sc(1) - phpMan

Command: man perldoc info search(apropos)  

Env (3pm)            - perl module that imports environment variables as scal...
Test (3pm)           - provides a simple framework for writing test scripts
ALTER_SCHEMA (7)     - change the definition of a schema
AppConfig::CGI (3pm) - Perl5 module for processing CGI script parameters.
apropos (1)          - search the manual page names and descriptions
asciitopgm (1)       - convert ASCII graphics into a PGM
assume_default_colors_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
augenrules (8)       - a script that merges component audit rule files
ausyscall (8)        - a program that allows mapping syscall names and numbers
autoconf (1)         - Generate configuration scripts
autodie (3pm)        - Replace functions with ones that succeed or die with l...
autoexpect (1)       - generate an Expect script from watching a session
autom4te (1)         - Generate files and scripts thanks to M4
autoscan (1)         - Generate a preliminary
awk (1)              - pattern scanning and processing language
baudrate_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
beep (3x)            - curses bell and screen flash routines
beep_sp (3x)         - curses screen-pointer extension
bind (n)             - Arrange for X events to invoke Tcl scripts
bind9-config (1)     - Get information about the installed version of ISC BIND
BIO_get_fd (3ssl)    - file descriptor BIO
BIO_new_fd (3ssl)    - file descriptor BIO
BIO_s_fd (3ssl)      - file descriptor BIO
BIO_set_fd (3ssl)    - file descriptor BIO
BlackPixelOfScreen (3) - screen information functions and macros
blkdiscard (8)       - discard sectors on a device
btrfs-rescue (8)     - Recover a damaged btrfs filesystem
btrfs-scrub (8)      - scrub btrfs filesystem, verify block checksums
btrfsck (8)          - check or repair an unmounted btrfs filesystem
busctl (1)           - Introspect the bus
cacertdir_rehash (8) - simple script to create or update hash links to certif...
can_change_color_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
captoinfo (1m)       - convert a termcap description into a terminfo description
case (n)             - Evaluate one of several scripts, depending on a given ...
catch (n)            - Evaluate script and trap exceptional returns
cbreak_sp (3x)       - curses screen-pointer extension
ceiling_panel (3x)   - curses screen-pointer extension
CellsOfScreen (3)    - screen information functions and macros
clear (1)            - clear the terminal screen
color_content_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
conjure (1)          - interprets and executes scripts written in the Magick ...
CREATE_SCHEMA (7)    - define a new schema
cron (8)             - daemon to execute scheduled commands
crond (8)            - daemon to execute scheduled commands
crontab (5)          - files used to schedule the execution of programs
crontabs (4)         - configuration and scripts for running periodical jobs
curl_easy_escape (3) - URL encodes the given string
curl_easy_strerror (3) - return string describing error code
curl_easy_unescape (3) - URL decodes the given string
curl_escape (3)      - URL encodes the given string
curl_multi_fdset (3) - extracts file descriptor information from a multi handle
curl_multi_strerror (3) - return string describing error code
curl_share_strerror (3) - return string describing error code
curl_unescape (3)    - URL decodes the given string
curs_beep (3x)       - curses bell and screen flash routines
curs_extend (3x)     - miscellaneous curses extensions
curs_initscr (3x)    - curses screen initialization and manipulation routines
curs_insch (3x)      - insert a character before cursor in a curses window
curs_scanw (3x)      - convert formatted input from a curses window
curs_scr_dump (3x)   - read (write) a curses screen from (to) a file
curs_scroll (3x)     - scroll a curses window
curs_set_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
curs_sp_funcs (3x)   - curses screen-pointer extension
curs_util (3x)       - miscellaneous curses utility routines
curscr (3x)          - curses global variables
Curses (3pm)         - terminal screen handling and optimization
curses_version (3x)  - miscellaneous curses extensions
cvs.csh (5)          - C shell log-in script for CVS users (5)           - Bourne shell log-in script for CVS users
d2i_Netscape_RSA (3ssl) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
data_ahead (3x)      - test for off-screen data in given forms
data_behind (3x)     - test for off-screen data in given forms
Date::Manip::Calc (3pm) - describes date calculations
Date::Manip::Changes5to6 (3pm) - describes differences between 5.xx and 6.00
Date::Manip::Holidays (3pm) - describes holidays and events
Date::Manip::Misc (3pm) - Miscellaneous information about Date::Manip
Date::Manip::Objects (3pm) - A description of the various Date::Manip objects
DBI::Const::GetInfoReturn (3pm) - Data and functions for describing GetInfo r...
DBI::Const::GetInfoType (3pm) - Data describing GetInfo type codes
def_prog_mode_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
def_shell_mode_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
DefaultColormapOfScreen (3) - screen information functions and macros
DefaultDepthOfScreen (3) - screen information functions and macros
DefaultGCOfScreen (3) - screen information functions and macros
DefaultScreen (3)    - Display macros and functions
DefaultScreenOfDisplay (3) - Display macros and functions
DefaultVisualOfScreen (3) - screen information functions and macros
define_key_sp (3x)   - curses screen-pointer extension
del_curterm_sp (3x)  - curses screen-pointer extension
delay_output (3x)    - miscellaneous curses utility routines
delay_output_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
delscreen (3x)       - curses screen initialization and manipulation routines
DES_key_sched (3ssl) - DES encryption
dgawk (1)            - pattern scanning and processing language
dhclient-script (8)  - DHCP client network configuration script
dhcp-eval (5)        - ISC DHCP conditional evaluation
DISCARD (7)          - discard session state
dislocate (1)        - disconnect and reconnect processes
DisplayOfScreen (3)  - screen information functions and macros
DoesBackingStore (3) - screen information functions and macros
DoesSaveUnders (3)   - screen information functions and macros
doupdate_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
doveadm-kick (1)     - Disconnect users by user name and/or IP address
dpkg-maintscript-helper (1) - works around known dpkg limitations in maintain...
