ram(4) - phpMan

Command: man perldoc info search(apropos)  

cPanel::PublicAPI::WHM::Legacy (3pm) - A module for handling Cpanel::Accounti...
RESET (7)            - restore the value of a run-time parameter to the defau...
SET (7)              - change a run-time parameter
Test (3pm)           - provides a simple framework for writing test scripts
alpine (1)           - an Alternatively Licensed Program for Internet News an...
AnyDBM_File (3pm)    - provide framework for multiple DBMs
AppConfig::CGI (3pm) - Perl5 module for processing CGI script parameters.
Attribute::Params::Validate (3pm) - Define validation through subroutine attr...
aulast (8)           - a program similar to last
aulastlog (8)        - a program similar to lastlog
ausyscall (8)        - a program that allows mapping syscall names and numbers
autrace (8)          - a program similar to strace
auvirt (8)           - a program that shows data related to virtual machines
B::Xref (3pm)        - Generates cross reference reports for Perl programs
BN_BLINDING_create_param (3ssl) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
btrfstune (8)        - tune various filesystem parameters
Capture::Tiny (3pm)  - Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external pr...
CPAN::API::HOWTO (3pm) - a recipe book for programming with CPAN.pm
CPANPLUS::Backend (3pm) - programmer's interface to CPANPLUS
crontab (5)          - files used to schedule the execution of programs
Curses::UI (3pm)     - A curses based OO user interface framework
Curses::UI::Tutorial (3pm) - Tutorial for the Curses::UI framework
d2i_DHparams (3ssl)  - PKCS#3 DH parameter functions.
d2i_DSAparams (3ssl) - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
d2i_ECPKParameters (3ssl) - Functions for decoding and encoding ASN1 represen...
d2i_ECPKParameters_bio (3ssl) - Functions for decoding and encoding ASN1 repr...
d2i_ECPKParameters_fp (3ssl) - Functions for decoding and encoding ASN1 repre...
DB (3pm)             - programmatic interface to the Perl debugging API
Devel::Peek (3pm)    - A data debugging tool for the XS programmer
DH_check (3ssl)      - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters
DH_generate_parameters (3ssl) - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters
DH_generate_parameters_ex (3ssl) - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters
dhparam (1ssl)       - DH parameter manipulation and generation
DHparams_print (3ssl) - print cryptographic parameters
DHparams_print_fp (3ssl) - print cryptographic parameters
dracut (8)           - low-level tool for generating an initramfs image
dracut-shutdown.service (8) - unpack the initramfs to /run/initramfs
dracut.bootup (7)    - boot ordering in the initramfs
DSA_generate_parameters (3ssl) - generate DSA parameters
DSA_generate_parameters_ex (3ssl) - generate DSA parameters
DSA_print (3ssl)     - print cryptographic parameters
DSA_print_fp (3ssl)  - print cryptographic parameters
dsaparam (1ssl)      - DSA parameter manipulation and generation
DSAparams_print (3ssl) - print cryptographic parameters
DSAparams_print_fp (3ssl) - print cryptographic parameters
DTLS_client_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/...
DTLS_method (3ssl)   - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL e...
DTLS_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/...
DTLSv1_2_client_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for ...
DTLSv1_2_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL...
DTLSv1_2_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for ...
DTLSv1_client_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TL...
DTLSv1_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL e...
DTLSv1_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TL...
ecparam (1ssl)       - EC parameter manipulation and generation
ECPKParameters_print (3ssl) - Functions for decoding and encoding ASN1 repres...
ECPKParameters_print_fp (3ssl) - Functions for decoding and encoding ASN1 rep...
env (1)              - run a program in a modified environment
EVP_CIPHER_asn1_to_param (3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_param_to_asn1 (3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_PKEVP_PKEY_CTX_set_app_data (3ssl) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_cmp (3ssl)  - public key parameter and comparison functions
EVP_PKEY_cmp_parameters (3ssl) - public key parameter and comparison functions
EVP_PKEY_copy_parameters (3ssl) - public key parameter and comparison functions
EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_app_data (3ssl) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_cb (3ssl) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_keygen_info (3ssl) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_cb (3ssl) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dh_paramgen_generator (3ssl) - algorithm specific control op...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dh_paramgen_prime_len (3ssl) - algorithm specific control op...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dsa_paramgen_bits (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operat...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_ec_paramgen_curve_nid (3ssl) - algorithm specific control op...
