if(0p) - phpMan

Command: man perldoc info search(apropos)  

TIFFmemory (3tiff)   - memory management-related functions for use with TIFF ...
AppConfig::Sys (3pm) - Perl5 module defining platform-specific information an...
ar (1)               - create, modify, and extract from archives
ASN1_TIME_diff (3ssl) - ASN.1 Time functions.
auto_qualify (n)     - standard library of Tcl procedures
avc_add_callback (3) - additional event notification for SELinux userspace ob...
B::Lint::Debug (3pm) - Adds debugging stringification to B::
tc-bfifo (8)         - Packet limited First In, First Out queue
bmp2tiff (1)         - create a TIFF file from a Microsoft Windows Device Ind...
BN_lshift (3ssl)     - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_lshift1 (3ssl)    - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_rshift (3ssl)     - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_rshift1 (3ssl)    - bit operations on BIGNUMs
btrfs-scrub (8)      - scrub btrfs filesystem, verify block checksums
bzdiff (1)           - compare bzip2 compressed files
ca-legacy (8)        - Manage the system configuration for legacy CA certific...
cacertdir_rehash (8) - simple script to create or update hash links to certif...
cert8.db (5)         - Legacy NSS certificate database
cert9.db (5)         - Legacy NSS certificate database
certutil (1)         - Manage keys and certificate in both NSS databases and ...
cifsiostat (1)       - Report CIFS statistics.
clockdiff (8)        - measure clock difference between hosts
CMS_add0_cert (3ssl) - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_add0_crl (3ssl)  - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_add1_cert (3ssl) - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_add1_crl (3ssl)  - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_get0_signers (3ssl) - verify a CMS SignedData structure
CMS_get1_certs (3ssl) - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_get1_crls (3ssl) - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_verify (3ssl)    - verify a CMS SignedData structure
CMS_verify_receipt (3ssl) - verify a CMS signed receipt
compare (1)          - mathematically and visually annotate the difference be...
Config::Any (3pm)    - Load configuration from different file formats, transp...
console.apps (5)     - specify console-accessible privileged applications
console.handlers (5) - file specifying handlers of console lock and unlock ev...
CPAN::Kwalify (3pm)  - Interface between CPAN.pm and Kwalify.pm
CPAN::Meta::Spec (3pm) - specification for CPAN distribution metadata
cpupower-frequency-set (1) - A small tool which allows to modify cpufreq sett...
cpupower-idle-set (1) - Utility to set cpu idle state specific kernel options
crl2pkcs7 (1ssl)     - Create a PKCS#7 structure from a CRL and certificates.
crlutil (1)          - List, generate, modify, or delete CRLs within the NSS ...
CRYPTO_get_ex_data (3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
CRYPTO_set_ex_data (3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
ctstat (8)           - unified linux network statistics
d2i_ASN1_OBJECT (3ssl) - ASN1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER functions
d2i_X509_ALGOR (3ssl) - AlgorithmIdentifier functions.
d2i_X509_CRL (3ssl)  - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_CRL_bio (3ssl) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_CRL_fp (3ssl) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_REQ (3ssl)  - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_REQ_bio (3ssl) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_REQ_fp (3ssl) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
Data::Dumper (3pm)   - stringified perl data structures, suitable for both pr...
Date::Language (3pm) - Language specific date formating and parsing
Date::Manip::Changes5to6 (3pm) - describes differences between 5.xx and 6.00
db_log_verify (1)    - Verify log files of a database environment
db_verify (1)        - Verify the database structure
dbilogstrip (1)      - filter to normalize DBI trace logs for diff'ing
derdump (1)          - Dumps C-sequence strings from a DER encoded certificat...
dh (3ssl)            - Diffie-Hellman key agreement
DH_check (3ssl)      - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters
DH_compute_key (3ssl) - perform Diffie-Hellman key exchange
DH_generate_key (3ssl) - perform Diffie-Hellman key exchange
DH_generate_parameters (3ssl) - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters
DH_generate_parameters_ex (3ssl) - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters
DH_get_ex_data (3ssl) - add application specific data to DH structures
DH_get_ex_new_index (3ssl) - add application specific data to DH structures
DH_set_ex_data (3ssl) - add application specific data to DH structures
DH_size (3ssl)       - get Diffie-Hellman prime size
diff (1)             - compare files line by line
diff3 (1)            - compare three files line by line
dnssec-verify (8)    - DNSSEC zone verification tool
DSA_do_verify (3ssl) - raw DSA signature operations
DSA_get_ex_data (3ssl) - add application specific data to DSA structures
DSA_get_ex_new_index (3ssl) - add application specific data to DSA structures
DSA_set_ex_data (3ssl) - add application specific data to DSA structures
DSA_verify (3ssl)    - DSA signatures
dvigif (1)           - A DVI-to-PNG translator
ECDSA_do_verify (3ssl) - Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
ECDSA_verify (3ssl)  - Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
env (1)              - run a program in a modified environment
EVP_DigestVerifyFinal (3ssl) - EVP signature verification functions
EVP_DigestVerifyInit (3ssl) - EVP signature verification functions
EVP_DigestVerifyUpdate (3ssl) - EVP signature verification functions
EVP_PKEY_CTX_ctrl (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations
EVP_PKEY_CTX_ctrl_str (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dh_paramgen_generator (3ssl) - algorithm specific control op...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dh_paramgen_prime_len (3ssl) - algorithm specific control op...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dsa_paramgen_bits (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operat...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_ec_paramgen_curve_nid (3ssl) - algorithm specific control op...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_keygen_pubexp (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operat...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_padding (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_pss_saltlen (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_rsa_keygen_bits (3ssl) - algorithm specific control oper...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_signature_md (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations
EVP_PKEY_verify (3ssl) - signature verification using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_verify_init (3ssl) - signature verification using a public key algor...
