ity(2) - phpMan

Command: man perldoc info search(apropos)  

cPanel::PublicAPI::Utils (3pm) - Provides some internally used utility functi...
cPanel::PublicAPI::WHM::Legacy (3pm) - A module for handling Cpanel::Accounti...
.k5identity (5)      - Kerberos V5 client principal selection rules
BC (3x)              - direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
ASN1_STRING_cmp (3ssl) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_data (3ssl) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_dup (3ssl) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_length (3ssl) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_length_set (3ssl) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_set (3ssl) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_to_UTF8 (3ssl) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_type (3ssl) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
auditctl (8)         - a utility to assist controlling the kernel's audit system
avc_context_to_sid (3) - obtain and manipulate SELinux security ID's
avc_get_initial_context (3) - obtain and manipulate SELinux security ID's
avc_get_initial_sid (3) - obtain and manipulate SELinux security ID's
avc_sid_to_context (3) - obtain and manipulate SELinux security ID's
blkdeactivate (8)    - utility to deactivate block devices
BN_GENCB_call (3ssl) - generate primes and test for primality
BN_GENCB_set (3ssl)  - generate primes and test for primality
BN_GENCB_set_old (3ssl) - generate primes and test for primality
BN_generate_prime (3ssl) - generate primes and test for primality
BN_generate_prime_ex (3ssl) - generate primes and test for primality
BN_is_prime (3ssl)   - generate primes and test for primality
BN_is_prime_ex (3ssl) - generate primes and test for primality
BN_is_prime_fasttest (3ssl) - generate primes and test for primality
BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex (3ssl) - generate primes and test for primality
BSD::Resource (3pm)  - BSD process resource limit and priority functions
capsh (1)            - capability shell wrapper
CGI::Apache (3pm)    - Backward compatibility module for
CGI::Switch (3pm)    - Backward compatibility module for defunct CGI::Switch
chcat (8)            - change file SELinux security category
chcon (1)            - change file SELinux security context
cms (1ssl)           - CMS utility
CMS_add0_cert (3ssl) - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_add0_crl (3ssl)  - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_add1_cert (3ssl) - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_add1_crl (3ssl)  - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_get1_certs (3ssl) - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_get1_crls (3ssl) - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
context_free (3)     - Routines to manipulate SELinux security contexts
context_new (3)      - Routines to manipulate SELinux security contexts
context_range_get (3) - Routines to manipulate SELinux security contexts
context_range_set (3) - Routines to manipulate SELinux security contexts
context_role_get (3) - Routines to manipulate SELinux security contexts
context_role_set (3) - Routines to manipulate SELinux security contexts
context_type_get (3) - Routines to manipulate SELinux security contexts
context_type_set (3) - Routines to manipulate SELinux security contexts
context_user_get (3) - Routines to manipulate SELinux security contexts
context_user_set (3) - Routines to manipulate SELinux security contexts
CPAN::FirstTime (3pm) - Utility for CPAN::Config file Initialization
CPAN::Version (3pm)  - utility functions to compare CPAN versions
cpupower-frequency-info (1) - Utility to retrieve cpufreq kernel information
cpupower-idle-info (1) - Utility to retrieve cpu idle kernel information
cpupower-idle-set (1) - Utility to set cpu idle state specific kernel options
crl (1ssl)           - CRL utility
crlutil (1)          - List, generate, modify, or delete CRLs within the NSS ...