DROP_SCHEMA (7)      - remove a schema
DROP_SERVER (7)      - remove a foreign server descriptor
Dumpvalue (3pm)      - provides screen dump of Perl data.
dvipdf (1)           - Convert TeX DVI file to PDF using ghostscript and dvips
e2fsck (8)           - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
e2fsck.conf (5)      - Configuration file for e2fsck
EC_GROUP_check_discriminant (3ssl) - Functions for manipulating EC_GROUP obje...
echo_sp (3x)         - curses screen-pointer extension
emacsclient (1)      - tells a running Emacs to visit a file
encoding (3pm)       - allows you to write your script in non-ascii or non-utf8
endwin (3x)          - curses screen initialization and manipulation routines
endwin_sp (3x)       - curses screen-pointer extension
eps2eps (1)          - Ghostscript PostScript "distiller"
erasechar_sp (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
ESCDELAY (3x)        - curses global variables
escp2topbm (1)       - convert an ESC/P2 printer file to a PBM image
eval (n)             - Evaluate a Tcl script
event (n)            - Miscellaneous event facilities: define virtual events ...
EventMaskOfScreen (3) - screen information functions and macros
fc-scan (1)          - scan font files or directories
FcBlanksCreate (3)   - Create an FcBlanks
FcCharSetHasChar (3) - Check a charset for a char
FcConfigGetRescanInterval (3) - Get config rescan interval
FcConfigSetRescanInterval (3) - Set config rescan interval
FcDirCacheRescan (3) - Re-scan a directory cache
FcDirScan (3)        - scan a font directory without caching it
FcFileScan (3)       - scan a font file
FcIsLower (3)        - check for lower case ASCII character
FcIsUpper (3)        - check for upper case ASCII character
FcMatrixScale (3)    - Scale a matrix
FcStrStrIgnoreCase (3) - locate UTF-8 substring ignoring ASCII case
FcToLower (3)        - convert upper case ASCII to lower case
fiascotopnm (1)      - Convert compressed FIASCO image to PGM, or PPM
fileevent (n)        - Execute a script when a channel becomes readable or wr...
filter (3x)          - miscellaneous curses utility routines
filter_sp (3x)       - curses screen-pointer extension
FindBin (3pm)        - Locate directory of original perl script
fipscheck (8)        - perform a FIPS-140-2 validation check of one or more f...
flash (3x)           - curses bell and screen flash routines
flash_sp (3x)        - curses screen-pointer extension
flock (1)            - manage locks from shell scripts
flushinp (3x)        - miscellaneous curses utility routines
flushinp_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
form_data (3x)       - test for off-screen data in given forms
fsck (8)             - check and repair a Linux filesystem
fsck.btrfs (8)       - do nothing, successfully
fsck.cramfs (8)      - fsck compressed ROM file system
fsck.ext2 (8)        - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.ext3 (8)        - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.ext4 (8)        - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.minix (8)       - check consistency of Minix filesystem
fsck.xfs (8)         - do nothing, successfully
fstrim (8)           - discard unused blocks on a mounted filesystem
gawk (1)             - pattern scanning and processing language
get_escdelay (3x)    - curses thread support
get_escdelay_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
getfscreatecon (3)   - get or set the SELinux security context used for creat...
getfscreatecon_raw (3) - get or set the SELinux security context used for cre...
getkeycodes (8)      - print kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table
getmouse_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
Getopt::Long::Descriptive (3pm) - Getopt::Long, but simpler and more powerful
Getopt::Long::Descriptive::Opts (3pm) - object representing command line swit...
Getopt::Long::Descriptive::Usage (3pm) - the usage description for GLD
getwin (3x)          - miscellaneous curses utility routines
getwin_sp (3x)       - curses screen-pointer extension
ghostscript (1)      - Ghostscript (PostScript and PDF language interpreter a...
git-describe (1)     - Show the most recent tag that is reachable from a commit
git-fsck (1)         - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects ...
git-fsck-objects (1) - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects ...
git-mergetool--lib (1) - Common Git merge tool shell scriptlets
git-sh-i18n (1)      - Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts
git-sh-setup (1)     - Common Git shell script setup code
git-web--browse (1)  - Git helper script to launch a web browser
glib-compile-schemas (1) - GSettings schema compiler
gneqn (1)            - format equations for ascii output
gouldtoppm (1)       - convert Gould scanner file into a PPM image
grops (1)            - PostScript driver for groff
ground_panel (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
grub2-mkrescue (1)   - Generate a GRUB rescue image using GNU Xorriso.
grub2-script-check (1) - Check GRUB configuration file for syntax errors.
gs (1)               - Ghostscript (PostScript and PDF language interpreter a...
gsbj (1)             - Format and print text for BubbleJet printer using ghos...
gsdj (1)             - Format and print text for DeskJet printer using ghosts...
gsdj500 (1)          - Format and print text for DeskJet 500 BubbleJet using ...
gsettings-schema-convert (1) - GConf to GSettings schema conversion
gslj (1)             - Format and print text for LaserJet printer using ghost...
gslp (1)             - Format and print text using ghostscript
gsnd (1)             - Run ghostscript (PostScript and PDF engine) without di...
halfdelay_sp (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
has_colors_sp (3x)   - curses screen-pointer extension
has_ic_sp (3x)       - curses screen-pointer extension
has_il_sp (3x)       - curses screen-pointer extension
has_key_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
has_mouse_sp (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
HeightMMOfScreen (3) - screen information functions and macros
HeightOfScreen (3)   - screen information functions and macros
hexdump (1)          - display file contents in ascii, decimal, hexadecimal, ...
tc-hfsc (8)          - Hierarchical Fair Service Curve's control under linux
HTTP::Cookies::Netscape (3pm) - access to Netscape cookies files
I18N::Collate (3pm)  - compare 8-bit scalar data according to the current locale
i2d_Netscape_RSA (3ssl) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
identify (1)         - describes the format and characteristics of one or mor...
idna_to_ascii_4i (3) - API function
idna_to_ascii_4z (3) - API function
idna_to_ascii_8z (3) - API function
idna_to_ascii_lz (3) - API function
if (n)               - Execute scripts conditionally
ifcfg (8)            - simplistic script which replaces ifconfig IP management
Image::Magick (3pm)  - objected-oriented Perl interface to ImageMagick for de...
