mt(1) - phpMan

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binfmt.d (5)         - Configure additional binary formats for executables at...
cmuwmtopbm (1)       - convert a CMU window manager bitmap into a PBM image
DateTime::Locale::en_MT (3pm) - (unknown subject)
DateTime::Locale::mt (3pm) - (unknown subject)
DateTime::Locale::mt_MT (3pm) - (unknown subject)
fmt (1)              - simple optimal text formatter
fmtutil (1)          - utility for maintaining TeX format files
fmtutil-sys (1)      - utility for maintaining TeX format files system-wide
fmtutil.cnf (5)      - configuration file for fmtutil
gemtopbm (1)         - replaced by gemtopnm
gemtopnm (1)         - convert a GEM .img file into a PNM image
git-fmt-merge-msg (1) - Produce a merge commit message
gvimtutor (1)        - the Vim tutor
ilbmtoppm (1)        - convert an ILBM file into a PPM image
lispmtopgm (1)       - convert a Lisp Machine bitmap file to PGM
Mail::Sender (3pm)   - module for sending mails with attachments through an S...
mktexfmt (1)         - utility for maintaining TeX format files
msgfmt (1)           - compile message catalog to binary format
msgunfmt (1)         - uncompile message catalog from binary format
mtr (8)              - a network diagnostic tool
mtree (5)            - format of mtree dir hierarchy files
mtvtoppm (1)         - convert output from an MTV or PRT ray tracer into a PPM
Net::Cmd (3pm)       - Network Command class (as used by FTP, SMTP etc)
Net::SMTP (3pm)      - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Client
Net::SMTP::SSL (3pm) - SSL support for Net::SMTP
numfmt (1)           - Convert numbers from/to human-readable strings
palmtopnm (1)        - convert a Palm Bitmap to a PNM image
pam_acct_mgmt (3)    - PAM account validation management
pam_sm_acct_mgmt (3) - PAM service function for account management
pamtable (1)         - print the raster as a table of numerical sample values
pamthreshold (1)     - threshold grayscale image to black and white
pamtilt (1)          - print the tilt angle of a PGM file
pamtoavs (1)         - convert a Netpbm image to an AVS X image
pamtopdbimg (1)      - convert a Netpbm image to a Palm Pilot Image Viewer PD...
pamtodjvurle (1)     - convert a Netpbm image to DjVu Color RLE format
pamtofits (1)        - convert a Netpbm image into FITS format
pamtogif (1)         - convert a Netpbm image to a GIF image
pamtohdiff (1)       - convert PAM image to horizontal difference image
pamtohtmltbl (1)     - convert pnm/pam visual image to an HTML table
pamtojpeg2k (1)      - convert PAM/PNM image to a JPEG-2000 code stream
pamtompfont (1)      - Convert Netpbm image to Mplayer bitmap font file
pamtooctaveimg (1)   - convert a Netpbm image to a GNU Octave image
pamtopam (1)         - copy PAM image
pamtopfm (1)         - Convert Netpbm image to PFM (Portable Float Map)
pamtopng (1)         - convert a Netpbm image to PNG
pamtopnm (1)         - convert PAM image to PBM, PGM, or PPM
pamtosrf (1)         - convert a sequence of Netpbm images to a SRF image file
pamtosvg (1)         - convert a Netpbm image to a SVG (Scalable Vector Graph...
pamtotga (1)         - convert a Netpbm image to a TrueVision Targa file
pamtotiff (1)        - convert a Netpbm image to a TIFF file
pamtouil (1)         - convert a PNM or PNM/transparency image into a Motif U...
pamtowinicon (1)     - convert Netpbm PAM images to a Microsoft Windows icon ...
pamtoxvmini (1)      - convert Netpbm image to an XV "thumbnail" picture
pbmtext (1)          - render text into a PBM image
pbmtextps (1)        - render text into a PBM image using a postscript interp...