curs_termcap (3x)    - direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
curs_util (3x)       - miscellaneous curses utility routines
dbus-uuidgen (1)     - Utility to generate UUIDs
delay_output (3x)    - miscellaneous curses utility routines
delv (1)             - DNS lookup and validation utility
des_read_2passwords (3ssl) - Compatibility user interface functions
des_read_password (3ssl) - Compatibility user interface functions
des_read_pw (3ssl)   - Compatibility user interface functions
des_read_pw_string (3ssl) - Compatibility user interface functions
DES_set_odd_parity (3ssl) - DES encryption
Devel::PPPort (3pm)  - Perl/Pollution/Portability
dig (1)              - DNS lookup utility
dotlockfile (1)      - Utility to manage lockfiles
doveadm (1)          - Dovecot's administration utility
doveadm-backup (1)   - Dovecot's one-way mailbox synchronization utility
doveadm-config (1)   - Dovecot's configuration dumping utility
doveadm-reload (1)   - Dovecot's administration utility
doveadm-stop (1)     - Dovecot's administration utility
doveadm-sync (1)     - Dovecot's two-way mailbox synchronization utility
doveconf (1)         - Dovecot's configuration dumping utility
dovecot-sysreport (1) - Dovecot's system report utility
dpkg-trigger (1)     - a package trigger utility
dsync (1)            - Dovecot's two-way mailbox synchronization utility
EC_POINT_is_at_infinity (3ssl) - Functions for performing mathematical operat...
EC_POINT_set_to_infinity (3ssl) - Functions for creating, destroying and mani...
FcStrSetEqual (3)    - check sets for equality
FcValueEqual (3)     - Test two values for equality
fgetfilecon (3)      - get SELinux security context of a file
fgetfilecon_raw (3)  - get SELinux security context of a file
File::Which (3pm)    - Portable implementation of the `which' utility
filter (3x)          - miscellaneous curses utility routines
Filter::Util::Call (3pm) - Perl Source Filter Utility Module
fixfiles (8)         - fix file SELinux security contexts.
flushinp (3x)        - miscellaneous curses utility routines
fmtutil (1)          - utility for maintaining TeX format files
fmtutil-sys (1)      - utility for maintaining TeX format files system-wide
freecon (3)          - get SELinux security context of a process
freeconary (3)       - get SELinux security context of a process
fsetfilecon (3)      - set SELinux security context of a file
fsetfilecon_raw (3)  - set SELinux security context of a file
gdbm (3)             - The GNU database manager. Includes dbm and ndbm compat...
gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders (1) - GdkPixbuf loader registration utility
genl (8)             - generic netlink utility frontend
getcon (3)           - get SELinux security context of a process
getcon_raw (3)       - get SELinux security context of a process
getexeccon (3)       - get or set the SELinux security context used for execu...
getexeccon_raw (3)   - get or set the SELinux security context used for execu...
getfilecon (3)       - get SELinux security context of a file
getfilecon_raw (3)   - get SELinux security context of a file
getfscreatecon (3)   - get or set the SELinux security context used for creat...
getfscreatecon_raw (3) - get or set the SELinux security context used for cre...
getkeycreatecon (3)  - get or set the SELinux security context used for creat...
getkeycreatecon_raw (3) - get or set the SELinux security context used for cr...
getpeercon (3)       - get SELinux security context of a process
getpeercon_raw (3)   - get SELinux security context of a process
getpidcon (3)        - get SELinux security context of a process
getpidcon_raw (3)    - get SELinux security context of a process
getprevcon (3)       - get SELinux security context of a process
getprevcon_raw (3)   - get SELinux security context of a process
getsockcreatecon (3) - get or set the SELinux security context used for creat...
getsockcreatecon_raw (3) - get or set the SELinux security context used for c...
getwin (3x)          - miscellaneous curses utility routines
git-fsck (1)         - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects ...
git-fsck-objects (1) - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects ...
gmake (1)            - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs
grpck (8)            - verify integrity of group files
grub2-macbless (8)   - Mac-style bless utility for HFS or HFS+
gtk-query-immodules-3.0 (1) - Input method module registration utility
gtk-query-immodules-3.0-64 (1) - Input method module registration utility
gtk-update-icon-cache (1) - Icon theme caching utility
Hash::Util (3pm)     - A selection of general-utility hash subroutines
host (1)             - DNS lookup utility
HTTP::Headers::Util (3pm) - Header value parsing utility functions
i386 (8)             - change reported architecture in new program environmen...