Image::Magick::Q16 (3pm) - objected-oriented Perl interface to ImageMagick (Q...
import (1)           - saves any visible window on an X server and outputs it...
infocmp (1m)         - compare or print out terminfo descriptions
infotocap (1m)       - convert a terminfo description into a termcap description
init_color_sp (3x)   - curses screen-pointer extension
init_pair_sp (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
initscr (3x)         - curses screen initialization and manipulation routines
insch (3x)           - insert a character before cursor in a curses window
installkernel (8)    - tool to script kernel installation
intrflush_sp (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
ionice (1)           - set or get process I/O scheduling class and priority
is_scrollok (3x)     - curses window properties
is_term_resized_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension (1)    - Get information about the installed version of ISC BIND
isc-hmac-fixup (8)   - fixes HMAC keys generated by older versions of BIND
IsCursorKey (3)      - keysym classification macros
isendwin (3x)        - curses screen initialization and manipulation routines
isendwin_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
IsMiscFunctionKey (3) - keysym classification macros
item_description (3x) - get menu item name and description fields
item_name (3x)       - get menu item name and description fields
JSON (3pm)           - JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder
key_defined_sp (3x)  - curses screen-pointer extension
key_name (3x)        - miscellaneous curses utility routines
keybound_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
keyctl_describe (3)  - Describe a key
keyctl_describe_alloc (3) - Describe a key
keymaps (5)          - keyboard table descriptions for loadkeys and dumpkeys
keyname (3x)         - miscellaneous curses utility routines
keyname_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
keyok_sp (3x)        - curses screen-pointer extension
killchar_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
kpsepath (1)         - script to make teTeX-style kpsetool, kpsexpand, and kp...
kpsetool (1)         - script to make teTeX-style kpsetool, kpsexpand, and kp...
kpsexpand (1)        - script to make teTeX-style kpsetool, kpsexpand, and kp...
ldattach (8)         - attach a line discipline to a serial line
Locale::Codes::API (3pm) - a description of the callable function in each module
Locale::Codes::Script (3pm) - standard codes for script identification
Locale::Codes::Script_Codes (3pm) - script codes for the Locale::Codes::Scrip...
Locale::Codes::Script_Retired (3pm) - retired script codes for the Locale::Co...
Locale::Script (3pm) - standard codes for script identification
Log::Dispatch::Screen (3pm) - Object for logging to the screen
Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen (3pm) - Log to STDOUT/STDERR
Log::Log4perl::Appender::ScreenColore... (3pm) - Colorize messages according ...
Log::Log4perl::JavaMap::ConsoleAppender (3pm) - wraps Log::Dispatch::Screen
lscpu (1)            - display information about the CPU architecture
lsscsi (8)           - list SCSI devices (or hosts) and their attributes
luatex (1)           - An extended version of pdfTeX using Lua as an embedded...
mapscrn (8)          - load screen output mapping table
MaxCmapsOfScreen (3) - screen information functions and macros
mcprint_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
MinCmapsOfScreen (3) - screen information functions and macros
misc_conv (3)        - text based conversation function
mitem_name (3x)      - get menu item name and description fields
mkfontscale (1)      - create an index of scalable font files for X
Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS (3pm) - Builder class for RiscOS platforms
mouseinterval_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
mousemask_sp (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
mvcur_sp (3x)        - curses screen-pointer extension
mvinsch (3x)         - insert a character before cursor in a curses window
mvscanw (3x)         - convert formatted input from a curses window
mvwinsch (3x)        - insert a character before cursor in a curses window
mvwscanw (3x)        - convert formatted input from a curses window
mysql.server (1)     - MySQL server startup script
mysqld_safe (1)      - MySQL server startup script
napms_sp (3x)        - curses screen-pointer extension
ncurses (3x)         - CRT screen handling and optimization package
ncursesw5-config (1) - helper script for ncurses libraries
ndptool (8)          - Neighbor Discovery Protocol tool
neqn (1)             - format equations for ascii output
new-kernel-pkg (8)   - tool to script kernel installation
new_form_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
new_menu_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
new_prescr (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
newpad_sp (3x)       - curses screen-pointer extension
newscr (3x)          - curses global variables
newterm (3x)         - curses screen initialization and manipulation routines
newterm_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
newwin_sp (3x)       - curses screen-pointer extension
nice (1)             - run a program with modified scheduling priority
nl-qdisc-add (8)     - Manage queueing disciplines
nl-qdisc-delete (8)  - Manage queueing disciplines
nl-qdisc-list (8)    - Manage queueing disciplines
nl_sp (3x)           - curses screen-pointer extension
nocbreak_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
noecho_sp (3x)       - curses screen-pointer extension
nofilter (3x)        - miscellaneous curses utility routines
nofilter_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
nonl_sp (3x)         - curses screen-pointer extension
noqiflush_sp (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
noraw_sp (3x)        - curses screen-pointer extension
nseq (1ssl)          - create or examine a netscape certificate sequence
ntp_misc (5)         - Miscellaneous Options
os-prober (1)        - Discover bootable partitions on the local system.
