont_propagat... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_dont_propagat... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_list (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_l... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_l... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_l... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_l... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_l... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_map_notify_event_t (3) - a window was mapped
xcb_map_request_event_t (3) - window wants to be mapped
xcb_map_subwindows (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_map_subwindows_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_map_window (3)   - Makes a window visible
xcb_map_window_checked (3) - Makes a window visible
xcb_property_notify_event_t (3) - a window property changed
xcb_query_tree (3)   - query the window tree
xcb_query_tree_children (3) - query the window tree
xcb_query_tree_children_end (3) - query the window tree
xcb_query_tree_children_length (3) - query the window tree
xcb_query_tree_reply (3) - query the window tree
xcb_query_tree_unchecked (3) - query the window tree
xcb_reparent_window (3) - Reparents a window
xcb_reparent_window_checked (3) - Reparents a window
xcb_selinux_get_window_context (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_context_context (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_context_contex... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_context_contex... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_context_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_context_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_window_create_context (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_window_create_context... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_close_down_mode (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_close_down_mode_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_unmap_notify_event_t (3) - a window is unmapped
xcb_unmap_subwindows (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_unmap_subwindows_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_unmap_window (3) - Makes a window invisible
xcb_unmap_window_checked (3) - Makes a window invisible
xcb_x_print_print_end_doc (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_end_doc_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data_data (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data_d... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data_d... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data_r... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data_u... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_put_document_data (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_put_document_data_c... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_start_doc (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_start_doc_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_window (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_window_... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_window_shape_region (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_window_shape_region_ch... (3) - (unknown subject)
XChangeProperty (3)  - obtain and change window properties
XChangeWindowAttributes (3) - change window attributes
XCheckTypedWindowEvent (3) - select events by type
XCheckWindowEvent (3) - select events by type
XCirculateSubwindows (3) - change window stacking order
XCirculateSubwindowsDown (3) - change window stacking order
XCirculateSubwindowsUp (3) - change window stacking order
XClassHint (3)       - allocate class hints structure and set or read a windo...
XClearArea (3)       - clear area or window
XClearWindow (3)     - clear area or window
XConfigureWindow (3) - configure windows and window changes structure
XConvertSelection (3) - manipulate window selection
XCreateSimpleWindow (3) - create windows and window attributes structure
XCreateWindow (3)    - create windows and window attributes structure
XCreateWindowEvent (3) - CreateNotify event structure
XDeleteProperty (3)  - obtain and change window properties
XDestroySubwindows (3) - destroy windows
XDestroyWindow (3)   - destroy windows
XDestroyWindowEvent (3) - DestroyNotify event structure
XFetchName (3)       - set or read a window's WM_NAME property
XGetClassHint (3)    - allocate class hints structure and set or read a windo...
XGetCommand (3)      - set or read a window's WM_COMMAND property
XGetGeometry (3)     - get current window attribute or geometry and current w...
XGetIconName (3)     - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property
XGetIconSizes (3)    - allocate icon size structure and set or read a window'...
XGetSelectionOwner (3) - manipulate window selection
XGetTransientForHint (3) - set or read a window's WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property
XGetWindowAttributes (3) - get current window attribute or geometry and curre...
XGetWindowProperty (3) - obtain and change window properties
XGetWMClientMachine (3) - set or read a window's WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property
XGetWMColormapWindows (3) - set or read a window's WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property
XGetWMHints (3)      - allocate window manager hints structure and set or rea...
XGetWMIconName (3)   - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property
XGetWMName (3)       - set or read a window's WM_NAME property
XGetWMNormalHints (3) - allocate size hints structure and set or read a windo...
XGetWMProtocols (3)  - set or read a window's WM_PROTOCOLS property
XGetWMSizeHints (3)  - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window...
XIconifyWindow (3)   - manipulate top-level windows
XIconSize (3)        - allocate icon size structure and set or read a window'...
XkbAddGeomDoodad (3) - Add one doodad to a section of a keyboard geometry or ...
XkbAllocCompatMap (3) - Allocate a new compatibility map if you do not alread...
XkbAllocGeomDoodads (3) - Allocate doodads that are global to a keyboard geom...
XkbAllocGeomSectionDoodads (3) - Allocate doodads that are specific to a section
XkbFindOverlayForKey (3) - Find the alternate name by using the primary name ...
XkbFreeGeomDoodads (3) - Free geometry doodads
XkbSetIndicatorMap (3) - Downloads the changes to the server based on modific...
XListProperties (3)  - obtain and change window properties
XLowerWindow (3)     - change window stacking order
XMapRaised (3)       - map windows
XMapSubwindows (3)   - map windows
XMapWindow (3)       - map windows
XmbSetWMProperties (3) - set standard window properties
XML::DOM (3pm)       - A perl module for building DOM Level 1 compliant docum...
XML::DOM::AttDef (3pm) - A single XML attribute definition in an ATTLIST in X...
XML::DOM::AttlistDecl (3pm) - An XML ATTLIST declaration in XML::DOM
XML::DOM::Attr (3pm) - An XML attribute in XML::DOM
XML::DOM::CDATASection (3pm) - Escaping XML text blocks in XML::DOM
XML::DOM::CharacterData (3pm) - Common interface for Text, CDATASections and ...