iceauth (1)          - ICE authority file utility
ifstat (8)           - handy utility to read network interface statistics
innochecksum (1)     - offline InnoDB file checksum utility
ionice (1)           - set or get process I/O scheduling class and priority
IP::Authority (3pm)  - fast lookup of authority by IP address
ipmitool (1)         - utility for controlling IPMI-enabled devices
iprconfig (8)        - IBM Power RAID storage adapter configuration/recovery ...
iprdbg (8)           - IBM Power RAID storage adapter debug utility
iprdump (8)          - IBM Power RAID adapter dump utility
iprinit (8)          - IBM Power RAID adapter/device initialization utility
iprupdate (8)        - IBM Power RAID adapter/device microcode update utility
item_visible (3x)    - check visibility of a menu item
json_pp (1)          - JSON::PP command utility
json_xs (1)          - JSON::XS commandline utility
k5identity (5)       - Kerberos V5 client principal selection rules
key_name (3x)        - miscellaneous curses utility routines
keyctl (1)           - Key management facility control
keyctl_assume_authority (3) - Assume the authority to instantiate a key
keyctl_get_security (3) - Retrieve a key's security context
keyctl_get_security_alloc (3) - Retrieve a key's security context
keyname (3x)         - miscellaneous curses utility routines
lgetfilecon (3)      - get SELinux security context of a file
lgetfilecon_raw (3)  - get SELinux security context of a file
linux32 (8)          - change reported architecture in new program environmen...
linux64 (8)          - change reported architecture in new program environmen...
List::Util (3pm)     - A selection of general-utility list subroutines
Log::Log4perl::Util (3pm) - Internal utility functions
lsetfilecon (3)      - set SELinux security context of a file
lsetfilecon_raw (3)  - set SELinux security context of a file
lwp-mirror (1)       - Simple mirror utility
lwres_addr_parse (3) - lightweight resolver utility functions
lwres_getaddrsbyname (3) - lightweight resolver utility functions
lwres_getnamebyaddr (3) - lightweight resolver utility functions
lwres_resutil (3)    - lightweight resolver utility functions
lwres_string_parse (3) - lightweight resolver utility functions
Mail::Util (3pm)     - mail utility functions
make (1)             - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs
matchmediacon (3)    - get the default SELinux security context for the speci...
matchpathcon (3)     - get the default SELinux security context for the speci...
matchpathcon (8)     - get the default SELinux security context for the speci...
matchpathcon_fini (3) - get the default SELinux security context for the spec...
matchpathcon_index (3) - get the default SELinux security context for the spe...
matchpathcon_init (3) - get the default SELinux security context for the spec...
mdig (1)             - DNS pipelined lookup utility
mitem_visible (3x)   - check visibility of a menu item
mktexfmt (1)         - utility for maintaining TeX format files
mode_to_security_class (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission val...
Module::Build::Compat (3pm) - Compatibility with ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Module::Pluggable (3pm) - automatically give your module the ability to have ...
Module::Pluggable::Object (3pm) - automatically give your module the ability ...
modutil (1)          - Manage PKCS #11 module information within the security...
monit (1)            - utility for monitoring services on a Unix system
myisamchk (1)        - MyISAM table-maintenance utility
mysql_secure_installation (1) - improve MySQL installation security
mysqlbinlog (1)      - utility for processing binary log files
named-checkzone (8)  - zone file validity checking or converting tool
named-compilezone (8) - zone file validity checking or converting tool
Net::Daemon::Log (3pm) - Utility functions for logging
Net::Ping (3pm)      - check a remote host for reachability
nice (1)             - run a program with modified scheduling priority
nofilter (3x)        - miscellaneous curses utility routines
nsupdate (1)         - Dynamic DNS update utility
OBJ_cleanup (3ssl)   - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_cmp (3ssl)       - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_create (3ssl)    - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_dup (3ssl)       - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_ln2nid (3ssl)    - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_nid2ln (3ssl)    - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_nid2obj (3ssl)   - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_nid2sn (3ssl)    - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_obj2nid (3ssl)   - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_obj2txt (3ssl)   - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_sn2nid (3ssl)    - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_txt2nid (3ssl)   - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_txt2obj (3ssl)   - ASN1 object utility functions
ocsp (1ssl)          - Online Certificate Status Protocol utility
ospeed (3x)          - direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
pack (n)             - Geometry manager that packs around edges of cavity
pam_pwquality (8)    - PAM module to perform password quality checking
pam_selinux (8)      - PAM module to set the default security context
pamrubber (1)        - a rubber-sheeting utility that stretches an image base...