pair_content_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
pam_misc_drop_env (3) - liberating a locally saved environment
pam_misc_paste_env (3) - transcribing an environment to that of PAM
pam_misc_setenv (3)  - BSD like PAM environment variable setting
pam_permit (8)       - The promiscuous module
pam_strerror (3)     - return string describing PAM error code
pamditherbw (1)      - dither grayscale image to black and white
pamfile (1)          - describe a Netpbm (PAM or PNM) file
pamperspective (1)   - a reverse scanline renderer for Netpbm images
pamscale (1)         - scale a Netpbm image
pamstretch (1)       - scale up a PNM or PAM image by interpolating between p...
pamstretch-gen (1)   - use pamstretch and pamscale to scale by non-integer va...
pamthreshold (1)     - threshold grayscale image to black and white
pamtosvg (1)         - convert a Netpbm image to a SVG (Scalable Vector Graph...
pbmpscale (1)        - enlarge a PBM image with edge smoothing
pbmtextps (1)        - render text into a PBM image using a postscript interp...
pbmtoascii (1)       - convert a PBM image to ASCII graphics
pbmtoepsi (1)        - convert a PBM image to an encapsulated PostScript styl...
pbmtoescp2 (1)       - convert a PBM image to a ESC/P2 printer file
pbmtolps (1)         - convert PBM image to PostScript
pbmtopsg3 (1)        - convert PBM images to Postscript with G3 fax compression
pdf2dsc (1)          - generate a PostScript page list of a PDF document
pdf2ps (1)           - Ghostscript PDF to PostScript translator
peekfd (1)           - peek at file descriptors of running processes
PEM_read_bio_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE (3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE (3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE (3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE (3ssl) - PEM routines
perldsc (1)          - Perl Data Structures Cookbook
PerlIO::scalar (3pm) - in-memory IO, scalar IO
perlrebackslash (1)  - Perl Regular Expression Backslash Sequences and Escapes
perlreguts (1)       - Description of the Perl regular expression engine.
perlriscos (1)       - Perl version 5 for RISC OS
pf2afm (1)           - Make an AFM file from Postscript (PFB/PFA/PFM) font fi...
pfbtopfa (1)         - Convert Postscript .pfb fonts to .pfa format using gho...
pg_dump (1)          - extract a PostgreSQL database into a script file or ot...
pg_dumpall (1)       - extract a PostgreSQL database cluster into a script file
pgawk (1)            - pattern scanning and processing language
pgm (5)              - Netpbm grayscale image format
pgmramp (1)          - generate a grayscale ramp
pgmtoppm (1)         - colorize a PGM (grayscale) image into a PPM (color) image
PlanesOfScreen (3)   - screen information functions and macros
pnmscale (1)         - replaced by pamscale
pnmscalefixed (1)    - scale a PNM file quickly
pnmtofiasco (1)      - Convert PNM file to FIASCO compressed file
pnmtops (1)          - convert PNM image to Postscript
POD2::DE::local::lib (3pm) - Erschaffen und benutzen von Perl Modulen in eine...
pod2text (1)         - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
Pod::Escapes (3pm)   - - for resolving Pod E<...> sequences
Pod::Perldoc::ToANSI (3pm) - render Pod with ANSI color escapes
Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm (3pm) - render Pod with terminal escapes
Pod::PlainText (3pm) - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
Pod::Text (3pm)      - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
Pod::Text::Color (3pm) - Convert POD data to formatted color ASCII text
Pod::Text::Termcap (3pm) - Convert POD data to ASCII text with format escapes
ppmdist (1)          - simplistic grayscale assignment for machine generated,...
ppmntsc (1)          - Make RGB colors legal for NTSC or PAL color systems.
ppmtoascii (1)       - convert a PPM image to ASCII graphics with ANSI termin...
ppmtoterm (1)        - convert a PPM image to a ANSI ISO 6429 ascii image
printafm (1)         - Print the metrics from a Postscript font in AFM format...
procmailsc (5)       - procmail weighted scoring technique
ps2ascii (1)         - Ghostscript translator from PostScript or PDF to ASCII
ps2epsi (1)          - generate conforming Encapsulated PostScript
ps2pdf (1)           - Convert PostScript to PDF using ghostscript
ps2pdf12 (1)         - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.2 (Acrobat 3-and-later com...
ps2pdf13 (1)         - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.3 (Acrobat 4-and-later com...
ps2pdf14 (1)         - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.4 (Acrobat 5-and-later com...
ps2pdfwr (1)         - Convert PostScript to PDF without specifying Compatibi...
ps2ps (1)            - Ghostscript PostScript "distiller"
psidtopgm (1)        - convert PostScript "image" data to a PGM image
pstopnm (1)          - convert a PostScript file to a PNM image
puppet-describe (8)  - Display help about resource types
pure-uploadscript (8) - Automatically run an external program after a success...
putp_sp (3x)         - curses screen-pointer extension
putwin (3x)          - miscellaneous curses utility routines
pwscore (1)          - simple configurable tool for checking quality of a pas...
qiflush_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
quotacheck (8)       - scan a filesystem for disk usage, create, check and re...
RAND_screen (3ssl)   - add entropy to the PRNG
raw_sp (3x)          - curses screen-pointer extension
rawtopgm (1)         - convert raw grayscale bytes to a PGM image
rcsclean (1)         - clean up working files
rdisc (8)            - network router discovery daemon
recode-sr-latin (1)  - convert Serbian text from Cyrillic to Latin script
recursive_key_scan (3) - Apply a function to all keys in a keyring tree
recursive_session_key_scan (3) - Apply a function to all keys in the session ...
