Tk(3pm) - phpMan

Command: man perldoc info search(apropos)  

atktopbm (1)         - convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to PBM
clipboard (n)        - Manipulate Tk clipboard
colors (n)           - symbolic color names recognized by Tk
cursors (n)          - mouse cursors available in Tk
dnssec-importkey (8) - import DNSKEY records from external systems so they ca...
getkeycodes (8)      - print kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table
getkeycreatecon (3)  - get or set the SELinux security context used for creat...
getkeycreatecon_raw (3) - get or set the SELinux security context used for cr...
gtk-launch (1)       - Launch an application
gtk-query-immodules-3.0 (1) - Input method module registration utility
gtk-query-immodules-3.0-64 (1) - Input method module registration utility
gtk-update-icon-cache (1) - Icon theme caching utility
keysyms (n)          - keysyms recognized by Tk
LastKnownRequestProcessed (3) - Display macros and functions
loadTk (n)           - Load Tk into a safe interpreter.
pbmtoatk (1)         - convert a PBM image to a Andrew Toolkit raster object
Pod::Perldoc::ToTk (3pm) - let Perldoc use Tk::Pod to render Pod
setkeycodes (8)      - load kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table entries
setkeycreatecon (3)  - get or set the SELinux security context used for creat...
setkeycreatecon_raw (3) - get or set the SELinux security context used for cr...
Tcl_DictObjPutKeyList (3) - manipulate Tcl objects as dictionaries
tk (n)               - Manipulate Tk internal state
tk_bindForTraversal (n) - Obsolete support for menu bars
tk_bisque (n)        - Modify the Tk color palette
tk_chooseColor (n)   - pops up a dialog box for the user to select a color.
tk_chooseDirectory (n) - pops up a dialog box for the user to select a direct...
tk_dialog (n)        - Create modal dialog and wait for response
tk_focusFollowsMouse (n) - Utility procedures for managing the input focus.
tk_focusNext (n)     - Utility procedures for managing the input focus.
tk_focusPrev (n)     - Utility procedures for managing the input focus.
tk_getOpenFile (n)   - pop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to o...
tk_getSaveFile (n)   - pop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to o...
tk_menuBar (n)       - Obsolete support for menu bars
tk_menuSetFocus (n)  - Create and manipulate menu widgets
tk_messageBox (n)    - pops up a message window and waits for user response.
tk_optionMenu (n)    - Create an option menubutton and its menu
tk_popup (n)         - Post a popup menu
tk_setPalette (n)    - Modify the Tk color palette
tk_textCopy (n)      - Create and manipulate text widgets
tk_textCut (n)       - Create and manipulate text widgets
tk_textPaste (n)     - Create and manipulate text widgets
tkerror (n)          - Command invoked to process background errors
tknewsbiff (1)       - pop up a window when news appears
tkvars (n)           - Variables used or set by Tk
tkwait (n)           - Wait for variable to change or window to be destroyed
ttk::button (n)      - Widget that issues a command when pressed
ttk::checkbutton (n) - On/off widget
ttk::combobox (n)    - text field with popdown selection list
ttk::entry (n)       - Editable text field widget
ttk::frame (n)       - Simple container widget
ttk::intro (n)       - Introduction to the Tk theme engine
ttk::label (n)       - Display a text string and/or image
ttk::labelframe (n)  - Container widget with optional label
ttk::menubutton (n)  - Widget that pops down a menu when pressed
ttk::notebook (n)    - Multi-paned container widget
ttk::panedwindow (n) - Multi-pane container window
ttk::progressbar (n) - Provide progress feedback
ttk::radiobutton (n) - Mutually exclusive option widget
ttk::scale (n)       - Create and manipulate a scale widget
ttk::scrollbar (n)   - Control the viewport of a scrollable widget
ttk::separator (n)   - Separator bar
ttk::sizegrip (n)    - Bottom-right corner resize widget
ttk::spinbox (n)     - Selecting text field widget
ttk::style (n)       - Manipulate style database
ttk::treeview (n)    - hierarchical multicolumn data display widget
ttk::widget (n)      - Standard options and commands supported by Tk themed w...
ttk_image (n)        - Define an element based on an image
ttk_vsapi (n)        - Define a Microsoft Visual Styles element
XGetKeyboardControl (3) - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control s...
XGetKeyboardMapping (3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding ...
XkbGetAutoRepeatRate (3) - Gets the current attributes of the RepeatKeys cont...
XkbGetKeyActions (3) - Update the actions (the key_acts array) for a subset o...
XkbGetKeyBehaviors (3) - Obtain the behaviors (the behaviors array) for a sub...
XkbGetKeyboard (3)   - Retrieves one or more components of a keyboard device ...
XkbGetKeyboardByName (3) - Build a new keyboard description from a set of nam...
XkbGetKeyExplicitComponents (3) - Obtain the explicit components (the explici...
XkbGetKeyModifierMap (3) - Update the modifier map for one or more of the key...
XkbGetKeySyms (3)    - Obtain the symbols for a subset of the keys in a keybo...
XkbGetKeyTypes (3)   - Obtain the list of available key types in the server's...
XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap (3) - Obtain the virtual modifier map (the vmodmap arr...
XkbSetAutoRepeatRate (3) - Sets the attributes of the RepeatKeys control for ...

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