EVP_PKEY_verify_recover (3ssl) - recover signature using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_verify_recover_init (3ssl) - recover signature using a public key al...
EVP_VerifyFinal (3ssl) - EVP signature verification functions
EVP_VerifyInit (3ssl) - EVP signature verification functions
EVP_VerifyUpdate (3ssl) - EVP signature verification functions
ExtUtils::Manifest (3pm) - utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file
ExtUtils::MM_AIX (3pm) - AIX specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
ExtUtils::MM_DOS (3pm) - DOS specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
ExtUtils::MM_QNX (3pm) - QNX specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
ExtUtils::MM_UWIN (3pm) - U/WIN specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
ExtUtils::MM_VOS (3pm) - VOS specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
ExtUtils::Typemaps (3pm) - Read/Write/Modify Perl/XS typemap files
faillock (8)         - Tool for displaying and modifying the authentication f...
fax2ps (1)           - convert a TIFF facsimile to compressed
fax2tiff (1)         - create a TIFF Class F fax file from raw fax data
FcInitBringUptoDate (3) - reload configuration files if needed
FcPatternFormat (3)  - Format a pattern into a string according to a format s...
FcPatternRemove (3)  - Remove one object of the specified type from the pattern
File::Slurp (3pm)    - Simple and Efficient Reading/Writing/Modifying of Comp...
File::Touch (3pm)    - update file access and modification times, optionally ...
Filter::Simple (3pm) - Simplified source filtering
fingerprint-auth (5) - Common configuration file for PAMified services
fingerprint-auth-ac (5) - Common configuration files for PAMified services wr...
fold (1)             - wrap each input line to fit in specified width
fuser (1)            - identify processes using files or sockets
gif2tiff (1)         - create a TIFF file from a GIF87 format image file
giftopnm (1)         - convert a GIF file into a PNM image
git-blame (1)        - Show what revision and author last modified each line ...
git-diff (1)         - Show changes between commits, commit and working tree,...
git-diff-files (1)   - Compares files in the working tree and the index
git-diff-index (1)   - Compares content and mode of blobs between the index a...
git-diff-tree (1)    - Compares the content and mode of blobs found via two t...
git-difftool (1)     - Show changes using common diff tools
git-fsck (1)         - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects ...
git-fsck-objects (1) - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects ...
git-reset (1)        - Reset current HEAD to the specified state
git-symbolic-ref (1) - Read, modify and delete symbolic refs
git-tag (1)          - Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed wit...
git-verify-pack (1)  - Validate packed Git archive files
git-verify-tag (1)   - Check the GPG signature of tags
git-whatchanged (1)  - Show logs with difference each commit introduces
gitdiffcore (7)      - Tweaking diff output
gitignore (5)        - Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore
gitrevisions (7)     - specifying revisions and ranges for Git
gpgconf (1)          - Modify .gnupg home directories
gpgv (1)             - Verify OpenPGP signatures
gpgv2 (1)            - Verify OpenPGP signatures
groupmod (8)         - modify a group definition on the system
grpck (8)            - verify integrity of group files
grub2-file (1)       - Check if FILE is of specified type.
grub2-ofpathname (8) - Generate an IEEE-1275 device path for a specified device.
gvimdiff (1)         - edit two, three or four versions of a file with Vim an...
hdifftopam (1)       - convert horizontal difference image to original PAM image
hostid (1)           - print the numeric identifier for the current host
i2d_ASN1_OBJECT (3ssl) - ASN1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER functions
i2d_X509_ALGOR (3ssl) - AlgorithmIdentifier functions.
i2d_X509_CRL (3ssl)  - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_CRL_bio (3ssl) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_CRL_fp (3ssl) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_REQ (3ssl)  - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_REQ_bio (3ssl) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_REQ_fp (3ssl) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
ident (1)            - identify RCS keyword strings in files
identify (1)         - describes the format and characteristics of one or mor...
if (3pm)             - "use" a Perl module if a condition holds
if (n)               - Execute scripts conditionally
ifcfg (8)            - simplistic script which replaces ifconfig IP management
ifconfig (8)         - configure a network interface
ifdown (8)           - bring a network interface up
tc-ife (8)           - encapsulate/decapsulate metadata
ifenslave (8)        - Attach and detach slave network devices to a bonding d...
ifnames (1)          - Extract CPP conditionals from a set of files
ifstat (8)           - handy utility to read network interface statistics
iftop (8)            - display bandwidth usage on an interface by host
ifup (8)             - bring a network interface up
Image::Info::TIFF (3pm) - TIFF support for Image::Info
ImageMagick (1)      - is a free software suite for the creation, modificatio...
inc::latest (3pm)    - use modules bundled in inc/ if they are newer than ins...
incron.conf (5)      - main config file for inotify cron (incron)
incrond (8)          - inotify cron (incron) daemon
incrontab (1)        - table manipulator for inotify cron (incron)
incrontab (5)        - tables for driving inotify cron (incron)
IO::Socket::SSL::Utils (3pm) - - loading, storing, creating certificates and ...
ip-token (8)         - tokenized interface identifier support
IsCursorKey (3)      - keysym classification macros
IsFunctionKey (3)    - keysym classification macros
IsKeypadKey (3)      - keysym classification macros
IsMiscFunctionKey (3) - keysym classification macros
IsModifierKey (3)    - keysym classification macros
IsPFKey (3)          - keysym classification macros
IsPrivateKeypadKey (3) - keysym classification macros
jpegtopnm (1)        - convert JPEG/JFIF file to PPM or PGM image
key3.db (5)          - Legacy NSS certificate database
key4.db (5)          - NSS certificate database
key_defined (3x)     - check if a keycode is defined
keyctl_join_session_keyring (3) - Join a different session keyring
keyctl_reject (3)    - Negatively instantiate a key specifying search error
ldif (5)             - LDAP Data Interchange Format
lesskey (1)          - specify key bindings for less
lgroupmod (1)        - Modify an user group
libtiff (3tiff)      - introduction to libtiff, a library for reading and wri...
linux-boot-prober (1) - Determine boot characteristics of a specified device.