Regexp::Common::whitespace (3pm) - - provides a regex for leading or trailing... (8) - script for adding and removing SCSI devices without ...
reset_prog_mode_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
reset_shell_mode_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
resetty_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
resize_term_sp (3x)  - curses screen-pointer extension
resizeterm_sp (3x)   - curses screen-pointer extension
restartterm_sp (3x)  - curses screen-pointer extension
return (n)           - Return from a procedure, or set return code of a script
ripoffline_sp (3x)   - curses screen-pointer extension
RootWindowOfScreen (3) - screen information functions and macros
RRDp (3pm)           - Attach RRDtool from within a perl script via a set of ...
ruby (1)             - Interpreted object-oriented scripting language
run-with-aspell (1)  - script to help use GNU Aspell as an ispell replacement
savetty_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
Scalar::Util (3pm)   - A selection of general-utility scalar subroutines
scale (n)            - Create and manipulate scale widgets
scale_form (3x)      - make and break form window and subwindow associations
scale_menu (3x)      - make and break menu window and subwindow associations
scan (n)             - Parse string using conversion specifiers in the style ...
scanw (3x)           - convert formatted input from a curses window
scl (1)              - Setup and run software from Software Collection enviro...
scp (1)              - secure copy (remote file copy program)
scr_dump (3x)        - read (write) a curses screen from (to) a file
scr_init (3x)        - read (write) a curses screen from (to) a file
scr_init_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
scr_restore (3x)     - read (write) a curses screen from (to) a file
scr_restore_sp (3x)  - curses screen-pointer extension
scr_set (3x)         - read (write) a curses screen from (to) a file
scr_set_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
screen (1)           - screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
ScreenCount (3)      - Display macros and functions
ScreenNumberOfCCC (3) - Color Conversion Context macros
ScreenOfDisplay (3)  - Display macros and functions
ScreenWhitePointOfCCC (3) - Color Conversion Context macros
script (1)           - make typescript of terminal session
scriptreplay (1)     - play back typescripts, using timing information
scrl (3x)            - scroll a curses window
scroll (3x)          - scroll a curses window
scrollbar (n)        - Create and manipulate scrollbar widgets
scrollok (3x)        - curses output options
scsi-rescan (8)      - script for adding and removing SCSI devices without re...
scsi_logging_level (8) - access Linux SCSI logging level information
scsi_mandat (8)      - check SCSI device support for mandatory commands
scsi_readcap (8)     - do SCSI READ CAPACITY command on disks
scsi_ready (8)       - do SCSI TEST UNIT READY on devices
scsi_satl (8)        - check SCSI to ATA Translation (SAT) device support
scsi_start (8)       - start one or more SCSI disks
scsi_stop (8)        - stop (spin down) one or more SCSI disks
scsi_temperature (8) - fetch the temperature of a SCSI device
selinux_usersconf_path (3) - These functions return the paths to the active S...
selinuxenabled (8)   - tool to be used within shell scripts to determine if s...
service (8)          - run a System V init script
set_curterm_sp (3x)  - curses screen-pointer extension
set_escdelay (3x)    - curses thread support
set_escdelay_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
set_tabsize_sp (3x)  - curses screen-pointer extension
set_term (3x)        - curses screen initialization and manipulation routines
setfont (8)          - load EGA/VGA console screen font
setfscreatecon (3)   - get or set the SELinux security context used for creat...
setfscreatecon_raw (3) - get or set the SELinux security context used for cre...
setkeycodes (8)      - load kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table entries
setscrreg (3x)       - curses output options
sg3_utils (8)        - a package of utilities for sending SCSI commands
sg_compare_and_write (8) - send the SCSI COMPARE AND WRITE command
sg_copy_results (8)  - send SCSI RECEIVE COPY RESULTS command (XCOPY related)
sg_dd (8)            - copy data to and from files and devices, especially SC...
sg_decode_sense (8)  - decode SCSI sense data
sg_emc_trespass (8)  - change ownership of SCSI LUN from another Service-Proc...
sg_format (8)        - format or resize a SCSI disk (perhaps change its block...
sg_get_config (8)    - send SCSI GET CONFIGURATION command (MMC-4 +)
sg_get_lba_status (8) - send SCSI GET LBA STATUS command
sg_ident (8)         - send SCSI REPORT/SET IDENTIFYING INFORMATION command
sg_inq (8)           - issue SCSI INQUIRY command, output and decode response
sg_logs (8)          - access log pages with SCSI LOG SENSE command
sg_luns (8)          - send SCSI REPORT LUNS command or decode given LUN
sg_map (8)           - displays mapping between Linux sg and other SCSI devices
sg_map26 (8)         - map SCSI generic (sg) device to corresponding device n...
sg_modes (8)         - reads mode pages with SCSI MODE SENSE command
sg_opcodes (8)       - report supported SCSI commands or task management func...
sg_persist (8)       - use SCSI PERSISTENT RESERVE command to access registra...
sg_prevent (8)       - send SCSI PREVENT ALLOW MEDIUM REMOVAL command
sg_raw (8)           - send arbitrary SCSI command to a device
sg_rbuf (8)          - reads data using SCSI READ BUFFER command
sg_rdac (8)          - display or modify SCSI RDAC Redundant Controller mode ...
sg_read (8)          - read multiple blocks of data, optionally with SCSI REA...
sg_read_block_limits (8) - send SCSI READ BLOCK LIMITS command
sg_read_buffer (8)   - send SCSI READ BUFFER command
sg_read_long (8)     - send a SCSI READ LONG command
sg_readcap (8)       - send SCSI READ CAPACITY command
sg_reassign (8)      - send SCSI REASSIGN BLOCKS command
sg_referrals (8)     - send SCSI REPORT REFERRALS command
sg_requests (8)      - send one or more SCSI REQUEST SENSE commands
sg_reset (8)         - sends SCSI device, target, bus or host reset; or check...
sg_rmsn (8)          - send SCSI READ MEDIA SERIAL NUMBER command
sg_rtpg (8)          - send SCSI REPORT TARGET PORT GROUPS command
sg_safte (8)         - access SCSI Accessed Fault-Tolerant Enclosure (SAF-TE)...
sg_sanitize (8)      - remove all user data from disk with SCSI SANITIZE command
sg_sat_identify (8)  - send ATA IDENTIFY DEVICE command via SCSI to ATA Trans...
sg_sat_set_features (8) - use ATA SET FEATURES command via a SCSI to ATA Tran...