PC (3x)              - direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
perlcommunity (1)    - a brief overview of the Perl community
perlsec (1)          - Perl security
pkcs12 (1ssl)        - PKCS#12 file utility
pkcs7 (1ssl)         - PKCS#7 utility
pkeyutl (1ssl)       - public key algorithm utility
pkla-admin-identities (8) - List pklocalauthority-configured polkit administr...
pkla-check-authorization (8) - Evaluate pklocalauthority authorization config...
pklocalauthority (8) - polkit Local Authority Compatibility
ps2pdfwr (1)         - Convert PostScript to PDF without specifying Compatibi...
puppet-ca (8)        - Local Puppet Certificate Authority management.
putwin (3x)          - miscellaneous curses utility routines
pwck (8)             - verify integrity of password files
pwquality.conf (5)   - configuration for the libpwquality library
pwscore (1)          - simple configurable tool for checking quality of a pas...
Regexp::Common::profanity (3pm) - - provide regexes for profanity
renice (1)           - alter priority of running processes
replace (1)          - a string-replacement utility
req (1ssl)           - PKCS#10 certificate request and certificate generating...
restorecon (8)       - restore file(s) default SELinux security contexts.
rndc (8)             - name server control utility
rpdump (1)           - alpine remote data utility
rpload (1)           - alpine remote data utility
rpm_execcon (3)      - get or set the SELinux security context used for execu...
rsautl (1ssl)        - RSA utility
runcon (1)           - run command with specified SELinux security context
sa1 (8)              - Collect and store binary data in the system activity d...
sadc (8)             - System activity data collector.
sar (1)              - Collect, report, or save system activity information.
Scalar::Util (3pm)   - A selection of general-utility scalar subroutines
scsi_readcap (8)     - do SCSI READ CAPACITY command on disks
secmod.db (5)        - Legacy NSS security modules database
security_av_perm_to_string (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission...
security_av_string (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission values ...
security_check_context (3) - check the validity of a SELinux context
security_check_context_raw (3) - check the validity of a SELinux context
security_class_to_string (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission v...
security_commit_booleans (3) - routines for manipulating SELinux boolean values
security_compute_av (3) - query the SELinux policy database in the kernel
security_compute_av_flags (3) - query the SELinux policy database in the kernel
security_compute_av_flags_raw (3) - query the SELinux policy database in the ...
security_compute_av_raw (3) - query the SELinux policy database in the kernel
security_compute_create (3) - query the SELinux policy database in the kernel
security_compute_create_name (3) - query the SELinux policy database in the k...
security_compute_create_name_raw (3) - query the SELinux policy database in t...
security_compute_create_raw (3) - query the SELinux policy database in the ke...
security_compute_member (3) - query the SELinux policy database in the kernel
security_compute_member_raw (3) - query the SELinux policy database in the ke...
security_compute_relabel (3) - query the SELinux policy database in the kernel
security_compute_relabel_raw (3) - query the SELinux policy database in the k...
security_compute_user (3) - query the SELinux policy database in the kernel
security_compute_user_raw (3) - query the SELinux policy database in the kernel
security_deny_unknown (3) - get or set the enforcing state of SELinux
security_disable (3) - disable the SELinux kernel code at runtime
security_get_boolean_active (3) - routines for manipulating SELinux boolean v...