List::Util::XS (3pm) - Indicate if List::Util was compiled with a C compiler
LISTEN (7)           - listen for a notification
lnstat (8)           - unified linux network statistics
Locale::Codes::Country (3pm) - standard codes for country identification
Locale::Codes::Currency (3pm) - standard codes for currency identification
Locale::Codes::LangExt (3pm) - standard codes for language extension identifi...
Locale::Codes::LangFam (3pm) - standard codes for language extension identifi...
Locale::Codes::Language (3pm) - standard codes for language identification
Locale::Codes::LangVar (3pm) - standard codes for language variation identifi...
Locale::Codes::Script (3pm) - standard codes for script identification
Locale::Country (3pm) - standard codes for country identification
Locale::Currency (3pm) - standard codes for currency identification
Locale::Language (3pm) - standard codes for language identification
Locale::Script (3pm) - standard codes for script identification
Log::Message::Simple (3pm) - Simplified interface to Log::Message
lsearch (n)          - See if a list contains a particular element
lusermod (1)         - Modify an user
xzcmp (1)            - compare compressed files
Mail::Field::Generic (3pm) - implementation for inspecific fields
matchmediacon (3)    - get the default SELinux security context for the speci...
matchpathcon (3)     - get the default SELinux security context for the speci...
matchpathcon (8)     - get the default SELinux security context for the speci...
matchpathcon_checkmatches (3) - check and report whether any specification in...
matchpathcon_filespec_add (3) - check and report whether any specification in...
matchpathcon_filespec_destroy (3) - check and report whether any specificatio...
matchpathcon_filespec_eval (3) - check and report whether any specification i...
matchpathcon_fini (3) - get the default SELinux security context for the spec...
matchpathcon_index (3) - get the default SELinux security context for the spe...
matchpathcon_init (3) - get the default SELinux security context for the spec...
Math::Int64::native_if_available (3pm) - Use the native Perl 64-bit integer i...
mkfifo (1)           - make FIFOs (named pipes)
moduli (5)           - Diffie-Hellman moduli
mogrify (1)          - resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw o...
mountpoint (1)       - see if a directory is a mountpoint
msguniq (1)          - unify duplicate translations in message catalog
nameif (8)           - name network interfaces based on MAC addresses
netreport (1)        - request notification of network interface changes
nice (1)             - run a program with modified scheduling priority
noqiflush (3x)       - curses input options
noqiflush_sp (3x)    - curses screen-pointer extension
NOTIFY (7)           - generate a notification
nseq (1ssl)          - create or examine a netscape certificate sequence
ocsp (1ssl)          - Online Certificate Status Protocol utility
os-release (5)       - Operating system identification
pal2rgb (1)          - convert a palette color TIFF image to a full color image
pam_faillock (8)     - Module counting authentication failures during a speci...
pam_get_authtok_noverify (3) - get authentication token
pam_get_authtok_verify (3) - get authentication token
pam_succeed_if (8)   - test account characteristics
pam_timestamp_check (8) - Check to see if the default timestamp is valid
pam_tty_audit (8)    - Enable or disable TTY auditing for specified users
pam_warn (8)         - PAM module which logs all PAM items if called
pamtogif (1)         - convert a Netpbm image to a GIF image
pamtohdiff (1)       - convert PAM image to horizontal difference image
pamtotiff (1)        - convert a Netpbm image to a TIFF file
pamtouil (1)         - convert a PNM or PNM/transparency image into a Motif U...
papersize (5)        - specify preferred paper size
password-auth (5)    - Common configuration file for PAMified services
password-auth-ac (5) - Common configuration files for PAMified services writt...
patch (1)            - apply a diff file to an original
pbmlife (1)          - apply Conway's rules of Life to a PBM image
pbmmake (1)          - create a blank bitmap of a specified size
perlipc (1)          - Perl interprocess communication (signals, fifos, pipes...
perlivp (1)          - Perl Installation Verification Procedure
perlplan9 (1)        - Plan 9-specific documentation for Perl
perlpodspec (1)      - Plain Old Documentation: format specification and notes
perlunifaq (1)       - Perl Unicode FAQ
perlvms (1)          - VMS-specific documentation for Perl
tc-pfifo_fast (8)    - three-band first in, first out queue
pgmmake (1)          - create a PGM image of a specified gray level and dimen...
pid (n)              - Retrieve process identifiers
pk12util (1)         - Export and import keys and certificate to or from a PK...