sg_scan (8)          - scans sg devices (or SCSI/ATAPI/ATA devices) and print...
sg_senddiag (8)      - performs a SCSI SEND DIAGNOSTIC command
sg_ses (8)           - access a SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) device
sg_start (8)         - send SCSI START STOP UNIT command: start, stop, load o...
sg_stpg (8)          - send SCSI SET TARGET PORT GROUPS command
sg_sync (8)          - send SCSI SYNCHRONIZE CACHE command
sg_test_rwbuf (8)    - test a SCSI host adapter by issuing dummy writes and r...
sg_turs (8)          - send one or more SCSI TEST UNIT READY commands
sg_unmap (8)         - send SCSI UNMAP command (known as 'trim' in ATA specs)
sg_verify (8)        - invoke SCSI VERIFY command(s) on a block device
sg_vpd (8)           - fetch Vital Product Data (VPD) pages via a SCSI INQUIR...
sg_wr_mode (8)       - write (modify) SCSI mode page
sg_write_buffer (8)  - send SCSI WRITE BUFFER command
sg_write_long (8)    - send SCSI WRITE LONG command
sg_write_same (8)    - send SCSI WRITE SAME command
sg_xcopy (8)         - copy data to and from files and devices using SCSI EXT...
sginfo (8)           - access mode page information for a SCSI (or ATAPI) device
sgm_dd (8)           - copy data to and from files and devices, especially SC...
sgp_dd (8)           - copy data to and from files and devices, especially SC...
show-installed (1)   - show installed RPM packages and descriptions
showconsolefont (8)  - Show the current EGA/VGA console screen font
slk_attr_set_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
slk_attr_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
slk_attroff_sp (3x)  - curses screen-pointer extension
slk_attron_sp (3x)   - curses screen-pointer extension
slk_attrset_sp (3x)  - curses screen-pointer extension
slk_clear_sp (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
slk_color_sp (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
slk_init_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
slk_label_sp (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
slk_noutrefresh_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
slk_refresh_sp (3x)  - curses screen-pointer extension
slk_restore_sp (3x)  - curses screen-pointer extension
slk_set_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
slk_touch_sp (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
source (n)           - Evaluate a file or resource as a Tcl script
SPI_finish (3)       - disconnect a procedure from the SPI manager
SPI_scroll_cursor_fetch (3) - fetch some rows from a cursor
SPI_scroll_cursor_move (3) - move a cursor
ssh-keyscan (1)      - gather ssh public keys
SSL_alert_desc_string (3ssl) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_alert_desc_string_long (3ssl) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_alert_type_string (3ssl) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_alert_type_string_long (3ssl) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_CIPHER_description (3ssl) - get SSL_CIPHER properties
SSL_get_fd (3ssl)    - get file descriptor linked to an SSL object
SSL_rstate_string (3ssl) - get textual description of state of an SSL object ...
SSL_rstate_string_long (3ssl) - get textual description of state of an SSL ob...
SSL_set_fd (3ssl)    - connect the SSL object with a file descriptor
SSL_state_string (3ssl) - get textual description of state of an SSL object
SSL_state_string_long (3ssl) - get textual description of state of an SSL object
start_color_sp (3x)  - curses screen-pointer extension
stdscr (3x)          - curses global variables
strip (1)            - Discard symbols from object files.
svgtopam (1)         - convert an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) image to Net...
switch (n)           - Evaluate one of several scripts, depending on a given ...
sys-unconfig (8)     - shell script to reconfigure the system upon next boot
sysctl (8)           - configure kernel parameters at runtime
sysctl.conf (5)      - sysctl preload/configuration file
sysctl.d (5)         - Configure kernel parameters at boot
systemd-escape (1)   - Escape strings for usage in system unit names
systemd-fsck (8)     - File system checker logic
systemd-fsck-root.service (8) - File system checker logic
systemd-fsck@.service (8) - File system checker logic
systemd-gpt-auto-generator (8) - Generator for automatically discovering and ...
systemd-run (1)      - Run programs in transient scope or service or timer units
systemd-shutdownd (8) - Scheduled shutdown service
systemd-shutdownd.service (8) - Scheduled shutdown service
systemd-shutdownd.socket (8) - Scheduled shutdown service
systemd-sysctl (8)   - Configure kernel parameters at boot
systemd-sysctl.service (8) - Configure kernel parameters at boot
systemd-sysv-generator (8) - Unit generator for SysV init scripts
systemd.scope (5)    - Scope unit configuration
TAP::Formatter::Color (3pm) - Run Perl test scripts with color
TAP::Harness (3pm)   - Run test scripts with statistics
TAP::Parser::Scheduler (3pm) - Schedule tests during parallel testing
TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job (3pm) - A single testing job.
TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner (3pm) - A no-op job.
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP (3pm) - Stream output from raw TAP in a sc...
tc-bpf (8)           - BPF programmable classifier and actions for ingress/eg...
tc-choke (8)         - choose and keep scheduler
tc-drr (8)           - deficit round robin scheduler
tc-hfsc (7)          - Hierarchical Fair Service Curve
tc-mqprio (8)        - Multiqueue Priority Qdisc (Offloaded Hardware QOS)
tc-prio (8)          - Priority qdisc
Tcl_AllowExceptions (3) - allow all exceptions in next script evaluation
Tcl_DiscardInterpState (3) - save and restore an interpreter's state
Tcl_DiscardResult (3) - save and restore an interpreter's state
Tcl_Eval (3)         - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalEx (3)       - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalFile (3)     - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalObjEx (3)    - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalObjv (3)     - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalTokens (3)   - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_EvalTokensStandard (3) - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_FreeParse (3)    - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_FSChdir (3)      - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSConvertToPathType (3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSCopyDirectory (3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSCopyFile (3)   - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSCreateDirectory (3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSMountsChanged (3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_GlobalEval (3)   - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_GlobalEvalObj (3) - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_Init (3)         - find and source initialization script
Tcl_IsChannelExisting (3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_IsChannelRegistered (3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_IsChannelShared (3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ParseBraces (3)  - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseCommand (3) - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseExpr (3)    - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseQuotedString (3) - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseVar (3)     - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseVarName (3) - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ScanCountedElement (3) - manipulate Tcl lists
Tcl_ScanElement (3)  - manipulate Tcl lists
Tcl_UniCharIsControl (3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_VarEval (3)      - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_VarEvalVA (3)    - execute Tcl scripts
Template::Plugin::Scalar (3pm) - call object methods in scalar context
Template::Stash::Context (3pm) - Experimetal stash allowing list/scalar conte...