pbmto10x (1)         - convert a PBM image into Gemini 10X printer graphics
pbmto4425 (1)        - Display PBM images on an AT&T 4425 terminal
pbmtoascii (1)       - convert a PBM image to ASCII graphics
pbmtoatk (1)         - convert a PBM image to a Andrew Toolkit raster object
pbmtobbnbg (1)       - convert a PBM image into BitGraph graphics
pbmtocis (1)         - convert a PBM image to a CompuServe RLE image
pbmtocmuwm (1)       - convert a PBM image into a CMU window manager bitmap
pbmtodjvurle (1)     - convert a PBM image to DjVu Bitonal RLE format
pbmtoepsi (1)        - convert a PBM image to an encapsulated PostScript styl...
pbmtoepson (1)       - convert a PBM image into Epson printer graphics
pbmtoescp2 (1)       - convert a PBM image to a ESC/P2 printer file
pbmtog3 (1)          - convert a PBM image into a Group 3 MH fax file
pbmtogem (1)         - convert a PBM image into a GEM .img file
pbmtogo (1)          - convert a PBM image into compressed GraphOn graphics
pbmtoibm23xx (1)     - convert a PBM image to IBM 23XX printer stream
pbmtoicon (1)        - convert a Sun icon image to PBM
pbmtolj (1)          - convert a PBM image to HP LaserJet format
pbmtoln03 (1)        - convert PBM image to DEC LN03+ Sixel output
pbmtolps (1)         - convert PBM image to PostScript
pbmtomacp (1)        - convert a PBM image to a MacPaint file
pbmtomatrixorbital (1) - convert a PBM image to a Matrix Orbital LCD image
pbmtomda (1)         - convert a PBM image to a Microdesign .mda
pbmtomgr (1)         - convert a PBM image into a MGR bitmap
pbmtomrf (1)         - convert a PBM format image to MRF
pbmtonokia (1)       - convert a PBM image to Nokia Smart Messaging Formats
pbmtopgm (1)         - convert PBM image to PGM by averaging areas
pbmtopi3 (1)         - convert a PBM image into an Atari Degas .pi3 file
pbmtopk (1)          - convert a PBM image into a packed (PK) format font
pbmtoplot (1)        - convert a PBM image into a Unix 'plot' file
pbmtoppa (1)         - convert PBM image to HP Printer Performance Architectu...
pbmtopsg3 (1)        - convert PBM images to Postscript with G3 fax compression
pbmtoptx (1)         - convert a PBM image into Printronix printer graphics
pbmtosunicon (1)     - convert a PBM image into a Sun icon
pbmtowbmp (1)        - convert a PBM image to a wireless bitmap (wbmp) file
pbmtox10bm (1)       - convert a PBM image to an X11 bitmap
pbmtoxbm (1)         - convert a PBM image to an X11 bitmap
pbmtoybm (1)         - convert a PBM image into a Bennet Yee "face" file
pbmtozinc (1)        - convert a PBM image into a Zinc bitmap
pfmtopam (1)         - Convert PFM (Portable Float Map) image to Netpbm format
pgmtexture (1)       - calculate textural features on a PGM image
pgmtofs (1)          - convert PGM image to Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format
pgmtolispm (1)       - convert a PGM image to Lisp Machine format
pgmtopbm (1)         - convert a PGM image to PBM
pgmtopgm (1)         - copy PGM image
pgmtoppm (1)         - colorize a PGM (grayscale) image into a PPM (color) image
pgmtosbig (1)        - convert PGM image to SBIG format
pgmtost4 (1)         - convert PGM image to SBIG ST-4 format
pnmnoraw (1)         - replaced by pnmtoplainpnm
pnmtile (1)          - replicate an image to fill a specified region
pnmtoddif (1)        - Convert a PNM image to DDIF format
pnmtofiasco (1)      - Convert PNM file to FIASCO compressed file
pnmtofits (1)        - replaced by pamtofits
pnmtojbig (1)        - PNM to JBIG file converter
pnmtojpeg (1)        - convert PNM image to a JFIF ("JPEG") image
pnmtopalm (1)        - convert a PNM image to a Palm Bitmap
pnmtopclxl (1)       - convert a PNM image to an HP LaserJet PCL XL printer s...
pnmtoplainpnm (1)    - replaced by pnmtopnm
pnmtopng (1)         - convert a PNM image to PNG
pnmtopnm (1)         - copy a PNM image
pnmtops (1)          - convert PNM image to Postscript
pnmtorast (1)        - convert a PPM into a Sun rasterfile
pnmtorle (1)         - convert a Netpbm image file into an RLE image file.
