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Git (3pm)            - Perl interface to the Git version control system
access.conf (5)      - the login access control table file
acl (5)              - Access Control Lists
apachectl (8)        - Apache HTTP Server Control Interface
attr_get (3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
attr_off (3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
attr_on (3x)         - curses character and window attribute control routines
attr_set (3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
attroff (3x)         - curses character and window attribute control routines
attron (3x)          - curses character and window attribute control routines
attrset (3x)         - curses character and window attribute control routines
auditctl (8)         - a utility to assist controlling the kernel's audit system
BIO_callback_ctrl (3ssl) - BIO control operations
BIO_ctrl (3ssl)      - BIO control operations
BIO_ctrl_pending (3ssl) - BIO control operations
BIO_ctrl_wpending (3ssl) - BIO control operations
BIO_eof (3ssl)       - BIO control operations
BIO_flush (3ssl)     - BIO control operations
BIO_get_close (3ssl) - BIO control operations
BIO_get_info_callback (3ssl) - BIO control operations
BIO_int_ctrl (3ssl)  - BIO control operations
BIO_pending (3ssl)   - BIO control operations
BIO_ptr_ctrl (3ssl)  - BIO control operations
BIO_reset (3ssl)     - BIO control operations
BIO_seek (3ssl)      - BIO control operations
BIO_set_close (3ssl) - BIO control operations
BIO_set_info_callback (3ssl) - BIO control operations
BIO_tell (3ssl)      - BIO control operations
BIO_wpending (3ssl)  - BIO control operations
bootctl (1)          - Control the firmware and boot manager settings
btrfs-qgroup (8)     - control the quota group of a btrfs filesystem
btrfs-quota (8)      - control the global quota status of a btrfs filesystem
chacl (1)            - change the access control list of a file or directory
chgat (3x)           - curses character and window attribute control routines
collectdctl (1)      - Control interface for collectd
color_set (3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
console (n)          - Control the console on systems without a real console
console.perms (5)    - permissions control file for users at the system console
curs_attr (3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
curs_touch (3x)      - curses refresh control routines
dmesg (1)            - print or control the kernel ring buffer
doveadm-acl (1)      - Manage Access Control List (ACL)
ethtool (8)          - query or control network driver and hardware settings
EVP_PKEY_CTX_ctrl (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations
EVP_PKEY_CTX_ctrl_str (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dh_paramgen_generator (3ssl) - algorithm specific control op...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dh_paramgen_prime_len (3ssl) - algorithm specific control op...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dsa_paramgen_bits (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operat...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_ec_paramgen_curve_nid (3ssl) - algorithm specific control op...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_keygen_pubexp (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operat...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_padding (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_pss_saltlen (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_rsa_keygen_bits (3ssl) - algorithm specific control oper...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_signature_md (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations
FcConfigEnableHome (3) - controls use of the home directory.
field_back (3x)      - color and attribute control for form fields
field_buffer (3x)    - field buffer control
field_fore (3x)      - color and attribute control for form fields
field_pad (3x)       - color and attribute control for form fields
field_status (3x)    - field buffer control
filetest (3pm)       - Perl pragma to control the filetest permission operators
form_field_attributes (3x) - color and attribute control for form fields
form_field_buffer (3x) - field buffer control
getfacl (1)          - get file access control lists
hostnamectl (1)      - Control the system hostname
hosts.allow (5)      - format of host access control files
hosts.deny (5)       - format of host access control files
hosts_access (3)     - access control library
hosts_access (5)     - format of host access control files
hosts_options (5)    - host access control language extensions
ipmitool (1)         - utility for controlling IPMI-enabled devices
is_linetouched (3x)  - curses refresh control routines
is_wintouched (3x)   - curses refresh control routines
kdumpctl (8)         - control interface for kdump
keyctl (1)           - Key management facility control
lldpcli (8)          - control LLDP daemon
lldpctl (8)          - control LLDP daemon
localectl (1)        - Control the system locale and keyboard layout settings
loginctl (1)         - Control the systemd login manager
losetup (8)          - set up and control loop devices
machinectl (1)       - Control the systemd machine manager
memory (n)           - Control Tcl memory debugging capabilities
menu_attributes (3x) - color and attribute control for menus
menu_back (3x)       - color and attribute control for menus
menu_fore (3x)       - color and attribute control for menus
menu_grey (3x)       - color and attribute control for menus
menu_pad (3x)        - color and attribute control for menus
menu_spacing (3x)    - Control spacing between menu items.