Template::Test (3pm) - Module for automating TT2 test scripts
Term::ANSIColor (3pm) - Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences
term_attrs_sp (3x)   - curses screen-pointer extension
termattrs_sp (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
termname_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
Test::Builder::IO::Scalar (3pm) - A copy of IO::Scalar for Test::Builder
Test::Harness (3pm)  - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
Test::More (3pm)     - yet another framework for writing test scripts
texlua (1)           - An extended version of pdfTeX using Lua as an embedded...
texluac (1)          - An extended version of pdfTeX using Lua as an embedded...
Text::Unidecode (3pm) - - US-ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
tgetent_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
tgetflag_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
tgetnum_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
tgetstr_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
tic (1m)             - the terminfo entry-description compiler
Tie::Scalar (3pm)    - base class definitions for tied scalars
tiff2bw (1)          - convert a color TIFF image to greyscale
tiffdither (1)       - convert a greyscale image to bilevel using dithering
TIFFFieldPassCount (3tiff) - Get whether to pass a count to TIFFGet/SetField
TIFFcodec (3tiff)    - codec-related utility routines
TIFFPrintDirectory (3tiff) - print a description of a TIFF directory
TIFFsize (3tiff)     - return the size of various items associated with an op...
TIFFReadScanline (3tiff) - read and decode a scanline of data from an open TI...
TIFFWriteScanline (3tiff) - write a scanline to an open TIFF file
tigetflag_sp (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
tigetnum_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
tigetstr_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
time (n)             - Time the execution of a script
Time::Zone (3pm)     - - miscellaneous timezone manipulations routines
tputs_sp (3x)        - curses screen-pointer extension
tracepath (8)        - traces path to a network host discovering MTU along th...
tracepath6 (8)       - traces path to a network host discovering MTU along th...
ttk::scale (n)       - Create and manipulate a scale widget
ttk::scrollbar (n)   - Control the viewport of a scrollable widget
tuned-profiles (7)   - description of basic tuned profiles
typeahead_sp (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
unctrl (3x)          - miscellaneous curses utility routines
unctrl_sp (3x)       - curses screen-pointer extension
unget_wch_sp (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
ungetch_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
ungetmouse_sp (3x)   - curses screen-pointer extension
update_panels_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
uplevel (n)          - Execute a script in a different stack frame
URI::Escape (3pm)    - Percent-encode and percent-decode unsafe characters
use_default_colors_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
use_env (3x)         - miscellaneous curses utility routines
use_env_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
use_extended_names (3x) - miscellaneous curses extensions
use_legacy_coding_sp (3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
use_screen (3x)      - curses thread support
use_tioctl (3x)      - miscellaneous curses utility routines
vid_attr_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
vid_puts_sp (3x)     - curses screen-pointer extension
vidattr_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
vidputs_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
vw_scanw (3x)        - convert formatted input from a curses window
vwscanw (3x)         - convert formatted input from a curses window
watch (1)            - execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
wgetscrreg (3x)      - curses window properties
whatis (1)           - display manual page descriptions
while (n)            - Execute script repeatedly as long as a condition is met
whiptail (1)         - display dialog boxes from shell scripts
WhitePixelOfScreen (3) - screen information functions and macros
WidthMMOfScreen (3)  - screen information functions and macros
WidthOfScreen (3)    - screen information functions and macros
winsch (3x)          - insert a character before cursor in a curses window
wpa_passphrase (8)   - Generate a WPA PSK from an ASCII passphrase for a SSID
wscanw (3x)          - convert formatted input from a curses window
wscrl (3x)           - scroll a curses window
wsetscrreg (3x)      - curses output options
wunctrl (3x)         - miscellaneous curses utility routines
wunctrl_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
X509_check_ip_asc (3ssl) - X.509 certificate matching
X509_verify_cert (3ssl) - discover and verify X509 certificte chain
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_ip_asc (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
XActivateScreenSaver (3) - manipulate the screen saver
xcb_dri2_get_msc (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_msc_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_msc_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_wait_msc (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_wait_msc_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_wait_msc_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_scre... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_scre... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_scre... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_force_screen_saver (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_force_screen_saver_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_screen_saver (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_screen_saver_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_screen_saver_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_present_notify_msc (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_present_notify_msc_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_rates_iterator (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_rates_length (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_sizes (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_sizes_iterator (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_sizes_length (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_crtcs (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_crtcs_end (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_crtcs_... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_curren... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_modes (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_modes_... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_modes_... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_names (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_names_end (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_names_... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_outputs (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_output... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_output... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_size_range (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_size_range_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_size_range_unche... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_screen_change_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_screen_config (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_screen_config_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_screen_config_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_screen_size (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_screen_size_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_screens... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_screens... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_query_info (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_query_info_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_query_info_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_query_version (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_query_version_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_query_version_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_select_input (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_select_input_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_set_attributes (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_set_attributes_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_suspend (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_suspend_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_unset_attributes (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_unset_attributes_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_screen_saver (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_screen_saver_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_screen_of_context (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_screen_of_conte... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_screen_of_conte... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_screens (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_screens_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_screens_roots (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_screens_roots... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_screens_roots... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_screens_unche... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_version (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_version_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_version_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list_ids (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list_ids_end (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list_ids_length (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_range (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_range_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_range_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_count (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_count_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_count_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_size (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_size_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_size_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_screen_info (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_screen_inf... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_screen_inf... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
XCloseDisplay (3)    - connect or disconnect to X server
XcmsCCCOfColormap (3) - query and modify CCC of a colormap
XcmsCIELab (3)       - Xcms color structure
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC (3) - obtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxL (3) - obtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxLC (3) - obtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates
XcmsCIELabQueryMinL (3) - obtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates
XcmsCIELuv (3)       - Xcms color structure
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC (3) - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxL (3) - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxLC (3) - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
XcmsCIELuvQueryMinL (3) - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
XcmsCIEuvY (3)       - Xcms color structure
XcmsCIExyY (3)       - Xcms color structure
XcmsCIEXYZ (3)       - Xcms color structure
XcmsColor (3)        - Xcms color structure
XcmsConvertColors (3) - convert CCC color specifications
XcmsCreateCCC (3)    - creating and destroying CCCs
XcmsDefaultCCC (3)   - obtain the default CCC for a screen
XDisableAccessControl (3) - control host access and host control structure
XEnableAccessControl (3) - control host access and host control structure
XFocusChangeEvent (3) - FocusIn and FocusOut event structure
XForceScreenSaver (3) - manipulate the screen saver
XGetScreenSaver (3)  - manipulate the screen saver
XkbAddGeomColor (3)  - Add one color name to an existing keyboard geometry de...