PKCS7_get0_signers (3ssl) - verify a PKCS#7 signedData structure
PKCS7_verify (3ssl)  - verify a PKCS#7 signedData structure
pkg::create (n)      - Construct an appropriate 'package ifneeded' command fo...
platform (n)         - System identification support code and utilities
platform::shell (n)  - System identification support code and utilities
pnmpsnr (1)          - compute the difference between two images (the PSNR)
pnmshear (1)         - shear a PNM image by a specified angle
pnmtile (1)          - replicate an image to fill a specified region
pnmtoddif (1)        - Convert a PNM image to DDIF format
pnmtojpeg (1)        - convert PNM image to a JFIF ("JPEG") image
pnmtotiff (1)        - replaced by pamtotiff
pnmtotiffcmyk (1)    - convert a Netpbm image into a CMYK encoded TIFF file
postlogin (5)        - Common configuration file for PAMified services
postlogin-ac (5)     - Common configuration files for PAMified services writt...
pp (1)               - Prints certificates, keys, crls, and pkcs7 files
ppm2tiff (1)         - create a TIFF file from PPM, PGM and PBM image files
ppmmake (1)          - create a PPM image of a specified color and dimensions
ppmquant (1)         - quantize the colors in a PPM image down to a specified...
ppmshift (1)         - shift lines of a PPM image left or right by a random a...
ppmtogif (1)         - (unknown subject)
ps2pdfwr (1)         - Convert PostScript to PDF without specifying Compatibi...
ptardiff (1)         - program that diffs an extracted archive against an une...
puppet-apply (8)     - Apply Puppet manifests locally
puppet-ca (8)        - Local Puppet Certificate Authority management.
puppet-cert (8)      - Manage certificates and requests
puppet-certificate (8) - Provide access to the CA for certificate management.
puppet-certificate_request (8) - Manage certificate requests.
puppet-certificate_revocation_list (8) - Manage the list of revoked certifica...
puppet-key (8)       - Create, save, and remove certificate keys.
puppet-resource_type (8) - View classes, defined resource types, and nodes fr...
pure-certd (8)       - TLS certificate agent for Pure-FTPd.
pwck (8)             - verify integrity of password files
qiflush (3x)         - curses input options
qiflush_sp (3x)      - curses screen-pointer extension
ras2tiff (1)         - create a TIFF file from a Sun rasterfile
raw2tiff (1)         - create a TIFF file from a raw data
rcsdiff (1)          - compare RCS revisions
repodiff (1)         - list differences between two or more Yum repositories
req (1ssl)           - PKCS#10 certificate request and certificate generating...
rgb2ycbcr (1)        - convert non-YCbCr TIFF images to a YCbCr TIFF image
rpc.sm-notify (8)    - send reboot notifications to NFS peers
rrdflushcached (1)   - Flush the values for a spcific RRD file from memory.
rrdtune (1)          - Modify some basic properties of a Round Robin Database
RSA_get_ex_data (3ssl) - add application specific data to RSA structures
RSA_get_ex_new_index (3ssl) - add application specific data to RSA structures
RSA_set_ex_data (3ssl) - add application specific data to RSA structures
RSA_verify (3ssl)    - RSA signatures
RSA_verify_ASN1_OCTET_STRING (3ssl) - RSA signatures
rtcwake (8)          - enter a system sleep state until specified wakeup time
rtstat (8)           - unified linux network statistics
runcon (1)           - run command with specified SELinux security context
scan (n)             - Parse string using conversion specifiers in the style ...
sdiff (1)            - side-by-side merge of file differences
selinux_file_context_verify (3) - Compare the SELinux security context on dis...
selinuxenabled (8)   - tool to be used within shell scripts to determine if s...
send (n)             - Execute a command in a different application
sepol_genbools (3)   - Rewrite a binary policy with different boolean settings
SET_ROLE (7)         - set the current user identifier of the current session
SET_SESSION_AUTHORIZATION (7) - set the session user identifier and the curre...
setenforce (8)       - modify the mode SELinux is running in
setpriv (1)          - run a program with different Linux privilege settings
sg (1)               - execute command as different group ID
sg_ident (8)         - send SCSI REPORT/SET IDENTIFYING INFORMATION command
sg_rdac (8)          - display or modify SCSI RDAC Redundant Controller mode ...
sg_sat_identify (8)  - send ATA IDENTIFY DEVICE command via SCSI to ATA Trans...
sg_verify (8)        - invoke SCSI VERIFY command(s) on a block device
sg_wr_mode (8)       - write (modify) SCSI mode page
shift (1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
signver (1)          - Verify a detached PKCS#7 signature for a file.
sleep (1)            - delay for a specified amount of time
sm-notify (8)        - send reboot notifications to NFS peers
smartcard-auth (5)   - Common configuration file for PAMified services
smartcard-auth-ac (5) - Common configuration files for PAMified services writ...
snmpconf (1)         - creates and modifies SNMP configuration files
snmptrapd.conf (5)   - configuration file for the Net-SNMP notification receiver
SPI_fname (3)        - determine the column name for the specified column number
SPI_fnumber (3)      - determine the column number for the specified column name
SPI_getbinval (3)    - return the binary value of the specified column
SPI_getnspname (3)   - return the namespace of the specified relation
SPI_getrelname (3)   - return the name of the specified relation
SPI_gettype (3)      - return the data type name of the specified column
SPI_gettypeid (3)    - return the data type OID of the specified column
SPI_getvalue (3)     - return the string value of the specified column
SPI_is_cursor_plan (3) - return true if a statement prepared by SPI_prepare c...
SPI_modifytuple (3)  - create a row by replacing selected fields of a given row
SSL_add0_chain_cert (3ssl) - extra chain certificate processing
SSL_add1_chain_cert (3ssl) - extra chain certificate processing
SSL_add_client_CA (3ssl) - set list of CAs sent to the client when requesting...
SSL_build_cert_chain (3ssl) - extra chain certificate processing
SSL_check_chain (3ssl) - check certificate chain suitability
SSL_check_private_key (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_clear_chain_certs (3ssl) - extra chain certificate processing
SSL_CTX_add0_chain_cert (3ssl) - extra chain certificate processing
SSL_CTX_add1_chain_cert (3ssl) - extra chain certificate processing
SSL_CTX_add_client_CA (3ssl) - set list of CAs sent to the client when reques...
SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert (3ssl) - add or clear extra chain certificates
SSL_CTX_build_cert_chain (3ssl) - extra chain certificate processing
SSL_CTX_check_private_key (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_clear_chain_certs (3ssl) - extra chain certificate processing
SSL_CTX_clear_extra_chain_certs (3ssl) - add or clear extra chain certificates
SSL_CTX_get0_chain_certs (3ssl) - extra chain certificate processing
SSL_CTX_get0_param (3ssl) - get and set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_get_cert_store (3ssl) - manipulate X509 certificate verification storage
SSL_CTX_get_client_cert_cb (3ssl) - handle client certificate callback function
SSL_CTX_get_ex_data (3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_CTX_get_ex_new_index (3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_CTX_get_max_cert_list (3ssl) - manipulate allowed for the peer's certific...
SSL_CTX_get_verify_callback (3ssl) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_get_verify_depth (3ssl) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode (3ssl) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations (3ssl) - set default locations for trusted CA c...
SSL_CTX_select_current_cert (3ssl) - extra chain certificate processing
SSL_CTX_set0_chain (3ssl) - extra chain certificate processing
SSL_CTX_set0_chain_cert_store (3ssl) - set certificate verification or chain ...
SSL_CTX_set0_verify_cert_store (3ssl) - set certificate verification or chain...
SSL_CTX_set1_chain (3ssl) - extra chain certificate processing
SSL_CTX_set1_chain_cert_store (3ssl) - set certificate verification or chain ...
SSL_CTX_set1_param (3ssl) - get and set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_set1_verify_cert_store (3ssl) - set certificate verification or chain...
SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb (3ssl) - handle certificate callback function
SSL_CTX_set_cert_store (3ssl) - manipulate X509 certificate verification storage
SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback (3ssl) - set peer certificate verification p...
SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list (3ssl) - set list of CAs sent to the client when r...
SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb (3ssl) - handle client certificate callback function
SSL_CTX_set_current_cert (3ssl) - extra chain certificate processing
SSL_CTX_set_ex_data (3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_CTX_set_max_cert_list (3ssl) - manipulate allowed for the peer's certific...
SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_status_arg (3ssl) - OCSP Certificate Status Request functions
SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_status_cb (3ssl) - OCSP Certificate Status Request functions
SSL_CTX_set_verify (3ssl) - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth (3ssl) - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_CTX_use_certificate (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_certificate_ASN1 (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_ASN1 (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1 (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_file (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_get0_chain_certs (3ssl) - extra chain certificate processing
SSL_get0_param (3ssl) - get and set verification parameters
SSL_get_ex_data (3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_get_ex_new_index (3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_get_max_cert_list (3ssl) - manipulate allowed for the peer's certificate ...
SSL_get_peer_cert_chain (3ssl) - get the X509 certificate chain of the peer
SSL_get_peer_certificate (3ssl) - get the X509 certificate of the peer
SSL_get_tlsext_status_ocsp_resp (3ssl) - OCSP Certificate Status Request func...
SSL_get_verify_callback (3ssl) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_get_verify_depth (3ssl) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_get_verify_mode (3ssl) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_get_verify_result (3ssl) - get result of peer certificate verification
SSL_load_client_CA_file (3ssl) - load certificate names from file
SSL_select_current_cert (3ssl) - extra chain certificate processing
SSL_SESSION_get_ex_data (3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_SESSION_get_ex_new_index (3ssl) - internal application specific data func...
SSL_SESSION_set_ex_data (3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_set0_chain (3ssl) - extra chain certificate processing
SSL_set0_chain_cert_store (3ssl) - set certificate verification or chain store
SSL_set0_verify_cert_store (3ssl) - set certificate verification or chain store
SSL_set1_chain (3ssl) - extra chain certificate processing
SSL_set1_chain_cert_store (3ssl) - set certificate verification or chain store
SSL_set1_param (3ssl) - get and set verification parameters
SSL_set1_verify_cert_store (3ssl) - set certificate verification or chain store
SSL_set_cert_cb (3ssl) - handle certificate callback function
SSL_set_client_CA_list (3ssl) - set list of CAs sent to the client when reque...
SSL_set_current_cert (3ssl) - extra chain certificate processing
SSL_set_ex_data (3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_set_max_cert_list (3ssl) - manipulate allowed for the peer's certificate ...
SSL_set_tlsext_status_ocsp_resp (3ssl) - OCSP Certificate Status Request func...
SSL_set_tlsext_status_type (3ssl) - OCSP Certificate Status Request functions
SSL_set_verify (3ssl) - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_set_verify_depth (3ssl) - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_set_verify_result (3ssl) - override result of peer certificate verification
SSL_use_certificate (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_certificate_ASN1 (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_certificate_file (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_PrivateKey (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_PrivateKey_ASN1 (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_PrivateKey_file (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1 (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_file (3ssl) - load certificate and key data
stdbuf (1)           - Run COMMAND, with modified buffering operations for it...
system-auth (5)      - Common configuration file for PAMified services
system-auth-ac (5)   - Common configuration files for PAMified services writt...
systemd-debug-generator (8) - Generator for enabling a runtime debug shell an...
systemd-notify (1)   - Notify service manager about start-up completion and o...
systemd.time (7)     - Time and date specifications
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler (3pm) - Base class for different TAP source handlers
tc-bpf (8)           - BPF programmable classifier and actions for ingress/eg...
tc-pfifo (8)         - Packet limited First In, First Out queue
Tcl_AlertNotifier (3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_AppInit (3)      - perform application-specific initialization
Tcl_ConditionNotify (3) - Tcl thread support
Tcl_CreateEventSource (3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_DeleteAssocData (3) - manage associations of string keys and user specifi...