mesg (1)             - control write access to your terminal
mii-diag (8)         - Network adapter control and monitoring
mvchgat (3x)         - curses character and window attribute control routines
mvwchgat (3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
nfsd (7)             - special filesystem for controlling Linux NFS server
ntp_acc (5)          - Access Control Options
numactl (8)          - Control NUMA policy for processes or shared memory
overloading (3pm)    - perl pragma to lexically control overloading
package (n)          - Facilities for package loading and version control
PAIR_NUMBER (3x)     - curses character and window attribute control routines
pam_access (8)       - PAM module for logdaemon style login access control
pam_time (8)         - PAM module for time control access
pamrubber (1)        - a rubber-sheeting utility that stretches an image base...
pg_controldata (1)   - display control information of a PostgreSQL database c...
pg_ctl (1)           - initialize, start, stop, or control a PostgreSQL server
pg_resetxlog (1)     - reset the write-ahead log and other control informatio...
puppet-kick (8)      - Remotely control puppet agent
rndc (8)             - name server control utility
set_field_back (3x)  - color and attribute control for form fields
set_field_buffer (3x) - field buffer control
set_field_fore (3x)  - color and attribute control for form fields
set_field_pad (3x)   - color and attribute control for form fields
set_field_status (3x) - field buffer control
set_matchpathcon_flags (3) - set flags controlling the operation of matchpath...
set_matchpathcon_invalidcon (3) - set flags controlling the operation of matc...
set_matchpathcon_printf (3) - set flags controlling the operation of matchpat...
set_max_field (3x)   - field buffer control
set_menu_back (3x)   - color and attribute control for menus
set_menu_fore (3x)   - color and attribute control for menus
set_menu_grey (3x)   - color and attribute control for menus
set_menu_pad (3x)    - color and attribute control for menus
set_menu_spacing (3x) - Control spacing between menu items.
setfacl (1)          - set file access control lists
sg_rdac (8)          - display or modify SCSI RDAC Redundant Controller mode ...
smartctl (8)         - Control and Monitor Utility for SMART Disks
sort (3pm)           - perl pragma to control sort() behaviour
standend (3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
standout (3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
systemctl (1)        - Control the systemd system and service manager
systemd-cgls (1)     - Recursively show control group contents
systemd-cgtop (1)    - Show top control groups by their resource usage
systemd-udevd-control.socket (8) - Device event managing daemon
systemd.resource-control (5) - Resource control unit settings
tc (8)               - show / manipulate traffic control settings
tc-basic (8)         - basic traffic control filter
tc-cgroup (8)        - control group based traffic control filter
tc-codel (8)         - Controlled-Delay Active Queue Management algorithm
tc-flow (8)          - flow based traffic control filter
tc-flower (8)        - flow based traffic control filter
tc-fq_codel (8)      - Fair Queuing (FQ) with Controlled Delay (CoDel)
tc-fw (8)            - fwmark traffic control filter
tc-hfsc (8)          - Hierarchical Fair Service Curve's control under linux
tc-matchall (8)      - traffic control filter that matches every packet
tc-pie (8)           - Proportional Integral controller-Enhanced AQM algorithm
tc-route (8)         - route traffic control filter
tc-tcindex (8)       - traffic control index filter
tc-u32 (8)           - universal 32bit traffic control filter
Tcl_PkgPresent (3)   - package version control
Tcl_PkgPresentEx (3) - package version control
Tcl_PkgProvide (3)   - package version control
Tcl_PkgProvideEx (3) - package version control
Tcl_PkgRequire (3)   - package version control
Tcl_PkgRequireEx (3) - package version control
Tcl_PkgRequireProc (3) - package version control
Tcl_UniCharIsControl (3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
tcpd (8)             - access control facility for internet services
teamd (8)            - team network device control daemon
teamdctl (8)         - team daemon control tool
Term::ReadKey (3pm)  - A perl module for simple terminal control
TIFFbuffer (3tiff)   - I/O buffering control routines
timedatectl (1)      - Control the system time and date
touchline (3x)       - curses refresh control routines
touchwin (3x)        - curses refresh control routines
ttk::scrollbar (n)   - Control the viewport of a scrollable widget
untouchwin (3x)      - curses refresh control routines
vmsish (3pm)         - Perl pragma to control VMS-specific language features
warnings (3pm)       - Perl pragma to control optional warnings
wattr_get (3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
wattr_off (3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
wattr_on (3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
wattr_set (3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
wattroff (3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
wattron (3x)         - curses character and window attribute control routines
wattrset (3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
wchgat (3x)          - curses character and window attribute control routines
wcolor_set (3x)      - curses character and window attribute control routines
wstandend (3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
wstandout (3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
wtouchln (3x)        - curses refresh control routines
XAddHost (3)         - control host access and host control structure
XAddHosts (3)        - control host access and host control structure
XAutoRepeatOff (3)   - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control stru...