security_get_boolean_names (3) - routines for manipulating SELinux boolean va...
security_get_boolean_pending (3) - routines for manipulating SELinux boolean ...
security_get_initial_context (3) - query the SELinux policy database in the k...
security_get_initial_context_raw (3) - query the SELinux policy database in t...
security_getenforce (3) - get or set the enforcing state of SELinux
SECURITY_LABEL (7)   - define or change a security label applied to an object
security_load_booleans (3) - routines for manipulating SELinux boolean values
security_load_policy (3) - load a new SELinux policy
security_mkload_policy (3) - load a new SELinux policy
security_policyvers (3) - get the version of the SELinux policy
security_set_boolean (3) - routines for manipulating SELinux boolean values
security_setenforce (3) - get or set the enforcing state of SELinux
selabel_lookup (3)   - obtain SELinux security context from a string label
selabel_lookup_best_match (3) - obtain a best match SELinux security context ...
selabel_lookup_best_match_raw (3) - obtain a best match SELinux security cont...
selabel_lookup_raw (3) - obtain SELinux security context from a string label
selinux (8)          - NSA Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux)
selinux_check_securetty_context (3) - check whether a SELinux tty security co...
selinux_file_context_cmp (3) - Compare two SELinux security contexts excludin...
selinux_file_context_verify (3) - Compare the SELinux security context on dis...
selinux_raw_context_to_color (3) - Return RGB color string for an SELinux sec...
selinux_restorecon (3) - restore file(s) default SELinux security contexts
sepol_check_context (3) - Check the validity of a security context against a ...
sess_id (1ssl)       - SSL/TLS session handling utility
set_matchpathcon_flags (3) - set flags controlling the operation of matchpath...
set_matchpathcon_invalidcon (3) - set flags controlling the operation of matc...
set_matchpathcon_printf (3) - set flags controlling the operation of matchpat...
setarch (8)          - change reported architecture in new program environmen...
setcon (3)           - get SELinux security context of a process
setcon_raw (3)       - get SELinux security context of a process
setexeccon (3)       - get or set the SELinux security context used for execu...
setexeccon_raw (3)   - get or set the SELinux security context used for execu...
setfilecon (3)       - set SELinux security context of a file
setfilecon_raw (3)   - set SELinux security context of a file
setfiles (8)         - set SELinux file security contexts.
setfscreatecon (3)   - get or set the SELinux security context used for creat...
setfscreatecon_raw (3) - get or set the SELinux security context used for cre...
setkeycreatecon (3)  - get or set the SELinux security context used for creat...
setkeycreatecon_raw (3) - get or set the SELinux security context used for cr...
setsockcreatecon (3) - get or set the SELinux security context used for creat...
setsockcreatecon_raw (3) - get or set the SELinux security context used for c...
sg_readcap (8)       - send SCSI READ CAPACITY command
sidget (3)           - obtain and manipulate SELinux security ID's
sidput (3)           - obtain and manipulate SELinux security ID's
smartctl (8)         - Control and Monitor Utility for SMART Disks
smime (1ssl)         - S/MIME utility
spkac (1ssl)         - SPKAC printing and generating utility
ss (8)               - another utility to investigate sockets
SSL_check_chain (3ssl) - check certificate chain suitability
SSL_CTX_set_psk_server_callback (3ssl) - set PSK identity hint to use
SSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hint (3ssl) - set PSK identity hint to use
SSL_get_psk_identity (3ssl) - get PSK client identity and hint
SSL_get_psk_identity_hint (3ssl) - get PSK client identity and hint
SSL_set_psk_server_callback (3ssl) - set PSK identity hint to use
SSL_use_psk_identity_hint (3ssl) - set PSK identity hint to use
string_to_security_class (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission v...
sudoers (5)          - default sudo security policy plugin
systemd-initctl (8)  - /dev/initctl compatibility
systemd-initctl.service (8) - /dev/initctl compatibility
systemd-initctl.socket (8) - /dev/initctl compatibility
TAP::Base (3pm)      - Base class that provides common functionality to TAP::...