Tcl_DeleteEvents (3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_DeleteEventSource (3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_FinalizeNotifier (3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_FindExecutable (3) - identify or return the name of the binary file conta...
Tcl_GetAssocData (3) - manage associations of string keys and user specified ...
Tcl_GetCurrentThread (3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_GetNameOfExecutable (3) - identify or return the name of the binary file ...
Tcl_GetServiceMode (3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_InitNotifier (3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_NotifyChannel (3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_QueueEvent (3)   - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_ServiceAll (3)   - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_ServiceEvent (3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_SetAssocData (3) - manage associations of string keys and user specified ...
Tcl_SetMaxBlockTime (3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_SetServiceMode (3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_SetTimer (3)     - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_ThreadAlert (3)  - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_ThreadQueueEvent (3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_UniCharIsAlnum (3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsAlpha (3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsControl (3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsDigit (3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsGraph (3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsLower (3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsPrint (3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsPunct (3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsSpace (3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsUpper (3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsWordChar (3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar charac...
Tcl_WaitForEvent (3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Term::ReadLine (3pm) - Perl interface to various "readline" packages. If no r...
thumbnail (1)        - create a TIFF file with thumbnail images
tiff2bw (1)          - convert a color TIFF image to greyscale
tiff2pdf (1)         - convert a TIFF image to a PDF document
tiff2ps (1)          - convert a TIFF image to
tiff2rgba (1)        - convert a TIFF image to RGBA color space
TIFFbuffer (3tiff)   - I/O buffering control routines
TIFFWriteDirectory (3tiff) - write the current directory in an open TIFF file
TIFFtile (3tiff)     - tile-related utility routines
TIFFcolor (3tiff)    - color conversion routines.
TIFFOpen (3tiff)     - open a TIFF file for reading or writing
TIFFClose (3tiff)    - close a previously opened TIFF file
tiffcmp (1)          - compare two TIFF files
TIFFcodec (3tiff)    - codec-related utility routines
TIFFstrip (3tiff)    - strip-related utility routines
tiffcp (1)           - copy (and possibly convert) a TIFF file
tiffcrop (1)         - select, copy, crop, convert, extract, and/or process o...
TIFFquery (3tiff)    - query routines
TIFFDataWidth (3tiff) - Get the size of TIFF data types
tiffdither (1)       - convert a greyscale image to bilevel using dithering
tiffdump (1)         - print verbatim information about TIFF files
TIFFError (3tiff)    - library error handling interface
TIFFFieldDataType (3tiff) - Get TIFF data type from field information
TIFFFieldName (3tiff) - Get TIFF field name from field information
TIFFFieldPassCount (3tiff) - Get whether to pass a count to TIFFGet/SetField
TIFFFieldReadCount (3tiff) - Get number of values to be read from field
TIFFFieldTag (3tiff) - Get TIFF field tag value from field information
TIFFFieldWriteCount (3tiff) - Get number of values to be written to field
TIFFFlush (3tiff)    - flush pending writes to an open TIFF file
TIFFswab (3tiff)     - byte- and bit-swapping routines
TIFFGetField (3tiff) - get the value(s) of a tag in an open TIFF file
tiffinfo (1)         - print information about TIFF files
tiffmedian (1)       - apply the median cut algorithm to data in a TIFF file
TIFFPrintDirectory (3tiff) - print a description of a TIFF directory
TIFFsize (3tiff)     - return the size of various items associated with an op...
TIFFReadDirectory (3tiff) - get the contents of the next directory in an open...
TIFFReadEncodedStrip (3tiff) - read and decode a strip of data from an open T...
TIFFReadEncodedTile (3tiff) - read and decode a tile of data from an open TIF...
TIFFReadRawStrip (3tiff) - return the undecoded contents of a strip of data f...
TIFFReadRawTile (3tiff) - return an undecoded tile of data from an open TIFF ...
TIFFReadRGBAImage (3tiff) - read and decode an image into a fixed-format raster
TIFFReadRGBAStrip (3tiff) - read and decode an image strip into a fixed-forma...
TIFFReadRGBATile (3tiff) - read and decode an image tile into a fixed-format ...
TIFFReadScanline (3tiff) - read and decode a scanline of data from an open TI...
TIFFReadTile (3tiff) - read and decode a tile of data from an open TIFF file
TIFFRGBAImage (3tiff) - read and decode an image into a raster
tiffset (1)          - set a field in a TIFF header
TIFFSetDirectory (3tiff) - set the current directory for an open TIFF file
TIFFSetField (3tiff) - set the value(s) of a tag in a TIFF file open for writing
TIFFWarning (3tiff)  - library warning interface
tiffsplit (1)        - split a multi-image TIFF into single-image TIFF files
tifftopnm (1)        - convert a TIFF file into a PNM image
TIFFWriteEncodedStrip (3tiff) - compress and write a strip of data to an open...
TIFFWriteEncodedTile (3tiff) - compress and write a tile of data to an open T...
TIFFWriteRawStrip (3tiff) - write a strip of raw data to an open TIFF file
TIFFWriteRawTile (3tiff) - write a tile of raw data to an open TIFF file
TIFFWriteScanline (3tiff) - write a scanline to an open TIFF file
TIFFWriteTile (3tiff) - encode and write a tile of data to an open TIFF file
tk_bisque (n)        - Modify the Tk color palette
tk_setPalette (n)    - Modify the Tk color palette
tknewsbiff (1)       - pop up a window when news appears
truncate (1)         - shrink or extend the size of a file to the specified size
tuned-adm (8)        - command line tool for switching between different tuni...
types.db (5)         - Data-set specifications for the system statistics coll...
