pam(1) - phpMan

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PAM (8)              - Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux
avstopam (1)         - convert an AVS X image to a Netpbm image
cameratopam (1)      - convert raw camera image to PAM
config-util (5)      - Common PAM configuration file for configuration utilities
fingerprint-auth (5) - Common configuration file for PAMified services
fingerprint-auth-ac (5) - Common configuration files for PAMified services wr...
group.conf (5)       - configuration file for the pam_group module
hdifftopam (1)       - convert horizontal difference image to original PAM image
infotopam (1)        - convert Amiga .info icons to PAM
jpeg2ktopam (1)      - convert JPEG-2000 code stream to PAM/PNM
limits.conf (5)      - configuration file for the pam_limits module
pam (3)              - Pluggable Authentication Modules Library
pam (5)              - Netpbm common 2-dimensional bitmap format
pam (8)              - Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux
pam.conf (5)         - PAM configuration files
pam.d (5)            - PAM configuration files
pam_access (8)       - PAM module for logdaemon style login access control
pam_acct_mgmt (3)    - PAM account validation management
pam_authenticate (3) - account authentication
pam_chauthtok (3)    - updating authentication tokens
pam_close_session (3) - terminate PAM session management
pam_console (8)      - determine user owning the system console
pam_console_apply (8) - set or revoke permissions for users at the system con...
pam_conv (3)         - PAM conversation function
pam_cracklib (8)     - PAM module to check the password against dictionary words
pam_debug (8)        - PAM module to debug the PAM stack
pam_deny (8)         - The locking-out PAM module
pam_echo (8)         - PAM module for printing text messages
pam_end (3)          - termination of PAM transaction
pam_env (8)          - PAM module to set/unset environment variables
pam_env.conf (5)     - the environment variables config files
pam_error (3)        - display error messages to the user
pam_exec (8)         - PAM module which calls an external command
pam_fail_delay (3)   - request a delay on failure
pam_faildelay (8)    - Change the delay on failure per-application
pam_faillock (8)     - Module counting authentication failures during a speci...
pam_filter (8)       - PAM filter module
pam_ftp (8)          - PAM module for anonymous access module
pam_get_authtok (3)  - get authentication token
pam_get_authtok_noverify (3) - get authentication token
pam_get_authtok_verify (3) - get authentication token
pam_get_data (3)     - get module internal data
pam_get_item (3)     - getting PAM informations
pam_get_user (3)     - get user name
pam_getenv (3)       - get a PAM environment variable
pam_getenvlist (3)   - getting the PAM environment
pam_group (8)        - PAM module for group access
pam_info (3)         - display messages to the user
pam_issue (8)        - PAM module to add issue file to user prompt
pam_keyinit (8)      - Kernel session keyring initialiser module
pam_lastlog (8)      - PAM module to display date of last login and perform i...
pam_limits (8)       - PAM module to limit resources
pam_listfile (8)     - deny or allow services based on an arbitrary file
pam_localuser (8)    - require users to be listed in /etc/passwd
pam_loginuid (8)     - Record user's login uid to the process attribute
pam_mail (8)         - Inform about available mail
pam_misc_drop_env (3) - liberating a locally saved environment
pam_misc_paste_env (3) - transcribing an environment to that of PAM
pam_misc_setenv (3)  - BSD like PAM environment variable setting
pam_mkhomedir (8)    - PAM module to create users home directory
pam_motd (8)         - Display the motd file
pam_namespace (8)    - PAM module for configuring namespace for a session
pam_nologin (8)      - Prevent non-root users from login
pam_open_session (3) - start PAM session management
pam_permit (8)       - The promiscuous module
pam_postgresok (8)   - simple check of real UID and corresponding account name
pam_prompt (3)       - interface to conversation function
pam_putenv (3)       - set or change PAM environment variable
pam_pwhistory (8)    - PAM module to remember last passwords
pam_pwquality (8)    - PAM module to perform password quality checking
pam_rhosts (8)       - The rhosts PAM module
pam_rootok (8)       - Gain only root access
pam_securetty (8)    - Limit root login to special devices
pam_selinux (8)      - PAM module to set the default security context
pam_sepermit (8)     - PAM module to allow/deny login depending on SELinux en...