XkbAddGeomKeyAlias (3) - Add one key alias to an existing keyboard geometry d...
XkbAddGeomProperty (3) - Add one property to an existing keyboard geometry de...
XkbAllocClientMap (3) - Allocate and initialize an empty client map descripti...
XkbAllocControls (3) - Allocates an XkbControlsRec structure in the XkbDescRec
XkbAllocIndicatorMaps (3) - Allocates, directly, the indicators member of the...
XkbAllocKeyboard (3) - Creates a keyboard description from scratch
XkbAllocServerMap (3) - Allocate and initialize an empty server map descripti...
XkbChangeControls (3) - Provides a flexible method for updating the controls ...
XkbChangeDeviceInfo (3) - Update the server's description of a device with th...
XkbChangeIndicators (3) - Changes indicator maps or state without passing the...
XkbChangeMap (3)     - Update only partial components of a keyboard descripti...
XkbFreeClientMap (3) - Free memory used by the client map member of an XkbDes...
XkbFreeControls (3)  - Frees memory used by the ctrls member of an XkbDescRec...
XkbFreeIndicatorMaps (3) - Frees memory used by the indicators member of an X...
XkbFreeKeyboard (3)  - Destroys either an entire XkbDescRec or just some of i...
XkbFreeServerMap (3) - Free memory used by the server member of an XkbDescRec...
XkbGetControlsChanges (3) - Updates a local copy of a keyboard description wi...
XkbGetGeometry (3)   - Loads a keyboard geometry if you already have the keyb...
XkbGetIndicatorChanges (3) - Updates a local copy of the keyboard description...
XkbGetKeyActions (3) - Update the actions (the key_acts array) for a subset o...
XkbGetKeyBehaviors (3) - Obtain the behaviors (the behaviors array) for a sub...
XkbGetKeyboard (3)   - Retrieves one or more components of a keyboard device ...
XkbGetKeyboardByName (3) - Build a new keyboard description from a set of nam...
XkbGetKeyExplicitComponents (3) - Obtain the explicit components (the explici...
XkbGetKeyModifierMap (3) - Update the modifier map for one or more of the key...
XkbGetKeySyms (3)    - Obtain the symbols for a subset of the keys in a keybo...
XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap (3) - Obtain the virtual modifier map (the vmodmap arr...
XkbGetMap (3)        - Allocate an XkbDescRec structure and populate it with ...
XkbGetNameChanges (3) - Update the local copy of the keyboard description wit...
XkbGetNamedGeometry (3) - Loads a keyboard geometry description from this dat...
XkbGetUpdatedMap (3) - Update the client or server map information in an exis...
XkbGetVirtualMods (3) - Obtain a subset of the virtual modifier bindings (the...
XkbModActionVMods (3) - Returns the vmods1 and vmods2 fields of act converted...
XkbNoteControlsChanges (3) - Notes the changes in a changes structure when a ...
XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping (3) - Update the keyboard description that is inter...
XkbSAScreen (3)      - Returns the screenXXX field of act converted to a sign...
XkbSASetScreen (3)   - Sets the screenXXX field of act from s
XkbSetControls (3)   - Copies changes to the X server based on a modified ctr...
XkbSetIndicatorMap (3) - Downloads the changes to the server based on modific...
XkbSetModActionVMods (3) - Sets the vmods1 and vmods2 fields of act using the...
xkeyboard-config (7) - XKB data description files
XmbTextEscapement (3) - obtain the escapement of text
xml2-config (1)      - script to get information about the installed version ...
XML::DOM::CDATASection (3pm) - Escaping XML text blocks in XML::DOM
XML::LibXML::RelaxNG (3pm) - RelaxNG Schema Validation
XML::LibXML::Schema (3pm) - XML Schema Validation
XOpenDisplay (3)     - connect or disconnect to X server
xrefresh (1)         - refresh all or part of an X screen
XResetScreenSaver (3) - manipulate the screen saver
XrmOptionDescRec (3) - initialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager stru...
XScreenNumberOfScreen (3) - screen information functions and macros
XScreenResourceString (3) - obtain server resource properties
XSetAccessControl (3) - control host access and host control structure
XSetScreenSaver (3)  - manipulate the screen saver
Xutf8TextEscapement (3) - obtain the escapement of text
XwcTextEscapement (3) - obtain the escapement of text

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