EVP_PKEY_keygen (3ssl) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_keygen_init (3ssl) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_missing_parameters (3ssl) - public key parameter and comparison func...
EVP_PKEY_paramgen (3ssl) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_paramgen_init (3ssl) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_print_params (3ssl) - public key algorithm printing routines.
ex (1)               - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
expect (1)           - programmed dialogue with interactive programs, Version 5
fcgistarter (8)      - Start a FastCGI program
form (3x)            - curses extension for programming forms
frame (n)            - Create and manipulate frame widgets
fsck.cramfs (8)      - fsck compressed ROM file system
ftp (1)              - Internet file transfer program
gendsa (1ssl)        - generate a DSA private key from a set of parameters
geoipupdate (1)      - GeoIP2 and GeoIP Legacy Update Program
gex (1)              - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
git-mailsplit (1)    - Simple UNIX mbox splitter program
git-merge-one-file (1) - The standard helper program to use with git-merge-index
git-parse-remote (1) - Routines to help parsing remote repository access para...
git-rev-parse (1)    - Pick out and massage parameters
gitremote-helpers (1) - Helper programs to interact with remote repositories
gmake (1)            - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs
gview (1)            - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
gvim (1)             - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
i2d_DHparams (3ssl)  - PKCS#3 DH parameter functions.
i2d_DSAparams (3ssl) - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
i2d_ECPKParameters (3ssl) - Functions for decoding and encoding ASN1 represen...
i2d_ECPKParameters_bio (3ssl) - Functions for decoding and encoding ASN1 repr...
i2d_ECPKParameters_fp (3ssl) - Functions for decoding and encoding ASN1 repre...
i386 (8)             - change reported architecture in new program environmen...
insmod (8)           - Simple program to insert a module into the Linux Kernel
IPC::Run3::ProfArrayBuffer (3pm) - Store profile events in RAM in an array
kernel-command-line (7) - Kernel command line parameters
kernel-install (8)   - Add and remove kernel and initramfs images to and from...
kmod (8)             - Program to manage Linux Kernel modules
ksh (1)              - shell, the standard/restricted command and programming...
ksh93 (1)            - shell, the standard/restricted command and programming...
labelframe (n)       - Create and manipulate labelframe widgets
lftp (1)             - Sophisticated file transfer program
libcurl-tutorial (3) - libcurl programming tutorial
linux32 (8)          - change reported architecture in new program environmen...
linux64 (8)          - change reported architecture in new program environmen...
Locale::Maketext (3pm) - framework for localization
lsinitrd (1)         - tool to show the contents of an initramfs image
make (1)             - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs
menu (3x)            - curses extension for programming menus
mkdumprd (8)         - creates initial ramdisk images for kdump crash recovery
mkfs.cramfs (8)      - make compressed ROM file system
mkinitrd (8)         - is a compat wrapper, which calls dracut to generate an...
montage (1)          - create a composite image by combining several separate...
mysqlcheck (1)       - a table maintenance program
mysqldump (1)        - a database backup program
mysqlimport (1)      - a data import program
mysqlpump (1)        - a database backup program
nfsdcltrack (8)      - NFSv4 Client Tracking Callout Program
nfsidmap (8)         - The NFS idmapper upcall program
nice (1)             - run a program with modified scheduling priority
nsenter (1)          - run program with namespaces of other processes
ntpdc (8)            - special NTP query program
ntpq (8)             - standard NTP query program
open (1)             - start a program on a new virtual terminal (VT).
openipmi_conparms (7) - Connection parameters for OpenIPMI
openvt (1)           - start a program on a new virtual terminal (VT).
pamsistoaglyph (1)   - convert a single-image stereogram to a red/cyan anagly...
pamstereogram (1)    - create a single-image stereogram from a PAM depth map
Params::Check (3pm)  - A generic input parsing/checking mechanism.