UI_add_verify_string (3ssl) - New User Interface
UI_dup_verify_string (3ssl) - New User Interface
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5 (3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unic...
Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312 (3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Un...
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean (3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Un...
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin (3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Un...
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke (3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Un...
unix_chkpwd (8)      - Helper binary that verifies the password of the curren...
unlink (1)           - call the unlink function to remove the specified file
UNLISTEN (7)         - stop listening for a notification
update-ca-trust (8)  - manage consolidated and dynamic configuration of CA ce...
uplevel (n)          - Execute a script in a different stack frame
upvar (n)            - Create link to variable in a different stack frame
URI (3pm)            - Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)
URI::ldap (3pm)      - LDAP Uniform Resource Locators
URI::URL (3pm)       - Uniform Resource Locators
usermod (8)          - modify a user account
usernetctl (8)       - allow a user to manipulate a network interface if perm...
uuid (3)             - DCE compatible Universally Unique Identifier library
variables (5)        - Format of specifying variable names to SNMP tools.
verify (1ssl)        - Utility to verify certificates.
verifytree (1)       - verify that a local yum repository is consistent
vimdiff (1)          - edit two, three or four versions of a file with Vim an...
virt-what (1)        - detect if we are running in a virtual machine
vmsish (3pm)         - Perl pragma to control VMS-specific language features
x509 (1ssl)          - Certificate display and signing utility
x509 (3ssl)          - X.509 certificate handling
X509_check_email (3ssl) - X.509 certificate matching
X509_check_host (3ssl) - X.509 certificate matching
X509_check_ip (3ssl) - X.509 certificate matching
X509_check_ip_asc (3ssl) - X.509 certificate matching
X509_free (3ssl)     - X509 certificate ASN1 allocation functions
X509_NAME_add_entry (3ssl) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID (3ssl) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_add_entry_by_OBJ (3ssl) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt (3ssl) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_delete_entry (3ssl) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_new (3ssl)      - X509 certificate ASN1 allocation functions
X509_STORE_CTX_get1_chain (3ssl) - get or set certificate verification status...
X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert (3ssl) - get or set certificate verification ...
X509_STORE_CTX_get_error (3ssl) - get or set certificate verification status ...
X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth (3ssl) - get or set certificate verification s...
X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data (3ssl) - add application specific data to X509_STO...
X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_new_index (3ssl) - add application specific data to X50...
X509_STORE_CTX_set_error (3ssl) - get or set certificate verification status ...
X509_STORE_CTX_set_ex_data (3ssl) - add application specific data to X509_STO...
X509_STORE_CTX_set_verify_cb (3ssl) - set verification callback
X509_STORE_set_verify_cb (3ssl) - set verification callback
X509_STORE_set_verify_cb_func (3ssl) - set verification callback
X509_verify_cert (3ssl) - discover and verify X509 certificte chain
X509_verify_cert_error_string (3ssl) - get or set certificate verification st...
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_add0_policy (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_add1_host (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_clear_flags (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_get0_peername (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_get_depth (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_get_flags (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_email (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_host (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_ip (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_ip_asc (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_policies (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_depth (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_flags (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_hostflags (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_purpose (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_time (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_trust (3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
x509v3_config (5ssl) - X509 V3 certificate extension configuration format
x86_energy_perf_policy (8) - Manage Energy vs. Performance Policy via x86 Mod...
XButtonEvent (3)     - KeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, and ...
xcb_circulate_notify_event_t (3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
xcb_colormap_notify_event_t (3) - the colormap for some window changed
xcb_configure_notify_event_t (3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
xcb_create_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_damage_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_destroy_notify_event_t (3) - a window is destroyed
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_scre... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_scre... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_scre... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_unch... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_wind... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_wind... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri3_get_supported_modifiers_wind... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_enter_notify_event_t (3) - the pointer is in a different window
xcb_get_modifier_mapping (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_modifier_mapping_keycodes (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_modifier_mapping_keycodes_end (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_modifier_mapping_keycodes_length (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_modifier_mapping_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_modifier_mapping_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_gravity_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_button_state_notify_... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_key_state_notify_eve... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_mapping_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_presence_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_property_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_state_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_modifier_mapping (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_modifier_mapping... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_modifier_mapping... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_passive_grab_device_modi... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_passive_grab_device_modi... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_xi_passive_grab_device_modi... (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_intern_atom (3)  - Get atom identifier by name
xcb_intern_atom_reply (3) - Get atom identifier by name
xcb_intern_atom_unchecked (3) - Get atom identifier by name
xcb_keymap_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_map_notify_event_t (3) - a window was mapped
xcb_mapping_notify_event_t (3) - keyboard mapping changed
xcb_motion_notify_event_t (3) - a key was pressed
xcb_present_complete_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_present_configure_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_present_idle_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_present_notify_msc (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_present_notify_msc_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_present_redirect_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_property_notify_event_t (3) - a window property changed
xcb_query_extension (3) - check if extension is present
xcb_query_extension_reply (3) - check if extension is present
xcb_query_extension_unchecked (3) - check if extension is present
xcb_randr_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_screen_change_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_reparent_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selection_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_modifier_mapping (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_modifier_mapping_reply (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_modifier_mapping_unchecked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_alarm_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_counter_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_unmap_notify_event_t (3) - a window is unmapped
xcb_visibility_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_attribut_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_cursor_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_selection_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_access_x_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_bell_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_compat_map_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_controls_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_extension_device_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_indicator_map_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_indicator_state_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_map_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_names_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_new_keyboard_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_state_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_port_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_select_port_notify (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_select_port_notify_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_select_video_notify (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_select_video_notify_checked (3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_video_notify_event_t (3) - (unknown subject)
XCheckIfEvent (3)    - check the event queue with a predicate procedure
XCirculateEvent (3)  - CirculateNotify event structure
XcmsCCCOfColormap (3) - query and modify CCC of a colormap
XcmsConvertColors (3) - convert CCC color specifications
XcmsQueryBlack (3)   - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color sp...