TAP::Object (3pm)    - Base class that provides common functionality to all "...
taskset (1)          - retrieve or set a process's CPU affinity
tc-mqprio (8)        - Multiqueue Priority Qdisc (Offloaded Hardware QOS)
tc-prio (8)          - Priority qdisc
Tcl_LimitGetGranularity (3) - manage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitSetGranularity (3) - manage and check resource limits on interpreters
tcpd (8)             - access control facility for internet services
Template::Base (3pm) - Base class module implementing common functionality
terminfo (5)         - terminal capability data base
tgetent (3x)         - direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
tgetflag (3x)        - direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
tgetnum (3x)         - direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
tgetstr (3x)         - direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
tgoto (3x)           - direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
TIFFcodec (3tiff)    - codec-related utility routines
TIFFstrip (3tiff)    - strip-related utility routines
TIFFtile (3tiff)     - tile-related utility routines
tk_focusFollowsMouse (n) - Utility procedures for managing the input focus.
tk_focusNext (n)     - Utility procedures for managing the input focus.
tk_focusPrev (n)     - Utility procedures for managing the input focus.
ts (1ssl)            - Time Stamping Authority tool (client/server)
ui_compat (3ssl)     - Compatibility user interface functions
unctrl (3x)          - miscellaneous curses utility routines
UP (3x)              - direct curses interface to the terminfo capability dat...
use_env (3x)         - miscellaneous curses utility routines
use_tioctl (3x)      - miscellaneous curses utility routines
verify (1ssl)        - Utility to verify certificates.
wunctrl (3x)         - miscellaneous curses utility routines
x509 (1ssl)          - Certificate display and signing utility
X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_NID (3ssl) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_OBJ (3ssl) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_txt (3ssl) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data (3ssl) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_object (3ssl) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_data (3ssl) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_object (3ssl) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
x86_64 (8)           - change reported architecture in new program environmen...
Xau (3)              - X authority database routines
XauDisposeAuth (3)   - X authority database routines
XauFileName (3)      - X authority database routines
XauGetAuthByAddr (3) - X authority database routines
XauGetBestAuthByAddr (3) - X authority database routines
XauLockAuth (3)      - X authority database routines
XauReadAuth (3)      - X authority database routines
XauUnlockAuth (3)    - X authority database routines
XauWriteAuth (3)     - X authority database routines
xcb_gravity_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_associate... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_associate... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_provider_info_associate... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_get_priority (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_get_priority_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_get_priority_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_set_priority (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_set_priority_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_visibility_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
XGravityEvent (3)    - GravityNotify event structure
xinput (1)           - utility to configure and test X input devices
XkbAllocCompatMap (3) - Allocate a new compatibility map if you do not alread...
XkbApplyCompatMapToKey (3) - Apply the new compatibility mapping to an indivi...
XkbFreeCompatMap (3) - Free an entire compatibility map or selected portions ...
XkbGetCompatMap (3)  - Fetch any combination of the current compatibility map...
XkbLibraryVersion (3) - Determines the compatibility of a library at runtime.
XkbQueryExtension (3) - Determines the compatibility of a library at runtime.
XkbSetCompatMap (3)  - Modify the server's compatibility map
XML::DOM::Entity (3pm) - An XML ENTITY in XML::DOM
XML::DOM::EntityReference (3pm) - An XML ENTITY reference in XML::DOM
xmodmap (1)          - utility for modifying keymaps and pointer button mappi...
xrdb (1)             - X server resource database utility
xset (1)             - user preference utility for X
xsetroot (1)         - root window parameter setting utility for X
xstdcmap (1)         - X standard colormap utility
XVisibilityEvent (3) - VisibilityNotify event structure

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