pam_set_data (3)     - set module internal data
pam_set_item (3)     - set and update PAM informations
pam_setcred (3)      - establish / delete user credentials
pam_shells (8)       - PAM module to check for valid login shell
pam_sm_acct_mgmt (3) - PAM service function for account management
pam_sm_authenticate (3) - PAM service function for user authentication
pam_sm_chauthtok (3) - PAM service function for authentication token management
pam_sm_close_session (3) - PAM service function to terminate session management
pam_sm_open_session (3) - PAM service function to start session management
pam_sm_setcred (3)   - PAM service function to alter credentials
pam_start (3)        - initialization of PAM transaction
pam_strerror (3)     - return string describing PAM error code
pam_succeed_if (8)   - test account characteristics
pam_syslog (3)       - send messages to the system logger
pam_systemd (8)      - Register user sessions in the systemd login manager
pam_tally2 (8)       - The login counter (tallying) module
pam_time (8)         - PAM module for time control access
pam_timestamp (8)    - Authenticate using cached successful authentication at...
pam_timestamp_check (8) - Check to see if the default timestamp is valid
pam_tty_audit (8)    - Enable or disable TTY auditing for specified users
pam_umask (8)        - PAM module to set the file mode creation mask
pam_unix (8)         - Module for traditional password authentication
pam_userdb (8)       - PAM module to authenticate against a db database
pam_verror (3)       - display error messages to the user
pam_vinfo (3)        - display messages to the user
pam_vprompt (3)      - interface to conversation function
pam_vsyslog (3)      - send messages to the system logger
pam_warn (8)         - PAM module which logs all PAM items if called
pam_wheel (8)        - Only permit root access to members of group wheel
pam_xauth (8)        - PAM module to forward xauth keys between users
pam_xauth_data (3)   - structure containing X authentication data
pamaddnoise (1)      - add noise to a Netpbm image
pamarith (1)         - perform arithmetic on two Netpbm images
pambackground (1)    - create a mask of the background area of an image
pambayer (1)         - interpret Bayer patterns
pamchannel (1)       - extract channels from a PAM image
pamcomp (1)          - composite (overlay) two Netpbm images together
pamcrater (1)        - create cratered terrain by fractal forgery
pamcut (1)           - cut a rectangle out of a PAM, PBM, PGM, or PPM image
pamdeinterlace (1)   - remove every other row from a PAM/PNM image
pamdepth (1)         - change the depth (color resolution) in a Netpbm image
pamdice (1)          - slice a Netpbm image into many horizontally and/or ver...
pamditherbw (1)      - dither grayscale image to black and white
pamedge (1)          - edge-detect an image
pamendian (1)        - reverse endianness of a Netpbm image
pamenlarge (1)       - Enlarge a Netpbm image N times
pamexec (1)          - Execute a shell command on each image in a Netpbm imag...
pamfile (1)          - describe a Netpbm (PAM or PNM) file
pamfix (1)           - repair a Netpbm image with various corruptions
pamflip (1)          - flip or rotate a PAM or PNM image
pamfunc (1)          - Apply a simple monadic arithmetic function to a Netpbm...
pamgauss (1)         - create a two-dimensional Gaussian function as a PAM image
pamgradient (1)      - create a four-corner gradient PAM image
pamlookup (1)        - map an image to a new image by using it as indices int...
pammasksharpen (1)   - Sharpen an image via an unsharp mask
pammixinterlace (1)  - mix adjacent lines to merge interlaced images
pammosaicknit (1)    - validate a mosaic knitting pattern
pamoil (1)           - turn a PAM image into an oil painting
pampaintspill (1)    - smoothly spill colors into the background
pamperspective (1)   - a reverse scanline renderer for Netpbm images
pampick (1)          - pick images out of a multi-image Netpbm image stream
pampop9 (1)          - simulate a multi-lens camera such as the Pop9
pamrecolor (1)       - alter colors without affecting luminance
pamrgbatopng (1)     - convert PAM color/transparency image to PNG
pamrubber (1)        - a rubber-sheeting utility that stretches an image base...
pamscale (1)         - scale a Netpbm image
pamseq (1)           - generate PAM image of all possible tuple values, in se...
pamshadedrelief (1)  - generate shaded relief image from an elevation map
pamsharpmap (1)      - create map of sharpness in a PNM/PAM image
pamsharpness (1)     - measure the sharpness of a PNM/PAM image
pamsistoaglyph (1)   - convert a single-image stereogram to a red/cyan anagly...