Params::Util (3pm)   - Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions
Params::Validate (3pm) - Validate method/function parameters
parted (8)           - a partition manipulation program
pcre-config (1)      - program to return PCRE configuration
PEM_read_bio_DHparams (3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_DSAparams (3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_DHparams (3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_DSAparams (3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_DHparams (3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_DSAparams (3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_DHparams (3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_DSAparams (3ssl) - PEM routines
perlembed (1)        - how to embed perl in your C program
perlfaq3 (1)         - Programming Tools
perlootut (1)        - Object-Oriented Programming in Perl Tutorial
pftp (1)             - Internet file transfer program
pgmhist (1)          - print a histogram of the values in a PGM image
pgmramp (1)          - generate a grayscale ramp
pidof (8)            - find the process ID of a running program.
pkeyparam (1ssl)     - public key algorithm parameter processing tool
plipconfig (8)       - fine tune PLIP device parameters
pnmhisteq (1)        - histogram equalize a PNM image
pnmhistmap (1)       - draw a histogram for a PGM or PPM file
pnmstitch (1)        - stitch together two panoramic (side-by-side) photographs
Pod::Simple (3pm)    - framework for parsing Pod
ppmhist (1)          - print a histogram of the colors in a PPM image
Proc::Daemon (3pm)   - Run Perl program(s) as a daemon process.
ptar (1)             - a tar-like program written in perl
ptardiff (1)         - program that diffs an extracted archive against an une...
pure-uploadscript (8) - Automatically run an external program after a success...
python (1)           - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python2 (1)          - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python2.7 (1)        - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python3 (1)          - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python3.6 (1)        - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
quotastats (8)       - Program to query quota statistics
rmcp_ping (1)        - IPMI RMCP Ping program
rmmod (8)            - Simple program to remove a module from the Linux Kernel
rotatelogs (8)       - Piped logging program to rotate Apache logs
rpcbind (8)          - universal addresses to RPC program number mapper
rrdthreads (1)       - Provisions for linking the RRD library to use in multi...
RSA_print (3ssl)     - print cryptographic parameters
RSA_print_fp (3ssl)  - print cryptographic parameters
rvi (1)              - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
rview (1)            - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
rvim (1)             - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
s_client (1ssl)      - SSL/TLS client program
s_server (1ssl)      - SSL/TLS server program
s_time (1ssl)        - SSL/TLS performance timing program
scp (1)              - secure copy (remote file copy program)
secon (1)            - See an SELinux context, from a file, program or user i...
selinux_restorecon_default_handle (3) - sets default parameters for selinux_r...
setarch (8)          - change reported architecture in new program environmen...
setpriv (1)          - run a program with different Linux privilege settings
setsid (1)           - run a program in a new session
sftp (1)             - secure file transfer program
SHOW (7)             - show the value of a run-time parameter
slogin (1)           - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
solterm (1)          - An IPMI Serial over LAN program
SPI_cursor_open_with_args (3) - set up a cursor using a query and parameters
SPI_cursor_open_with_paramlist (3) - set up a cursor using parameters
SPI_execute_plan_with_paramlist (3) - execute a statement prepared by SPI_pre...
SPI_execute_with_args (3) - execute a command with out-of-line parameters
SPI_prepare_params (3) - prepare a statement, without executing it yet
ssh (1)              - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
ssh-keysign (8)      - ssh helper program for host-based authentication
ssh-pkcs11-helper (8) - ssh-agent helper program for PKCS#11 support
SSL_CTX_get0_param (3ssl) - get and set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_get_verify_callback (3ssl) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_get_verify_depth (3ssl) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode (3ssl) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_new (3ssl)   - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL e...
SSL_CTX_set1_param (3ssl) - get and set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_set_verify (3ssl) - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth (3ssl) - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_get0_param (3ssl) - get and set verification parameters
SSL_get_verify_callback (3ssl) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_get_verify_depth (3ssl) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_get_verify_mode (3ssl) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_set1_param (3ssl) - get and set verification parameters
SSL_set_verify (3ssl) - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_set_verify_depth (3ssl) - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSLv23_client_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TL...