pnmtosgi (1)         - convert a PNM image to a SGI image file
pnmtosir (1)         - convert a PNM image into a Solitaire format
pnmtotiff (1)        - replaced by pamtotiff
pnmtotiffcmyk (1)    - convert a Netpbm image into a CMYK encoded TIFF file
pnmtoxwd (1)         - convert a PNM into an X11 window dump
ppmtoacad (1)        - convert PPM to Autocad database or slide
ppmtoapplevol (1)    - convert a PPM into an Apple volume label image
ppmtoarbtxt (1)      - generate image in arbitrary text format from PPM image
ppmtoascii (1)       - convert a PPM image to ASCII graphics with ANSI termin...
ppmtobmp (1)         - convert a PPM image into a BMP file
ppmtoeyuv (1)        - convert a PPM image into a Berkeley YUV file
ppmtogif (1)         - (unknown subject)
ppmtoicr (1)         - convert a PPM image into NCSA ICR format
ppmtoilbm (1)        - convert a PPM image into an ILBM file
ppmtojpeg (1)        - replaced by pnmtojpeg
ppmtoleaf (1)        - convert PPM image to Interleaf image format
ppmtolj (1)          - convert a PPM image to an HP LaserJet PCL 5 Color file
ppmtomap (1)         - create a map of all colors in a PPM image
ppmtomitsu (1)       - convert a PPM image to a Mitsubishi S340-10 file
ppmtoneo (1)         - convert a PPM into an Atari Neochrome .neo file
ppmtopcx (1)         - convert a PPM image to a PCX file
ppmtopgm (1)         - convert a PPM image to a PGM image
ppmtopi1 (1)         - convert a PPM image into an Atari Degas .pi1 file
ppmtopict (1)        - convert a PPM image to a Macintosh PICT file
ppmtopj (1)          - convert a PPM image to an HP PaintJet file
ppmtopjxl (1)        - convert a PPM image to an HP PaintJet XL PCL file
ppmtoppm (1)         - copy PPM image
ppmtopuzz (1)        - convert a PPM image to an X11 "puzzle" file
ppmtorgb3 (1)        - separate a PPM image into three PGMs
ppmtosixel (1)       - convert a PPM image to DEC sixel format
ppmtospu (1)         - convert a PPM image to an Atari Spectrum 512 image
ppmtoterm (1)        - convert a PPM image to a ANSI ISO 6429 ascii image
ppmtotga (1)         - replaced by pamtotga
ppmtouil (1)         - replaced by pamtouil
ppmtowinicon (1)     - convert PPM image into a Windows .ico file
ppmtoxpm (1)         - convert a PPM image to an X11 pixmap
ppmtoyuv (1)         - convert a PPM image to an Abekas YUV file
ppmtoyuvsplit (1)    - convert a PPM image to 3 subsampled raw YUV files
ppmtv (1)            - make a PPM image look like taken from an American TV
systemd-binfmt (8)   - Configure additional binary formats for executables at...
systemd-binfmt.service (8) - Configure additional binary formats for executab...
Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken (3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_GetCommandInfoFromToken (3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_SetCommandInfoFromToken (3) - implement new commands in C
Time::gmtime (3pm)   - by-name interface to Perl's built-in gmtime() function
Time::Local (3pm)    - efficiently compute time from local and GMT time
Time::tm (3pm)       - internal object used by Time::gmtime and Time::localtime
tracepath (8)        - traces path to a network host discovering MTU along th...
tracepath6 (8)       - traces path to a network host discovering MTU along th...
vimtutor (1)         - the Vim tutor
xbmtopbm (1)         - convert an X11 or X10 bitmap to a PBM image
ximtoppm (1)         - convert an Xim file to a PPM image
XkbKeysymToModifiers (3) - Finds the set of modifiers bound to a particular k...
XKeysymToKeycode (3) - convert keysyms
XKeysymToString (3)  - convert keysyms
xpmtoppm (1)         - convert an X11 pixmap to a PPM image
ybmtopbm (1)         - convert a Bennet Yee "face" file to PBM

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