pamslice (1)         - extract one line of values out of a Netpbm image
pamsplit (1)         - split a multi-image Netpbm file into single-image files
pamstack (1)         - stack planes of multiple PAM images into one PAM image
pamstereogram (1)    - create a single-image stereogram from a PAM depth map
pamstretch (1)       - scale up a PNM or PAM image by interpolating between p...
pamstretch-gen (1)   - use pamstretch and pamscale to scale by non-integer va...
pamsumm (1)          - Summarize the samples in a Netpbm image arithmetically
pamsummcol (1)       - summarize (sum, average, etc) a Netpbm image by column
pamtable (1)         - print the raster as a table of numerical sample values
pamthreshold (1)     - threshold grayscale image to black and white
pamtilt (1)          - print the tilt angle of a PGM file
pamtoavs (1)         - convert a Netpbm image to an AVS X image
pamtopdbimg (1)      - convert a Netpbm image to a Palm Pilot Image Viewer PD...
pamtodjvurle (1)     - convert a Netpbm image to DjVu Color RLE format
pamtofits (1)        - convert a Netpbm image into FITS format
pamtogif (1)         - convert a Netpbm image to a GIF image
pamtohdiff (1)       - convert PAM image to horizontal difference image
pamtohtmltbl (1)     - convert pnm/pam visual image to an HTML table
pamtojpeg2k (1)      - convert PAM/PNM image to a JPEG-2000 code stream
pamtompfont (1)      - Convert Netpbm image to Mplayer bitmap font file
pamtooctaveimg (1)   - convert a Netpbm image to a GNU Octave image
pamtopam (1)         - copy PAM image
pamtopfm (1)         - Convert Netpbm image to PFM (Portable Float Map)
pamtopng (1)         - convert a Netpbm image to PNG
pamtopnm (1)         - convert PAM image to PBM, PGM, or PPM
pamtosrf (1)         - convert a sequence of Netpbm images to a SRF image file
pamtosvg (1)         - convert a Netpbm image to a SVG (Scalable Vector Graph...
pamtotga (1)         - convert a Netpbm image to a TrueVision Targa file
pamtotiff (1)        - convert a Netpbm image to a TIFF file
pamtouil (1)         - convert a PNM or PNM/transparency image into a Motif U...
pamtowinicon (1)     - convert Netpbm PAM images to a Microsoft Windows icon ...
pamtoxvmini (1)      - convert Netpbm image to an XV "thumbnail" picture
pamundice (1)        - combine grid of images (tiles) into one
pamunlookup (1)      - inverse of pamlookup
pamvalidate (1)      - validate Netpbm image format
pamwipeout (1)       - replace detail with smooth gradient from one edge to t...
pamx (1)             - display Netpbm image in X Window System window
password-auth (5)    - Common configuration file for PAMified services
password-auth-ac (5) - Common configuration files for PAMified services writt...
pdbimgtopam (1)      - convert a Palm Pilot Image Viewer PDB Image to a PAM i...
pfmtopam (1)         - Convert PFM (Portable Float Map) image to Netpbm format
pgmedge (1)          - replaced by pamedge
pgmoil (1)           - replaced by pamoil
pngtopam (1)         - convert a PNG image into a Netpbm image
pnmcomp (1)          - replaced by pamcomp
pnmcut (1)           - replaced by pamcut
pnmenlarge (1)       - replaced by pamenlarge
pnmfile (1)          - replaced by pamfile
pnminterp (1)        - replaced by pamstretch
pnmscale (1)         - replaced by pamscale
pnmtofits (1)        - replaced by pamtofits
pnmtotiff (1)        - replaced by pamtotiff
postlogin (5)        - Common configuration file for PAMified services
postlogin-ac (5)     - Common configuration files for PAMified services writt...
ppmtotga (1)         - replaced by pamtotga
ppmtouil (1)         - replaced by pamtouil
rlatopam (1)         - convert Alias/Wavefront RLA and RPF image files to PAM...
sepermit.conf (5)    - configuration file for the pam_sepermit module
smartcard-auth (5)   - Common configuration file for PAMified services
smartcard-auth-ac (5) - Common configuration files for PAMified services writ...
srftopam (1)         - convert a SRF image file to Netpbm images
svgtopam (1)         - convert an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) image to Net...
system-auth (5)      - Common configuration file for PAMified services
system-auth-ac (5)   - Common configuration files for PAMified services writt...
time.conf (5)        - configuration file for the pam_time module
winicontopam (1)     - convert a Microsoft Windows icon file into a Netpbm PA...
yuy2topam (1)        - convert YUY2 bytes to PAM

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