SSLv23_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL e...
SSLv23_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TL...
SSLv2_client_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS...
SSLv2_method (3ssl)  - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL e...
SSLv2_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS...
SSLv3_client_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS...
SSLv3_method (3ssl)  - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL e...
SSLv3_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS...
start-stop-daemon (8) - start and stop system daemon programs
suexec (8)           - Switch user before executing external programs
sysctl (8)           - configure kernel parameters at runtime
sysctl.d (5)         - Configure kernel parameters at boot
systemd-cat (1)      - Connect a pipeline or program's output with the journal
systemd-hibernate-resume-generator (8) - Unit generator for resume= kernel pa...
systemd-inhibit (1)  - Execute a program with an inhibition lock taken
systemd-run (1)      - Run programs in transient scope or service or timer units
systemd-sysctl (8)   - Configure kernel parameters at boot
systemd-sysctl.service (8) - Configure kernel parameters at boot
TAP::Parser::Grammar (3pm) - A grammar for the Test Anything Protocol.
tc-bpf (8)           - BPF programmable classifier and actions for ingress/eg...
Tcl_Main (3)         - main program and event loop definition for Tcl-based a...
Tcl_SetMainLoop (3)  - main program and event loop definition for Tcl-based a...
Template::Grammar (3pm) - Parser state/rule tables for the TT grammar
Test::More (3pm)     - yet another framework for writing test scripts
TLSv1_1_client_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for T...
TLSv1_1_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL ...
TLSv1_1_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for T...
TLSv1_2_client_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for T...
TLSv1_2_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL ...
TLSv1_2_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for T...
TLSv1_client_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS...
TLSv1_method (3ssl)  - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL e...
TLSv1_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS...
try-from (8)         - test program for the tcp_wrapper
ttk::frame (n)       - Simple container widget
ttk::labelframe (n)  - Container widget with optional label
tune2fs (8)          - adjust tunable filesystem parameters on ext2/ext3/ext4...
unshare (1)          - run program with some namespaces unshared from parent
update-mime-database (1) - a program to build the Shared MIME-Info database c...
uplevel (n)          - Execute a script in a different stack frame
upvar (n)            - Create link to variable in a different stack frame
URI::QueryParam (3pm) - Additional query methods for URIs
vi (1)               - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
view (1)             - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
vim (1)              - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
vimrc (5)            - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
vimx (1)             - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
virc (5)             - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
vlock (1)            - Virtual Console lock program
watch (1)            - execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
X509_STORE_CTX_get0_param (3ssl) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_set0_param (3ssl) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_add0_policy (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_add1_host (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_clear_flags (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_get0_peername (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_get_depth (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_get_flags (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_email (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_host (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_ip (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_ip_asc (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_policies (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_depth (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_flags (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_hostflags (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_purpose (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_time (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_trust (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
x86_64 (8)           - change reported architecture in new program environmen...
xcb_dri2_get_param (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_param_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_param_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_data (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_d... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_d... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_r... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_u... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_data (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_d... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_d... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_r... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_u... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_data (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_d... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_d... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_r... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_u... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_data (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_d... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_d... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_r... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_u... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_data (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_data_end (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_data_length (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_data (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_dat... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_dat... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_unc... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_data (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_dat... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_dat... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_unc... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_data (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_data_end (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_data_l... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_data (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_data_end (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_data_l... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_data (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_dat... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_dat... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_unc... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_data (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_dat... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_dat... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_unc... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_data (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_data_end (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_data_length (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_data (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_data_end (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_data_length (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_current_... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_current_... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_current_... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_pending_... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_pending_... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_pending_... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_count (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_count_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_count_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_size (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_size_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_size_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_state (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_state_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_state_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_is_active (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_is_active_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_is_active_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_screen_info (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_screen_inf... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_screen_inf... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_version (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_version_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_version_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xfs_admin (8)        - change parameters of an XFS filesystem
xhost (1)            - server access control program for X
xsetroot (1)         - root window parameter setting utility for X
zramctl (8)          - set up and control zram devices

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