XcmsQueryBlue (3)    - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color sp...
XcmsQueryGreen (3)   - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color sp...
XcmsQueryRed (3)     - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color sp...
XcmsQueryWhite (3)   - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color sp...
XcmsSetCCCOfColormap (3) - query and modify CCC of a colormap
XcmsSetWhiteAdjustProc (3) - modifying CCC attributes
XcmsSetWhitePoint (3) - modifying CCC attributes
XColormapEvent (3)   - ColormapNotify event structure
XConfigureEvent (3)  - ConfigureNotify event structure
XCreateWindowEvent (3) - CreateNotify event structure
XCrossingEvent (3)   - EnterNotify and LeaveNotify event structure
XDeleteModifiermapEntry (3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encod...
XDestroyWindowEvent (3) - DestroyNotify event structure
XEmptyRegion (3)     - determine if regions are empty or equal
XEqualRegion (3)     - determine if regions are empty or equal
XFreeModifiermap (3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding str...
XGetModifierMapping (3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding ...
XGravityEvent (3)    - GravityNotify event structure
XIconifyWindow (3)   - manipulate top-level windows
XIfEvent (3)         - check the event queue with a predicate procedure
XInsertModifiermapEntry (3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encod...
XkbAllocCompatMap (3) - Allocate a new compatibility map if you do not alread...
XkbAllocGeomSectionDoodads (3) - Allocate doodads that are specific to a section
XkbChangeMap (3)     - Update only partial components of a keyboard descripti...
XkbGetGeometry (3)   - Loads a keyboard geometry if you already have the keyb...
XkbGetIndicatorMap (3) - Gets the map for one or more indicators, using a mas...
XkbGetKeyModifierMap (3) - Update the modifier map for one or more of the key...
XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap (3) - Obtain the virtual modifier map (the vmodmap arr...
XkbGetVirtualMods (3) - Obtain a subset of the virtual modifier bindings (the...
XkbKeyActionEntry (3) - Returns a pointer to the key action corresponding to ...
XkbKeycodeToKeysym (3) - Finds the keysym bound to a particular key at a spec...
XkbKeyHasActions (3) - Determines if the key corresponding to keycode has any...
XkbKeySymEntry (3)   - Returns the keysym corresponding to shift level shift ...
XkbKeysymToModifiers (3) - Finds the set of modifiers bound to a particular k...
XkbLatchModifiers (3) - Latches and unlatches any of the eight real keyboard ...
XkbLockModifiers (3) - Locks and unlocks any of the eight real keyboard modif...
XkbModActionVMods (3) - Returns the vmods1 and vmods2 fields of act converted...
XkbNoteControlsChanges (3) - Notes the changes in a changes structure when a ...
XkbNoteDeviceChanges (3) - Note device changes reported in an XkbExtensionDev...
XkbSelectEventDetails (3) - Selects or deselects for a specific Xkb event and...
XkbSetCompatMap (3)  - Modify the server's compatibility map
XkbSetControls (3)   - Copies changes to the X server based on a modified ctr...
XkbSetDeviceInfo (3) - Modify some or all of the characteristics of an X Inpu...
XkbSetIgnoreLockMods (3) - Sets the modifiers that, if locked, are not to be ...
XkbSetIndicatorMap (3) - Downloads the changes to the server based on modific...
XkbSetModActionVMods (3) - Sets the vmods1 and vmods2 fields of act using the...
XkbSetNamedDeviceIndicator (3) - Names an indicator if it is not already name...
XkbSetNamedIndicator (3) - Names an indicator if it is not already named; tog...
XkbSetServerInternalMods (3) - Sets the modifiers that are consumed by the se...
XkbTranslateKeyCode (3) - Translate a keycode to a key symbol and modifiers
XkbVirtualModsToReal (3) - Determines the mapping of virtual modifiers to cor...
XKeyEvent (3)        - KeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, and ...
XKeymapEvent (3)     - KeymapNotify event structure
XMapEvent (3)        - MapNotify and MappingNotify event structures
XMappingEvent (3)    - MapNotify and MappingNotify event structures
XML::LibXML::ErrNo (3pm) - Structured Errors This module is based on xmlerror...
xmlwf (1)            - Determines if an XML document is well-formed
XModifierKeymap (3)  - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding str...
xmodmap (1)          - utility for modifying keymaps and pointer button mappi...
XMotionEvent (3)     - KeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, and ...
XNewModifiermap (3)  - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding str...
XPeekIfEvent (3)     - check the event queue with a predicate procedure
XPointInRegion (3)   - determine if regions are empty or equal
XPropertyEvent (3)   - PropertyNotify event structure
XRectInRegion (3)    - determine if regions are empty or equal
XReparentEvent (3)   - ReparentNotify event structure
XSelectionEvent (3)  - SelectionNotify event structure
XSetLocaleModifiers (3) - determine locale support and configure locale modif...
XSetModifierMapping (3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding ...
XSupportsLocale (3)  - determine locale support and configure locale modifiers
XUnmapEvent (3)      - UnmapNotify event structure
XVisibilityEvent (3) - VisibilityNotify event structure
xzdiff (1)           - compare compressed files
yum (8)              - Yellowdog Updater Modified
yum-shell (8)        - Yellowdog Updater Modified shell
zdiff (1)            - compare compressed files

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