XML::DOM::Comment (3pm) - An XML comment in XML::DOM
XML::DOM::Document (3pm) - An XML document node in XML::DOM
XML::DOM::DocumentFragment (3pm) - Facilitates cut & paste in XML::DOM documents
XML::DOM::DocumentType (3pm) - An XML document type (DTD) in XML::DOM
XML::DOM::DOMImplementation (3pm) - Information about XML::DOM implementation
XML::DOM::Element (3pm) - An XML element node in XML::DOM
XML::DOM::ElementDecl (3pm) - An XML ELEMENT declaration in XML::DOM
XML::DOM::Entity (3pm) - An XML ENTITY in XML::DOM
XML::DOM::EntityReference (3pm) - An XML ENTITY reference in XML::DOM
XML::DOM::NamedNodeMap (3pm) - A hash table interface for XML::DOM
XML::DOM::Node (3pm) - Super class of all nodes in XML::DOM
XML::DOM::NodeList (3pm) - A node list as used by XML::DOM
XML::DOM::Notation (3pm) - An XML NOTATION in XML::DOM
XML::DOM::Parser (3pm) - An XML::Parser that builds XML::DOM document structures
XML::DOM::PerlSAX (3pm) - Old name of XML::Handler::BuildDOM
XML::DOM::ProcessingInstruction (3pm) - An XML processing instruction in XML:...
XML::DOM::Text (3pm) - A piece of XML text in XML::DOM
XML::DOM::XMLDecl (3pm) - XML declaration in XML::DOM
XML::Handler::BuildDOM (3pm) - PerlSAX handler that creates XML::DOM document...
XML::LibXML::Document (3pm) - XML::LibXML DOM Document Class
XML::LibXML::DocumentFragment (3pm) - XML::LibXML's DOM L2 Document Fragment ...
XML::LibXML::DOM (3pm) - XML::LibXML DOM Implementation
XML::LibXML::NodeList (3pm) - a list of XML document nodes
XML::LibXML::SAX::Builder (3pm) - Building DOM trees from SAX events.
XML::Parser (3pm)    - A perl module for parsing XML documents
XML::SAX::DocumentLocator (3pm) - Helper class for document locators
xmlwf (1)            - Determines if an XML document is well-formed
XMoveResizeWindow (3) - configure windows and window changes structure
XMoveWindow (3)      - configure windows and window changes structure
XParseGeometry (3)   - parse window geometry
XQueryTree (3)       - query window tree information
XRaiseWindow (3)     - change window stacking order
XReconfigureWMWindow (3) - manipulate top-level windows
XReparentWindow (3)  - reparent windows
XResizeWindow (3)    - configure windows and window changes structure
XRestackWindows (3)  - change window stacking order
XRotateWindowProperties (3) - obtain and change window properties
XSetClassHint (3)    - allocate class hints structure and set or read a windo...
XSetCloseDownMode (3) - control clients
XSetCommand (3)      - set or read a window's WM_COMMAND property
XSetIconName (3)     - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property
XSetIconSizes (3)    - allocate icon size structure and set or read a window'...
xsetroot (1)         - root window parameter setting utility for X
XSetSelectionOwner (3) - manipulate window selection
XSetSubwindowMode (3) - GC convenience routines
XSetTransientForHint (3) - set or read a window's WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property
XSetWindowAttributes (3) - create windows and window attributes structure
XSetWindowBackground (3) - change window attributes
XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap (3) - change window attributes
XSetWindowBorder (3) - change window attributes
XSetWindowBorderPixmap (3) - change window attributes
XSetWindowBorderWidth (3) - configure windows and window changes structure
XSetWindowColormap (3) - change window attributes
XSetWMClientMachine (3) - set or read a window's WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property
XSetWMColormapWindows (3) - set or read a window's WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property
XSetWMHints (3)      - allocate window manager hints structure and set or rea...
XSetWMIconName (3)   - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property
XSetWMName (3)       - set or read a window's WM_NAME property
XSetWMNormalHints (3) - allocate size hints structure and set or read a windo...
XSetWMProperties (3) - set standard window properties
XSetWMProtocols (3)  - set or read a window's WM_PROTOCOLS property
XSetWMSizeHints (3)  - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window...
XSizeHints (3)       - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window...
XStoreName (3)       - set or read a window's WM_NAME property
XTranslateCoordinates (3) - translate window coordinates
XUnmapSubwindows (3) - unmap windows
XUnmapWindow (3)     - unmap windows
Xutf8SetWMProperties (3) - set standard window properties
xwdtopnm (1)         - convert an X11 or X10 window dump file to a PNM image
XWindowAttributes (3) - get current window attribute or geometry and current ...
XWindowChanges (3)   - configure windows and window changes structure
XWindowEvent (3)     - select events by type
XWithdrawWindow (3)  - manipulate top-level windows
XWMGeometry (3)      - parse window geometry
XWMHints (3)         - allocate window manager hints structure and set or rea...
xxd (1)              - make a hexdump or do the reverse.
ypdomainname (1)     - show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
yum (8)              - Yellowdog Updater Modified
yum-shell (8)        - Yellowdog Updater Modified shell
yumdownloader (1)    - download RPM packages from Yum repositories
zipnote (1)          - write the comments in zipfile to stdout, edit comments...

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