XAutoRepeatOn (3)    - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control stru...
XBell (3)            - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control stru...
xcb_change_keyboard_control (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_change_keyboard_control_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_change_pointer_control (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_change_pointer_control_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_control (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_control_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_control_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_control (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_control_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_control_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_control (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_control_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_control_unche... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_feedback_control (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_feedback_control_che... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_control (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_control_control (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_control_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_control_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_feedback_control (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_feedback_control_feedba... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_feedback_control_feedba... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_feedback_control_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_feedback_control_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_access_control (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_access_control_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_test_grab_control (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_test_grab_control_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_controls_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_controls (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_controls_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_controls_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_controls (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_controls_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
XChangeKeyboardControl (3) - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard contro...
XChangePointerControl (3) - control pointer
XDisableAccessControl (3) - control host access and host control structure
XEnableAccessControl (3) - control host access and host control structure
XGetInputFocus (3)   - control input focus
XGetKeyboardControl (3) - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control s...
XGetPointerControl (3) - control pointer
xhost (1)            - server access control program for X
XHostAddress (3)     - control host access and host control structure
XInstallColormap (3) - control colormaps
XkbAllocControls (3) - Allocates an XkbControlsRec structure in the XkbDescRec
XkbChangeControls (3) - Provides a flexible method for updating the controls ...
XkbChangeEnabledControls (3) - Manipulates the EnabledControls control
XkbFreeControls (3)  - Frees memory used by the ctrls member of an XkbDescRec...
XkbGetAutoRepeatRate (3) - Gets the current attributes of the RepeatKeys cont...
XkbGetAutoResetControls (3) - Gets the current values of the auto-reset controls
XkbGetControls (3)   - Finds the current state of Xkb server controls
XkbGetControlsChanges (3) - Updates a local copy of a keyboard description wi...
XkbGetXlibControls (3) - Determines the current state of the Library Controls
XkbNoteControlsChanges (3) - Notes the changes in a changes structure when a ...
XkbSetAutoRepeatRate (3) - Sets the attributes of the RepeatKeys control for ...
XkbSetAutoResetControls (3) - Changes the current values of the AutoReset con...
XkbSetControls (3)   - Copies changes to the X server based on a modified ctr...
XkbSetDebuggingFlags (3) - Change the values of any of the debug controls
XkbSetXlibControls (3) - Changes the state of the Library Controls
XKeyboardControl (3) - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control stru...
XKillClient (3)      - control clients
XListHosts (3)       - control host access and host control structure
XListInstalledColormaps (3) - control colormaps
XQueryKeymap (3)     - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control stru...
XRemoveHost (3)      - control host access and host control structure
XRemoveHosts (3)     - control host access and host control structure
XSetAccessControl (3) - control host access and host control structure
XSetCloseDownMode (3) - control clients
XSetInputFocus (3)   - control input focus
XUninstallColormap (3) - control colormaps
zramctl (8)          - set up and control zram devices

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